Vidéo de 40 minutes produite, filmée et réalisée par Bérangère, étudiante en droit à Montpellier. Avant première le 15 mars 2000 au Bicycle Store de Montpellier. Musiques variées, montage soigné. Worlds en Espagne Jam Cream Contest BASS de Tignes Glissexpo Interview de Bérangère dans Inside: Depuis le FISE de Palavas en 1999, j'ai commencé à filmer, comme ça, pour m'amuser, pour les souvenirs et puis au fur et à mesure, j'avais environ 35 heures de bande et je me suis dit que j'allais faire une vidéo parce que j'avais le matériel pour le montage sur ordinateur. (...) |
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Produced by Brandon Fenton. Flatland only. Released in 2001. Length 22 min. Reviews: BMX Action april 2001, Ride BMX US april 2001, ... Jared Souney, Ride BMX US, april 2001: Entertainment Quality: * /5 Production Quality: ** /5 "E-Clips" features two riders: Brandon Fenton and CHASE, who l've decided shall now be known in all capital letters. If anyone is deserving of a one-word title in all caps, it's CHASE. I don't know where artists like Prince and Madonna get off using one name when CHASE is on the scene. This video marked the first time I really got to see what Brandon Fenton s all about. l'd seen him ride at Burning Bike last year, but that didn't do him justice. Ho had some really cool combos in this video. CHASE's, of course, a master of his domain. He has more bike control than a human should have, and watching him leaves your jaw hanging below your belt. A video made up of only two guys could really suck, but not if CHASE is involved. I might suggest watching this, and then watching "Dorkin' Ten," because CHASE does some even more incredible stuif in that ! |
![]() | All brakeless flatland video featuring Canadian Pros, Chase Gouin and Brandon Fenton. These 2 guys do more than just fill the timeslot-- it's packed with back-to-back progressive tricks. Brandon and Chase each display their own unique styles and advanced combinations. Filmed over the course of a year. Only the best tricks were selected for this one of a kind exclusive release. Brandon proves his exceptional balance and technical ability. Chase pushes limits once again with power and precision. Some highlights include backwards rolling, triple around the bars wheelchair and triple brakeless decade. Worth every penny! Jamie McIntosh, E-clips is one of the best flatland videos that I have seen in a long time. It features Brandon Fenton and Chase Gouin (both Canadians). Brandon has improved so much over the past couple of years. Every time I see him ride he has a bunch of crazy new tricks. This video is no exception with tricks like rolling backwards around-the-world. Now, with no disrespect to Brandon, Chase pretty much rules this video. Chase is simply on a whole different level than any flatlander around. He does a ton of whiplash and decade variations that are simply amazing. He also does a number of rolling and spinning tricks that have to be seen to be believed. Some of the video footage is not great quality, but the riding definitely makes up for it. Both riders are pushing what can be done on a bike which is great to see. Add this one to your collection. You won't regret it. | |
Flatland Fugitive | |
29 minutes long video edited by Nate Hanson and Mike Ocoboc. Filming: Mike Ocoboc, Nate Hanson, Sean McKinney. Cast: Sean McKinney, Leo Dumlao, Andrew Arroyo, Ivan Plascencia, Edgar Plascencia, Nate Hanson, Mike Ocoboc, sean Peters, Jesse Puente, Richard Zabzdyr, Day Smith, Craig Wheeler. Cette vidéo du milieu des années 90 nous montre un peu de riding (90% flat) de la côte ouest des Etats Unis d'Amérique. Elle est découpée en une dizaine de séquences associées à des musiques variées. On découvre ainsi le Monster, Sean McKinney avec entre autres un regular death truck straight to forward rope a roni en tenant les pegs. Viennent ensuite le jeune Leo Dumlao, puis le grand Nate Hanson avec son riding tout fluide. The boy, Mike Ocoboc fait un tour de mini rampe et rentre par exemple toothpick debout sur les pegs arrières. On a ensuite droit à une petite séquence de flat avec Zabzdyr et Puente enregistrée sur ESPN2. Sean Peters spins fast de toutes les manières possibles notamment sur la roue avant et debout sur la pédale. Suite à son dramatique accident de voiture, Edgar Plascencia n'a pas retrouvé tout son riding mais il s'amuse à faire des perverts avec son pneu arrière creuvé. On a aussi droit à des séquences où apparaissent tous les riders de la vidéo dont en plus de ceux déjà cités Day Smith et Andrew Arroyo. | |
Focus | |
Jared Souney, Focus: A Flatland only Film, $23 By Powell Productions Rating: 3-1/2 I ride flatland, but I generally don't like "flatland" videos. There are exceptions, like the "Dorkin' in York" and "Baco" videos. I wouldn't put "Focus" quite in the same league as those -I wouldn't put much of anything in that league- but I did like it, and I would consider it one of my exceptions. I've always liked the style of the riders from Ohio, ever since the days of Carl Potts' "From Fairborne" videos. "Focus" showcases some great riding from Dave Schaefer, Brian Rybak, Scott Powell, and Chase Gouin. Chase isn't in very many videos these days, so if you're a Chase fan, you need to buy this video. A lot of the tricks in this video are ones that "new-school" flatland riders seem to be getting away from, and I was really glad to see them. That's definitely not to say there are old tricks in this video. The combos are original, and the style is classic. It was refreshing to see up-to-date links with an old rolling, or spinning style. Flatland riders, this one is for you. |
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Free Style Flatlands | |
A video documentary of the NFA 1985 Grand National Freestyle Championships, featuring..The Pros! R.L.Osborn, Mike Dominiquez, Woody Itson and more. The place is the Timonium Fairground's Cow Palace, Maryland..The Time is December 1985..The Event is the NFA Grand National Championships. This is 1986 video is 30 minutes long. | ![]() |
Freestylin | |
Freestylin U.S.A. contains some of the world's hottest old school freestylers that perform flatland freestyle, aggro street style, and high flying vertical stunts. The actions hot, and so is the music. It's freestylin' U.S.A. Starring Rick Allison, Brian Blyther, Trevor Hernandez, David Nori, Marty Schlesinger, Eddie Roman, Karl Rothe and David Voelker. Music by Hurricane, Metal MC, and MX Machine. Simitar Entertainment production, Color, 48 minutes. | ![]() |
Freestylin Fanatics | |
30' long video released in 1988 by UNREEL productions inc. Produced and directed by Brian Gillogly. Executive producer: Brad Dorfman. This film captures the most exciting and up to the minute action taking place in the world of freestyle BMX bicycling. See the top pros performing outrageous aerial maneuvers, and the newest, most bizarre forms of flatland freestyle. Eric Rothenbusch,, december 2003: Merci famille Dehove pour cette cassette qui m'a fait plonger moi et l'ensemble de mon entourage (bmx ou non) dans le fabuleux univers du bmx freestyle à la fin des années 80. La vidéo est sponsorisée par Vision Street Wear qui fournissait apparement le déguisement obligatoire pour la majorité des riders de l'époque. The young dudes (Chris Day, Nathan Shimazu, Jeff Cotter, Chad Johnston, Leo Chen, Pete Augustin, Ron Camero et Scott Robinson) ouvrent le bal avec du sol. On découvre ainsi les premiers megaspins mais aussi undertaker, decade, surfer, gripstand et surtout un extraordinaire fly boomerang superman avec les jambes à la verticale par Nathan Shimazu. Un petit peu de halfpipe ensuite avec un contest AFA à Palm Spring CA. et un KOV à Leucadia en Californie aussi. La section suivante est d'anthologie, il s'agit de l'infamous outlaw routine de Dave Vanderspek pendant un contest AFA. Indescriptible... il faut le voir. La vidéo se poursuit avec une interview de Brian Blyther doublée par Ron Wilkerson (ça aussi il faut le voir pour comprendre), un petit passage de Krys Dauchy et enfin Brian Blyther et Dave Voelker qui font du trial sur des voitures. On passe aux choses sérieuses avec DMC qui rentre des combos rapides, du cherrypicker et un hang 5 to whip to frontyard au sol puis 270 drop'in et cancan lookback en rampe. On continue avec R.L. Osborn (General) et Ron Wilkerson qui fait pedal picker drop in et nothing en rampe. Un petit flashback avec Brian Blyther dans le pipeline d'Upland en 1985. Martin Aparijo rentre des cowboys no hand barspin, backward gripstand, pedalpicker to decade et backyard avec du mal. Woody Itson rentre des enchaînements plus récents (relativement) avec troley (une sorte de squeak en death truck) et caboose no hand. Voilà donc une très bonne vidéo de plus à regarder en famille. |
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Brad Fanshaw was the Director of worldwide marketing for Vision Sports in the 80's. Vision was the manufacturer of Vision Street Wear, Sims Snowboards and other notable brands. Fanshaw was one of the first to feature BMX, snowboarding and skateboarding on T.V. with in-house producers, UnReel Productions. Prior to Vision, Fanshaw was Vice President of the American Bicycle Association and he was once a Pro BMX rider himself. | |
Going Postal | |
If you are looking for high speed BMX coverage, then Going Postal is where it's at. Following a season of racing and trails riding, this video shows the fastest pros, ams, and juniors in the US race scene. Good moves, riding skills, crashes, it's fast moving and really shows what racing is all about. This also features KOD action from various events and trails - five Nationals and five sets of trails, with Leveque, Foster Bros, Mike King, and more. | ![]() |
High Action BMX | |
Released in 1986. Watch the country's greatest BMX riders. Young pros attempt the toughest tricks such as 1)Boo Monkeys 2)Vanderstand etc. The running time of this video is approximately 30 minutes in duration. |
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BMX Freestyle: Hot, Rad & Trick ! 1986 BMX Freestyle video from Simitar Entertainment. 30 minutes long. Witness the excitement and thrill of BMX Freestyle, set to a fantastic stereo soundtrack. See these amazing BMX Freestyle tricks: CHERRY PICKER, BOOMERANG, BACKWARD WHEELIE, CYCLE SURF, INFINITY SPINNER, AND MANY MORE ! Bonus Great Skateboarding & Snowboarding Tricks. The riders in this video are experienced professionals with years of training and practice. These tricks should not be attempted by untrained persons. Training should always be done under supervision wearing full safety gear. |
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How I Wasted My Summer | |
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Metalmorphosis - Reaction | |
Reaction's new video for 2000 features some of the best mini ramp riding, street riding, and flatland around. A trick rate un-matched by any other video, Metalmorphosis has it all - sessions at skateparks, solitary street missions, mini ramp jams, it's all here. Digital editing, the odd lightning bolt, long handrails, and Rob Ridge pulling a tailwhip abubaca to decade back in. 45 minutes. | ![]() |
The beginning | |
Starring Mike Aitken, T.J "Pantyboy" Stultz, Ryan "Yoda" Chicaraishi, Matt Beringer, Justin Miljour, Tim "Fuzzy" Hall, T.J Lavin, Shawn "Elf" Walters, and the people they've met in their travels. Filmed mostly on location in Utah, this video marks the end of the 39th street trails, the great riding of some unknown riders, and plenty of other stupid things we did in the last four years to entertain ourselves. |
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VOLUME ZERO | | Thirteen Enterprises presents Volume Zero, the beginning of a new series of videos from Thirteen with amazing street, trail and skatepark riding. Volume Zero brings you the talent of some of the best BMX riding from the Thirteen team and many other top pro riders in our sport. You will view the variety of styles, tricks and determination that these riders have to offer. Trail riding from Shaun Butler, Matt Pohlkamp, Todd Walkowiak, Ruben Alcantara, Josh Cornell and more. Craze street and ramp riding from Adam Ford, Adam Volk, Josh Surry, Herb Hill, Dave "The Bastard" Jacobs, Colin Winkelman, Matt Bischoff, Chad Shackleford, Ben Taylor, Mike Sherman and many other riders. Volume Zero brings you the smooth, technical side of our sport as well as the burly side. The soundtrack of this video contains heavy aggressive bands like Unida, Disengage, Nebula, The Atomic Bitchwax, Sixty Watt Shaman and many others. If you are looking for a video to get you psyched on riding, you've found it! | ![]() |