1970 | DOB: september 7, 1970. | ![]() Chris Moeller 1983. ![]() |
early years | RACING. Chris started racing in 1982 at Orange Y BMX. As a friend of the Long Family (Rich Long/GT Bicycles), Chris got his start in the BMX industry working for Rich at age 12. BIG O SKATEPARK. Photo of Chris Moeller riding the Big O Skatepark when he was 12 years old. Notice the GT padset. ROBINSON. In 1984, he worked for Chuck Robinson in the office of Robinson Racing and rode on the Robinson Support Team. MAD DOG. Chris Moeller, www.thecomeupboard.com, december 2008: "Mad Dog" is one of the lamest nick names ever. Besides "Flyin Brian", "Knarly Nick", "Insane Wayne", and "Radical Rick", I can't think of anything I'd rather not be called. Keep in mind I got this name in high school wrestling and it was pushed into the BMX media by a guy called "Gork", a name given to people with long necks! |
1986 | PEDDLEPOWER. During the 1986 season, Chris rode for the National #1 Bike Shop team, Peddlepower, and helped test forks and frames for Privateer Bicycles. BMX ACTION TEST RIDER. Chris Moeller became a test rider for BMX Action Magazine. Chris: A long time ago I did a "Local Thrashin", and I was there and they were. And they needed a test rider, a medium-sized test rider, and I was medium- sized, so they got my phone number from my friend Mike Smith and they called me and then I test rode for them. Chris, www.os-bmx.com, april 2008: I started test riding for Gork and BMXA right after they did a Local Thrashin' article on our Lucky's trails in Huntington Beach in late 1986. I think my first test was a Raleigh 777 I rode at some trails in Santa Ana in late 86/early 87. I guess I got the job after Gork saw me ride at Lucky's. I was 16 when I started doing that. It was a lot of fun wrecking those bikes and I got paid. Plus I got my hands on a lot of parts that I could use or sell. Chris Moeller, www.facebook.com, february 2016: BMX Action magazine October 1986 issue. I was 15 years old, working part time for Chuck Robinson and racing on the Robinson Support team. This was my first photo shoot as the next BMX Action Test Team member shot over a road jump in an Huntington Beach oil field. Thank you @bmxergork for the opportunity ! Photo by Windy Osborn. |
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1987 | BMX ACTION COVER. No foot one hand on the cover of BMX Action february 1987. Started S&M Bicycles in Santa Ana, CA in 1987. Chris Moeller, Cream february 2007: When we started it then there just wasn't anybody making the kind of bikes that we wanted. I grew up around the Long family, Richard Long who started and owned GT, so from 12 years old on I'd been around it and worked in that business with them and there was a lot of manufacturing going on in this area so it was pretty easy. The first bikes were made by Cook Brothers. My partner at the time was working in a bike shop, he was a little older than me and he had a lot of connections so he made that possible. Some kind of decided what type of frame me would like to make and we found somebody right in the area to make it. Chris Moeller, Bicross magazine novembre 1987: Je suis testeur pour BMX Action mais pas seulement. J'ai aussi créé ma propre compagnie qui s'appelle S and M Bicycle, depuis deux mois. J'ai créé cette entreprise avec un ami. Nous avons mis en commun nos économies et nous sommes les patrons de S and M. Nous commençons la fabrication de nos propres vélos. Je roulais à Bercy sur un de ces prototypes. In 1987, he started doing editorial work at Wizard Publications (BMX ACTION and Freestylin'). ABA MR. JUMPING CONTEST III & IV: BMX Action november 1987: M.J.C. round III was held at ABA's Mile High National in Colorado. The ABA put up the 100 dollar purse themselves, this time. And finally, ACTION's terrifying tester, Mad Dog, got to square off with the smoothest guy in Utah, Tim "Fuzzy" Hall -both featured on this month's cover. Over the doubles, the Dog built up to his latest thrill -a 360. Fuzzy, not to be outdone, tried a 360 for his first time, landing it super smooth. Then, to the eardrum-breaking cheers of the crowd. M.D. went for something he's been thinking about but hadn't ever attempted -a 720. He completed both rotations and ALMOST pulled it off. A slight hang-up of the front wheel threw him. It seemed like the crowd was on Fuzzy's side-cheering for smoothness over insanity. That was, until Mad Dog pulled off a fully-extended no-hander no-footer. Chris "Mad Dog Moeller held on for his third win. BMX Action november 1987: Then came the Lumberjack Nationals in Eugene, Oregon for Round Four. This time, M.D.'s main comp was 14-year-old Brian Hernandez -an Irvine "Wall'' local and part-time trainee of the Dog. Despite Chris doings double cancan, a can-can Hannah, a 360 into the crowd, and a clean nofooter/one-hander, Hernandez wowed the packed sidelines with numerous no-handed variations. It was real close, but the ABA decided the crowd screamed louder for Hernandez. Applause meters should be ordered. Chris "Mad Dog" Moeller and Tim "Fuzzy" Hall on the cover of BMX Action november 1987. 4ème édition du Bicross International de Paris Bercy. Chris Moeller, Bicross magazine: Le week end qui suit, nous avons une course extrêmement importante et j'ai beaucoup hésité à venir à Bercy. Les gens autour de moi ont insisté pour que j'y aille et je ne le regrette pas. C'est la course la plus radicale que j'ai jamais vue. La piste était un peu molle, c'était dommage pour le spectacle. J'adore les sauts et j'ai été un peu frustré. Mais c'est super ici. J'espère qu'on me ré-invitera. Interview réalisée en novembre 1987 pour le Bicross magazine #64 de janvier 1988. |
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1988 | Cover of BMX Action february 1988. Nothing testing the Skyway 300TA for BMX Action april 1988. Photo by Spike Jonze. Cover of Freestylin june 1988. |
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1989 | Interview in Aggrorag #10 summer 1989. Chris Moeller: BMX is my job I suppose. I write stories for the ABA and for BMX Action and I freelance and stuff. I never pay my entry fees for the ABA because I write stories and that's how they pay me. They pay my entry fees. So that saves me eighty bucks a weekend. My sponsors are S&M, Airwalk, Life's a Beach, and Dyno. Dyno's good because I can get Dyno stuff and GT stuff. Oh yeah, ODI sponsors me now too. | |
1990 | Chris Moeller, Cream february 2007: That summer in 1990 we were all on the road all summer. That was a good year. Going to races every weekend trying to make some money and then d clinics during the week teaching young kids how to ride and getting paid for that and then going to people's trails and street riding. All it a VW bus all summer. That was probably to me the defining era right there because we were just having a good time riding and partying a lot and you know when it came down to business and we had to get on the track to make a few bucks to put gas in the car we could do it but that's not what we cared about. Won the ABA's "King of Dirt" title in Oklahoma City. | |
1991 | Moeller is GO's staff writer. Roule pour Airwalk shoes. The POW's in air on the cover of BMX Plus! february 1991. Anthony Reyes, Chris Moeller (top center), John Paul Rogers, Eric Millman, Alan Foster, Dave Clymer, Eric Bartoldus and Ralph Byrne. Mad Dog, Go september 1991: Why does everyone think they need a sponsor ? Is it because riding gets expensive, or is it an ego thing designed to vibe people out ? Think about it. Wallride on the cover of the september 1991 issue of Invert. S&M Feel my leg muscles video. |
![]() ![]() Feel my leg muscles. |
1992 | ||
1993 | Chris went over to England for his first Backyard Jam and wound up in the hospital after wrecking himself in front of a huge mob. Brad McDonald and John Paul Rogers co-interview Chris Moeller in Ride BMX US #6 august september 1993 |
![]() Backyard Jam 1993 |
1995 | Interview: Ride BMX UK #18 august 1995. | |
2003 | Partez pour les USA avec une visite chez S&M et Fit Bike avec l’interview du précurseur du dirt et patron de S&M: Le grand Chris Moeller dans le BMXair de septembre 2003. | |
2005 | Bike Company Owner's Bike-Chris Moeller in BMX Plus! february 2005. | |
2007 | Chris Moeller interview about S&M 20 years old anniversary in Cream february 2007. |