Marton Szilagyi, I've always loved cameras and electronic stuffs, I made the first video in '91, used two VCR for editing. Since then I made videos every year, from the mid '90s KHE started to sponsoring me with parts and sponsored my 4th and 5th videos as well. (Fitness, and Parade) One year later Albert and me we made the Flatland School video, an other year later the Cosa Nostra KHE team video. Cosa Nostra was the first video what I edited on my Mac(...) | |
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Trick Stars | |
Patrick Schoolen, It doesn't happen very often but every once in a while I get a flatland video from outside of North America and every time I get one I love it. Sometimes the videos are not that good but I like them anyway just because I get to see so many riders I have never saw before. This video, "Trick Stars", filled my need to see some new people while also being a good video regardless of where it came from. Hungarian rider Marton Szilagyi is responsible for Trick Stars and a lot of the filming takes place in his native country. He also ventures to the 98 Worlds for some footage as well as to the 98 X Games. Have you ever heard of Zolton Barta, Peter Szablocsi, Benjamin Shenker or Pal Gyenes? Probably not but these riders will not disappoint you. Most of the European guys have a really fast spinning style and some incredibly hard links and they brought it all to this video. And the fact that I had hardly heard of them let alone see them ride made it all the better. Besides the "unknown" riders, there is also plenty of riding from flatland mainstays such as Phil Dolan, Martti Kuoppa, Effraim Catlow, Andrew Faris and Nathan Penonzek. With a line up like this, how can you go wrong? |
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Trick Stars II | |
Jon Knight, KHE Trickstars2 is the Latest production from European Video Producer and rider Marton Szilagyi, under the Original Gypsy Label. This is one of the best European Vids I've seen for a while and is a crazy Baco style blend of Flat, ramp, comps and other stuff like breakin, vandalism, buskers, wounds and just generally loonin' around. It starts with an awesome Backward backpacker Juggler attempt by Ulrich (he pulls it later in the vid), then onto Harald Schmid with lots of barflip halfhiker stuff. It then swiches to Pal and Norbert's section with some nice back end junkyard caboose gyrator stuff. Then the guys manage 93 in a 40 speed limit in a go-kart (yes). Then the vid moves onto some X-games footage of Farris, Kuoppa, Myer, Degroot, Catlow and Smith, with a few backflips in between sections. The vid moves onto the world of Ulrich Kittle, seen recently in the UK at the NEC show. Ulrich rips at rolling stuff and can be seen here pulling a million whiplashes and the awesome backward backpacker Juggler. The man himself, Marton Szilagyi, possibly the hardest spelling in BMX rips it up with his ultra fast switchy style in between Ulrich's runs. A small blend of riders sections next including a 'smooth as' dumptruck run from Andy Friday with lots of pedal caboose variants. Left footed back wheel stuff from Robert Voller. Then onto a star feature of the vid some rad breakin from the german guys, simply awesome and has to be seen to be believed. Then finally its back to X-games with Jason Brown, another super fast rider, and Dan Rigby with some front wheel switches. Dolan rips into a real clean long front wheel link for the crew. Kuoppa and his kickflip to crack packer. Farris and more X games footage all blended with the street sections but not too heavy. Quality footage with a quality soundtrack, non prejudice against back wheel tricks and a great vibe to this vid means you can watch it again and again. A real Nice European Vid for tha collection. Riders in order of appearance are: Ulrich Kittel, Daniel Csepku, Harald Schmid, Norbert Big, Pal Gyenes, Zoltan Barta, Viktor Bako, Ben Shenker, Emery Butcher, Zsolt Benko, Robert Voller, Andrew Friday, Leslie Taylor, Marton Szilagyi | ![]() Marton Szilagyi |
Patrick Schoolen, Hungarian Marton Szilagyi stepped it up a notch for his second Trick Stars video. Although the first one was really good, the one thing it lacked was a trick that made you do a double take and really be in awe. You know what I am talking about. Not just a new link or a variation but something really mind-blowing. (to be fair, very few videos have this) So what trick am I talking about? How about rolling backwards backpacker jugglers? While I am sure there are several people around the world working on this trick, a rider by the name of Ulrich Kittel is the first I have saw do it. Ulrich's sections are truly the highlight of this video. Besides this amazing juggler, he also did a ton of other smooth rolling links such as his 3 no-brake-whiplashes to hiker to 2 more no-brake-whiplashes. Also on the video is some great footage from a Euro comp as well as the 99 X Games. This is not the stuff you will catch on ESPN. It is much more in depth. Besides Ulrich Kittel, other riders on the video were Alex Jumelin, Andrew Faris, Dan Rigby, Day Smith, Effraim Catlow, Jason Brown, Martti Kuoppa, Nathan Penonzek, Pal Gyenes, Norbert Big, Steve Mulder, Trevor Meyer and many others. To complement the riding from these guys, editor Marton added a varied soundtrack from the likes of Rob Zombie, James Brown and The Beastie Boys. Add to that some break dancing and you could say this video has flavor! Trick Stars 2 seems to end at 30 minutes which is about normal for most flat videos but it surprises you with about 10 more minutes of great footage AFTER the credits. It makes you feel like you got something for free! But in the end, the video is not quite free but a reasonable $15. |
Trick Stars 3 | |
![]() Chase Gouin. |
The Function Victim | | Contenu ** /5 Image ** /5 Son /5 Voici une vidéo qui remet les pendules à l'heure ! Du Chase pur et dur ! Du sans-freins, du stylé et du " j'maîtrise à mort ". Personnellement, je n'ai jamais été un grand fan de Chase jusqu'à ce que je vois cette vidéo. Je n'ai pas vu du Chase qui bourrine et qui rattrappe de justesse, mais du Chase qui est fluide et stylé. Évidemment, le riding est exceptionnel avec des perverts hallucinants et des whiplashs sur un seul pied qui en disent long sur la maîtrise du garçon ! On regrettera toutefois une chose: 10 minutes de riding, c'est un peu léger... À xxx francs la VHS, ca fait mal au porte-monnaie. À part ces 10 minutes de bonheur, on a droit à des fausses mises en scène digne des pires Hollywood-night ! Un bon point pour la qualité de l'image: il y a des moments où l'on se croirait presque au cinéma ! |
![]() Chase Gouin. |
Bryan Huffman, Chase. In our small slice of the world known as flatland, there's no need for an introduction or a last name. Flatlanders around the world know exactly who you are referring to when you say the word Chase. I've always respected Chase for following his own path and the riding in this video definitely will not let anyone down. The Function Victim "The Chase Gouin Video" is a 25 minute video by Original Gypsy Productions ( and was produced by Marton Szilagyi. Most of the footage was taken during Chase's stay in Portugal and Hungary. Most of the tricks in the video seem to be based on whiplashes and decades and it truly shows just how far you can take a trick and how you can apply a certain style to riding. Personally it is great seeing such progressive tricks that don't involve all the front wheel flippy tricks and hitchhikers that seem to be plaguing flatland as of late. Two examples of the tricks in the video are double decades (rolaids) and multiple (six) one footed whiplashes. There are tons of progressive moves in this video, but what else do you expect? The music in the video seems to fit with Chase's riding and the editing is great. The snapshots and "shoe" scenes get a little old after the first time through, but it's nothing the fast forward button can't fix. I usually base a video good or bad on whether it makes me want to go ride. This video definitely makes me want to go ride so check it out. Peace. |
Trick Stars 4: American Influence | |
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Trick Stars 5: Self realization | |
OG Pictures Presents: Trick Stars Five / "Self-realization", a BMX Flatland Video. This video is all about hardcore flatland. We visited many places and riders to capture their latest tricks, and now we're ready to show you the amazing combos of the following riders: Adam Kun, Martti Kuoppa, Viki Gomez, Bury, Sepy, Nathan Penonzek, Marcos de Jesus, Wolfgang Sauter, Frank Lukas, Pal Gyenes, Alex Jumelin, Michael Sommer, Michael Steingraber, Simon O'Brien, dr. Albert Retey, Ullrich "Geraldo" Kittel, Valter, Monchique, OG Marton and many others. The video features exclusive sections of the best riders that you won't find again in other videos. Locations: Budapest, Ajka/OG contest, Cologne/Worlds & IFMA contest, Portimao, Amsterdam/Flatground 3, and plenty of other spots. If you're looking for the best flatland videos, TS5 is one of them to choose. This will make you watch it over and over again, then want to go out and ride. Duration: 45 minutes. Available in VHS (PAL and NTSC) |
Ben Shenker,, may 2004: TS5 is the latest issue of the Trick Stars series, edited and produced by Marton Szilagyi. Aka OG, Marton was the pioneer of flatland (come to that fs bmx) in Hungary, he has plenty of experience in all parts of the flat-world, and of course is the boss of the OG-crew, quote: Our intention is to show the stress-free side of flatland with riders filmed without the pressure of contests. Huge props to the riders. Self Realization came out last year, but the riding is still well up to date. This flatland-only video has crisp editing, good music and of course outstanding riding. Sections are smooth, thanks to the good choice of music to go with the riders. 40 minutes of footage comes from a variety of locations: Heros Square (Budapest), Red Bull Circle of Balance 02, Braun Flatground, Worlds. The list of riders is long to say the least, from all over: Pal Gyenes, Bury, Sepy start things off, followed by brakeless Mr. Wolfgang Sauter. Geraldo, Frank Lukas, M. Steingraber round up the German group. Portimao, Portugal gets some exposure too, with signature moves from Valter and Monchique (showing unexpected balancing acts). Next up is OG Marton...600 muscles, M. Sommer and Adam Kun-who finishes a cliffhanger with a barspin (?). I`ve never heard of Marcos de Jesus before, but I wish I had. Check his speed. A. Jumelin, M. Kouppa, Yanmar, Panonzek, Gomez from the flatground comp. Simon O`Brien gets the last part -no wonder why- finishing with a link that goes on for ages. I don`t ride flat anymore, so for the most part I had no idea what`s going on trick-wise. So you`ll have to get a copy if you`re into flatland riding at its best. And for the DVD fans, there`s a nice sepia-bonus section although it is a VHS. |
Trick Stars 6 | |, avril 2006: Riders: Simon O'Brien, Adam Kun, Shane Badman, Peter Sarlos, Michael Sommer, Valter Guerreiro, Peter Szabolcsi, Alexis Desolneux, Markus Redlberger, Sebastian Grubinger, Sebastian Pospischil, Laszlo Tivadar, Andras Pentek, Jesse Puente, Viki Gomez, Pete Brandt, Marton Szilagyi,... Bonus: Outtakes", "Summer Gypsy Games 2004" et "Shane Badman's extra part" Durée: 39mn + 14mn de bonus Distribué en France par Asphalt Distribution. 25 euros. Best Tricks: Backward hitchiker avec les 2 pieds sur le guidon de Valter Guerreiro, pedalling time machine jump to x-foot megaspin back pedal (avec crank flip au milieu !!) qui finit en rolling pervert de Simon O'Brien, juggler backpacker caboose to backward death truck to decade de Marton Szilagyi, x-foot whiplash to nose wheelie to links de Markus Redlberger. Avis de la rédaction: Suite des aventures de nos amis hongrois et de leurs road-trips (notamment en France). A l'instar des riders japonais, les hongrois ont un riding stylé et puissant. Ils repoussent encore les limites du flat tant par l'originalité que par la difficulté de leurs tricks. Le seul souci est, comme pour les japonais, qu'ils ont tous à peu prés le même style. En même temps, c'est celui qui est à la mode en ce moment, ça tombe bien (links en spinning). Celui qui sort largement du lot est incontestablement le jeune Adam Kun, le vener de chez vener. Il tourne sur place dans tous les tricks un peu comme Frank Lucas mais avec des pivots et jumps vraiment fous en plus. Son collègue Peter Sarlos n'a rien à lui envier, rien que sa montée en spinning cliffhanger fait mouche à chaque fois, impressionnant ! Le highlight de la vidéo est sans aucun doute la part de Simon O'Brien. Même si elle date un peu, c'est toujours la boucherie avec lui, ne vous fiez pas à son style décontracté style "tout va, bien je gère", l'australien nous sort des jump et kick flip en backward half packer et des boomerang to nose wheelie to whiplash to spinning cliffhanger avec l'aisance d'un koala. Les images sont d'une qualité rare dans les vidéos de bmx. Marton a sorti le matos, même s'il a un poil abusé sur la saturation des couleurs et le contraste sur certains plans, ça donne de bons effets quand même. Ceux qui ont loupé les Gypsy games vont pouvoir se rattraper, c'est l'occasion de voir les riders hongrois inconnus ici car pas de sponsors pour les déplacements. L'occasion aussi de voir Alexis s'énerver en triple whiplash turbine ou Christophe manger son sandwich (tres intéressant !). La zique colle aussi bien aux images, Marton n'a apparemment pas nos contraintes de droit d'auteur et de sacem, ils n'a donc pas à se taper les ziques libre de droit tout juste passables dans un film de boule comme chez nous, petit chanceux va ! La triste nouvelle est que les Gypsy ont décidé d'arrêter le vélo pour se convertir dans les films porno, plus lucratifs selon eux, la Hongrie étant la capitale de ce genre de film, on les comprend. On peut toujours leur filer de la zique si besoin, c'est toujours ça de pris. |
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Trick Stars 7 | |
Running time: over 40 mins + 14 minutes bonus footage Director/ Editor: Marton Szilagyi Carl Bourne,, july 2007: Trick Stars 7 has been out for about a month now, and its initial release had the forum pages buzzing. If pictures really do tell a thousand words, the cover image and CD label from Trick Stars 7 absolutely speak volumes. Never mind trying to work out whether Marcus Redlberger is traveling forwards or backwards, or how he even worked himself into that position; just admire for a moment the lighting and composition of this photo. Its astonishing to see this level of detail on a flatland DVD and this classy theme carries all the way to the end of the production. This movie has everything, great surroundings, truly amazing riding and a good dose of infectious OG Gypsy humour, all blended into a superb selection of music from artists such as Stereo MCs, Swollen Members, DJ Shadow and Kraftwerk. ..Where were we? Oh yes, Mr Redlberger. It is so inspiring to see how much Marcus riding has flowed and progressed since TS6. Not only in terms of his trick box, but the way his riding style has smoothed out is really imageapparent. Its great to watch and appreciate some of his skills here, from the sublime; x-handed whiplashes to x-handed cliff to backward pedal 5 to barflip out, to the ridiculous; 1&Mac218;2 lash to x-footed whip to pedal 5 360 to fwd pedal 5, step down to more whips to pinkys to backwards Karl cru to fwd whip to fwd pedal 5 360 to whips to out. A mini-tour of central Vienna provides a really cool ending to one of my favourite parts of the vid. Valter Guerreiro usually brings a new level of craziness to Trick Stars and for volume 7 he does not disappoint; fwd whiplash to side cliffhanger to whip to side cliff (4 times) to pinky squeaks to hang 10 variations to more lashes to backwards pedal 5 to backwards superman hang 10 (?!) to backward pedal 5 barflip (2 times) to out with a nonchalant rollade to polish off the combo. The OG team riders represent fully in this DVD alongside riders including Matthias Dandois, Shane Badman, Effraim, a clutch of hardcore Hungarian riders and FISE 2006 AM winner Denes Katona. All the riders drop major bombs and a combination of crisp camera shots and tight editing seamlessly link it all together. However there is so much imagemore to TS7 than just blow you away combos and hard as hell links. You have some really nice touches like about a 1/4 hour of bonus footage including a slideshow of Andras stunning still photography, and footage from a Ninja Spin 2006 practise session. Pete Brant, Nathan Penonzek, Terry Adams and Chad Johnson all feature, and you know that front wheel stall that Terry often does between opposite steams and say fwd Karls? Here he extends the stall for about 20 seconds in an unreal display of balance and control, then flicks the bike straight into a hitch. It sounds innocuous enough on paper but looks extremely impressive in real time. Another nice touch is the way OG Marton has captured many of the riders in their natural habitats and allowed the surroundings to form an integral part of the riding segments you are whisked around the planet in a rather Diversion-esque way and the various locations and side footage add tons of depth and interest. And watch out for Pete Brandts riding segment, where he narrates his entire combo whilst riding it! Should you care to witness some of the Trick Stars live, remember that all roads lead to the Vörösmarty Mihály Gimnázium in Ajka, Hungary for the next installment of the OG Games from this Monday 23rd July. If you cant be there, TS7 is without doubt the next best thing A piece of advice: watch this movie during the day because you are guaranteed to want to spend time on your bike immediately after! |