BMX Rider is a magazine being produced in Germany. It is rider run and and rider owned. | |
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issue 1 - may 2012 - first blood Sergio Layos on the cover. Photo by by Vincent Perraud. Mike,, july 2012: BMX RIDER Nummer EINS!! Gut Ding will Weile haben. Wir haben uns die Zeit genommen und servieren Euch die erste Ausgabe, mit aller Hand guten Zutaten: Bikes, Produkte, News, einem Poster und einer ganzen Menge Action. Ab nächste Woche ist es bereits soweit: BMX Rider Magazine steht ab dem 28.08. im Regal aller gut sortierten Zeitschriftenhändler. Wir können es kaum erwarten, wie sieht es mit Dir aus? Editorial: Schönen Guten Tag Lost & Found: News für jedermann Time to Shine: Gallery Fav5: mit Maddog Sergio Layos im Interview Six in the Mix: Es bleibt die Qual der Wahl By The Lake: Kevin Kalkoff lädt ein Voodoo Jam: Flatland aus den USA Spotcheck: Mellowpark NYC: Zu Gast beim Big Apple The Platform: Film & Photo Studio in Cologne Circle of Balance: Zurück in Japan Worlds 2012: let's get the party started Bike Vorstellung & im Check: Cult 18" Nice to have: Produkte im Überfluss Pro Bike Check: mit Ruben Alcantara. Short Talk: mit Timo Schulz, Andi Wohnig und Luis Brethauer Last Call: mit Simon Stevens Ride On! |
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issue 2 - june 2012 Bart de Jong,, october 2012: The second issue of BMX Rider magazine over in Germany has seen the light. The new mag will come with free stickers and has two competitions. In one of them you can win a complete HARO bike. But the 100 pages have plenty articles to offer. Here's the list. - Fav5 with Harry Main - Red Bull Circle Of Balance - Chris Doyle Interview - David against Goliath - 6 Bikes compared - R.evolution Race at the Mellowpark - Vans Kill the Line - No.1 Dirt Contest - Rebel Jam goes Spain - Bruno Hoffman X Federal - Nice to have: Products for you and me - Pro Bike Check: Rob Darden - Short Talk with Adrian Warnken - Selfmade - Footjam - Last Call: with Senad Grosic |
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issue 3 - january 2013 Mike,, december 2012: Ab 18.Dezember liegt die Dritte Ausgabe der BMX Rider für euch im Kiosk oder anständigen BMX-Händler bereit. Ihr wisst, was das bedeutet? Dass ihr Jungs euch nicht verscheißern lasst! Time to Shine: Alles in Schwarz/ Weiss Fav5 mit Daniel Sandoval 4 Bikes 4 You: Bikes für jeden Geldbeutel Kevin Kalkhoff im Interview Texas Toast: Es wird bunt und spassig Im Check: Acht Kurbeln zeigen, was sie können Trails Trip durch Frankreich Spot Check: 040 BMX Park Eindhoven Comin Flatland Contest Nitro Circus: Ein Zirkus ist in der Stadt Red Bull Sky Lines Dew Tour USA Short Talk mit Christop Gröpler und Moritz Wolfram Last Call: Tobias Wicke. |
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issue 4 - march 2013, january 2013: Markus Reuss was let go by Monster Energy and now gets the cover of BMX Rider magazine. Nice timing. It's good to see Markus back on the bike after dealing with too many injuries in 2012. Sweet cover too. Issue 4 has four bike checks from the following brands: Stolen, Stereo, Eastern and JET. Never heard of YET personally but we'll find out when we get to read the new issue which is coming out the first week of February. It also has a report of the Red Bull Ramparanoia in Argentina, where a bunch of riders got to ride some amazing terrain in the heat. The Spot Check goes to Why 'o Land in Braunschweig. Simon Moratz' bike gets the Pro Bike Check, the interviews go to Bob Manchester (off Amity Bike Co) and coverboy Markus Reuss. Short Talks are with Andre Klatte and Florian Koch. Harry Main explains The Wandering in the news section and the Self Made article is about the winter work-out. Nice to have: 2013 Special. You can win stuff from Mutant Bikes and Stolen. They probably stole that from somewhere and are giving it away. Available at the better bike shops for under 5 Euros. |
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issue 5 - 2013, april 2013: Habt Ihr Bock auf eine ordentliche Portion BMX, dann ab zum Kiosk, in den Bahnhof, oder in den nächsten Bike Store. Die neue bmx Rider ist ab heute überall zu bekommen. Viel Spass mit u.a. diesen Themen: Lost & Found // News aus aller Welt Time to Shine // Gallery FAV5 mit Darryl Nau Italian Stallion // Stefan Lantschner ITW 4x Frühlingsgefühle // Bikecheck UCI Supercross Worldcup // Race Country Bikes Shop Tour // Stop 25 Augsburg We The People Spring Session // Bremen Behind the Names // BMX Firmen und ihre Namen Spotcheck // Zuppermarket Trier Simple Session // Tallinn Pro Bike Check // Chase Hawk Shorttalk mit Leon Hoppe & Timothy Petsh Selfmade // How to Tailwhip Last Call mit Hannu Cools |
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issue 6 - 2013 Adrian Malmberg barspin on the cover., june 2013: The BMX RIDER magazine crew is on it. This is their 6th issue already and once again it's full of BMX stuff for you to read. Plus you can win tickets to the Munich X-Games which will take place at the end of June. But first things first, the contents list: -Bike tests from Total, Sunday, DartBMX and United -Simple Trip with Zunda and Malmberg -The wonderkid from the Czech Republik. The Michael Beran interview. -Highway to Hill event report straight from the Mellowpark -Spot Check: Recklinghausen -Last Call: Alex Reinke -Bike Check: Braumann vs. Wicke -Pro Bike Check: Matt Priest -BIO's: Casper Friedrich, Felix Prangenberg and Mike Miller. |
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issue 7 - 2013 Eduards Zunda on the cover. Mike,, august 2013: Neben der fetten Stickerleiste gratis, bekommst du all diese Themen serviert: FAV5 mit X Games Champion Chad Kagy. Snipes BMX Worlds // Pilgerstätte Jugendpark Eduards Zunda // Die Streetmaschine aus Lettland Welcome to the Jungle // Vier Bikes im Unterholzmit WeThePeople, Subrosa, Diamond Back und Premium X-Games // Highendcontest in München Spotcheck // Wendelstein Voodoo Jam // Flatland aus den USA Nice to Have // Produkte Country Bikes // Shop Tour UCI Supercross // Race Action aus Papendal Pro Bike Check mit Corey Bohan Eine Erfolgsgeschichte aus Berlin // Wicke & Wilhelm Shorttalk mit Eric Roehse & Tim Güntner Last Call mit Björn Heyer Wer den hübschen Fahrer auf dem Cover auch als Wallpaper auf seinem Rechner haben möchte, der sollte HIER klicken. Eduards Zunda! |
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issue 8 - 2013 Daniel Portorreal on the cover. Tim Korbmacher photography. FAV5 mit Daniel Wedemeijer Ruhrpottorreal // Daniel Portorreal Interview Eurobike Messe Report // Was war los in Friedrichshafen? Create Your Line // Wendelstein Contest Red Bull R.evolution // Supercross im Mellowpark Flatland Roadtrip // Shanghai is calling Bielefeld Contest // Der City Jam ist wieder zurück Dirt Contest in Frankreich // Kill The Line Gipsy Roadtrip // Eine Crew zum Verlieben Nice to Have // Produkte in Hülle und Fülle Selfmade // Feeble Hard 180° Pro Bike Check // Gary Young zeigt Euch seine Maschine Shorttalk mit Julian Bachmann & Schlaulie Last Call mit Christian Ziegler |
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issue 9 - 2013 Kriss Kyle cacan on the cover. Mike,, december 2013: Ab dem 04.Dezember zu haben: im gut sortierten BMX-Shops und auch im Bahnhofskiosk: BMX Rider #9. Mit diesen Themen: FAV5 mit Matthias Dandois. Repräsentant einer neuen Generation // Kriss Kyle Interview Slippery when Wet // Fünf Komplettbikes im Check The Party is Over // Eine letzte Session in Duisburg Company Check // Zu Besuch bei der ZEG Texas Toast Contest // Auf den Spuren von Austin Powers Mike King Profile // BMX hinter den Kulissen E.T. Night // Ü30 Jam in der Wicked Woods Country Bikes Shoptour // Jahresrückblick Nice to Have // Produkte zum belohnen Selfmade // SmithgrindHard 180° Pro Bike Check // Drew Bezansons Bike im Detail Shorttalk mit Thomas Untheim & Kevin Nikulski Last Call mit Axel Reichertz Und vielen weiteren News, Bildern und Produkten. |
issue 10 - february 2014 BMX Rider magazine number 10. There's a monkey in the tree. Markus Braumann // Foto by : Tim Korbmacher Contains: Issue 10 / February 2014 Lost & Found: News aus aller Welt Time 2 Shine: Gallery Fav5: Daniel Juchatz Monsieur Maxime Chaveron Interview The Fantastic Four: 4 Komplettbikes ab 500€ Quer durch die Republik: Braumann-Foto-Trip Spot Check: Halle auf Zeit - neuer Hot Spotin Radevormwald Fresh Squeezed Juice: Barcelona Trip Camp Ramps Profile: Rampenbau auf höchstem Niveau Vans Trip: Zu Besuch in Spaniens Euro Camp Nice to Have: Produkte zum verlieben Self Made: Footjam Whip Pro Bike Check: Mike Grays neue Maschine Short Talk: Alekander Kusch & Thomas Wegerhoff Las Call: Liam "Paddy" Wyatt |
issue 11 - march 2014, march 2014: After ten issues of BMX Rider magazine times got rough in the office and changes were made in the crew. But issue 11 will be in the book stores next week Wednesday and this is what you can expect: -Stefan Lantschner and Courage Adams in Cologne -Daniel Düsentrieb aka James Smith ITW -Simple Session 2014 -WTP Spring Session event in Bremen -Masters of Dirt: Simon Moratz answers the questions -Short Talk Special with the following dudes: Ben Wessling/Kadeem Eiland/Dustyn Alt/Timo Klatt -FAV5 with Waldemar Fatkin -Company Check: Kunstform visit -Last Call with Stefan Wastl Grubinger -Large photo Gallery and a lot more... Covershot Rider: Janek Wentzky. Photographer: Tim Korbamcher |
issue 12 - 2014, may 2014:Tom van den Bogaard is the third rider from Aarle-Rixtel who makes it on a cover of a glossy foreign BMX magazine. When Tom keeps pregression on this rate, we wouldn't be surprised if he'll end up getting more coverage soon. It's awesome seeing a rider from Ale Blie getting this good and we say the cover is well deserved. Props to photographer Aaron Zwaal just as well for the killer shot. But now, what's inside BMX Rider magazine number twelve? -Red Bull Dirt Conquers in Guadalajara, Mexico. Part 2.0 -Odyssee Berlin, Fox trip Germany -Country Bikes on tour -Gypsyroad number 7. Viva Malaga -How-to's: Boneless, Hang-five, flair and more -BMX race news |
issue 13 - 2014, august 2014: It makes me happy whenever a new BMX magazine arrives. The latest BMX Rider magazine included. It's always nice to see your own photo and or article in it and this time I was stoked to see the photo of Michel Dijstelblom on page 18. Michel is a local here in Helmond and isn't necessarily traveling worldwide to BMX events because he simply doesn't have the funds. He does ride a lot though and on this particular day we met up at the new Central Station and then visited this weird statue which ended up getting a full page in the new issue of BMX Rider. But of course there's lot more, and every picture in it tells a thousand words. That's a lot of text right there. Number 13 of BMX RIDER marks the special CONTEST ISSUE: -BMX Cologne -Highway to Hill -Butcher Jam -Pierre Hinze Interview -Pro Bike Check mit Daniel Dhers -Short Talks with: Leon Binckebanck and Christopher Wollenburg -Fav5 with Tyler Fernengel -Last Call: Benni Kopp -Large photo Gallery -Online competition and lots more.... On the cover: Pierre Hinze, by Carlos Fernandez Laser |
issue 14 - 2014, october 2014: So siehts aus und Ausgabe 14 ist vor wenigen tagen Druckfrisch auf unserem Schreibtisch gelandet! Es wird dreckig, es wird clean und es wird wieder ein Heft mit 100% BMX! Hier gibt es schon mal einen kleinen Überblick von dem was drin steckt. Also auf geht's und Ausgabe 14 ist ab dem 08. Oktober beim Händler eures Vertrauens und in jedem gut sortiertem Zeitschriften Laden erhältlich. Das erwartet euch in Ausgabe Nr.14: Viki Gomez im großen Flatland Interview Vans "Kill the Line" Eurobike Report WOOZYBMX - Profile Aichwald Trails Jam Probikecheck und Interview mit Patrick Guimez Countrybikes und Das Bananen" Projekt Lady's Talk mit Lara Lessmann Große Dirt Gallery Race News, Gewinnspiel und vieles mehr.... Cover. Fahrer: Torben Kollwes. Foto: Tim Korbmacher, october 2014: We were hoping to pick up the new issue of BMX Rider at the paranoia booth in Cologne this morning but it's so fresh, they didn't have a copy at their booth at the Intermot show. We can tell you what's inside though. First of all you can win a fresh pair of Vans x Cult shoes. BMX collabs are always a good thing. Support it and they'll do more. Viki Gomez gets a full interview. With Frank Lukas being the editor you know that the mag won't forget about flatland, which is a good thing. Another aspect that needs some more attention is BMX Racing, and BMX Rider added a section dedicated to the fastest men and women on BMX bikes. BMX Rider went to the Vans Kill The Line event in Peynier and came back with pics and a full report. New products were found at the Eurobike trade show in Friedrichshafen. Patrick Guimez does not ride an Eastern any more. They've gone out of business. But the Bike Check will show what he uses to impress the crowd. |
issue 20 - 2015, october 2015: Issue 20 already for BMX Rider magazine (Germany). The last one to the BMX print party is still going strong. Fresher than ever with a whole lot of BMX: -Pauls Riverbed Trails (With Thoelen and Wedemeijer) -The Station Snowpark (With snow) -Countrybikes on Tour (With the banana) -Bielefeld city jam (With Benny Kopp) -Tour de Ruhr with the Ciao-Crew (With Bruno Hoffmann) -Race Page: BMX European Championship 2015 (With Friet speciaal) -Company Check: Velosolutions (With Pumptracks) -Fav5: Janek Wentzky (With aggro face) -Radio Bike Co. The great North tour (With Kenneth Tancré) Experience the feeling of flipping through a magazine that has pages full of BMX. |