Hot banana grind | |
1989... the 1st!!! | |
Backyard | |
Premiere at Hastings june 27th, 1992. 52 minutes. £10. Invert september 1992: It starts off with an highlight intro part, and then moves on to footage from the Backyard Jam, with dirt jumping being first. Spot Canning doing lookback 360's over doubles, Fuzzy and Keith going balls out over the chasm amongst other riders going for broke over the 29ft gap. Next up, vert riding. A group highlights of course, with DMC, Simon Tabron, Ollie Matthews and Jamie Bestwick pulling off some crazy stuff. Dennis slams so hard, and his barspin to no foot is so rad in slowmo. And just check out his backflip for total balls riding - he gets away with murder. Next up,footage from Carlo's ramp,with DMC showing his potential on vert, and then a bit from Southsea Skatepark, the most incredible of which is when Dennis launches of the snake run bowl into a long front wheel manual into the pool, smooth as slik. Nuts. Leigh On Sea follows up: DMC - 540 manual to decade dropin, 360 canadian nosepick, pegs grind to barspin. Stuart - pegs grind to 360 barspin, manual ta barspin, 360 spine. Ian Morris - framestand manual, 270 hipjump. London All Night Riding section : spots like Sauth Bank (Fuzzy: wall ride hi-to-low over hie barrier), rails (Ian Morris has handrail grinds wired), and other stuff before they drop DMC off at Heathrow. Then there's a bit more local Bexhill racing and a good dirt Jumping session, more goofing around and then a slowmo section follows featuring some of the raddest parts. |
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A dirty weekend in Southsea, The Official 1992 KOC video. | |
Released in 1992 Running time: 33 min. Editor: Mark Richards. Cameramen: Stuart Dawkins, Matt Brown, Mark Richards, Steve Hopton, Simon Ham. Ride BMX UK #3 february 1993: This is yet another rad video from those guys in Hastings, Backyard. A Dirty Weekend in Southsea is a 40 minutes (or so) video featuring all the highlights from possibly the best riding event of last year, the 92 King Of Concrete. Dirty Weekend flows from bowls to flatland, to saturday night's activities, to street, to vert, and finally mini ramp: the action is laid on thick and fast, and (as usual with Backyard's videos) the editing couldn't be better. There's a hell of a lot of riders on this video too - basically it shows almost all the riders doing the best tricks - it is a highlight video after all. Unlike some contest-based videos, Dirty Weekend can be watched again and again, and you'll still pick up on new things missed the first time round - a lot of things went down at KOC. Rad music too. Highlights? Jon Taylor's handrail grind, O'Connell's mini ramp runs, Bestwick's vert runs, Hal Brindley's interview, Bestwick, Gerry Galley, and Phil Dolan's riding. Slowmo parts, humour, slam section, killer camera work, cool graphics and a few good effects, rad riding, and overall high quality make this one of the top videos of 92. |
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Behold the wonders that never cease | |
Produced by Mark Richards. Filmers: Mark Richards, Simon Ham, Dennis Wilson, Stuart Dawkins, Jon Pratt, Will Smyth, Gerry Galley, Keith Duly, Dan Brown Editors: Mark Richards, Stuart Dawkins. Released in 1993. Mark Richards, Ride BMX UK #59, june 2002: Behold the wonders vid was a great time and the jam and riding were growing much bigger, also it was one of the first bike vids to have rider sections like the skate vids, which is something I'd really wanted to do as bike vids weren't like that back then, they were comp and jam session format. Ride BMX UK august 1993: Nice title guys. In case you've been sleeping under a rock for some time, once a year Backyard hosts a killer jam and then about a month later brings out a video based on the jam, adding some new footage from various road trips. As the jams get better each year the video follows suit, and this year's vid has more miscellaneous footage making it a better all round watch. The highlight intro [usual good-tricks-in-slowmo intro] is followed by Mike Canning jumping in Hastings, doing the best nothings we've seen in ages. This is kind of a lead into the Jam Section. Flatland is shown at double speed, then the ramp jam highlights from B and C follow up [inc. Mad Dog busdriver air attempt]. A group ramp section shows almost everyone, with good long runs, some with 2 images on the screen of the same trick at the same time, filmed from different angles [pretty unique, and it works]. Fidge. Then Crypt footage - oh dear. The dirt jam section is way more important - flowing through the groups up to A. Stuart King's ruling variations, some of Derrin, Simon Tabron's loops, it's all here. The Chasm is hefty and wide, and there are some meaty slams in this section, plus some HUGE jumps. And that's the Jam Footage finished, moving on to riders. Jon Taylor is first, ripping up ramps here and there [loooong framestand icepick grinds]. Rick Hubbard is unknown, but his dirt section shows 720's and busdrivers, respect. Alex Leech [new lip tricks], John Barnett, and Jamie Bestwick [who, like Jay Miron, rides mini ramps so fluidly either way it's a job to tell which is his 'natural' riding direction, he is smooth] have small sections next. Ian Morris rides to queer music, but his actual riding makes up for it, with some big moves and large handrails. Keith Duly's section is made up largely of history footage, but that's okay - his slam on a scooter is a classic. Stuart Dawkins has a funk section - ramps and street, plus some jumps [X-up to barspin], plus that gnarly steep kinked handrail, which he pulls [and also slams right into the cameraman]. Zak @ Spitalfields [no foot airs to nosepick]. Keith Treanor's section, filmed when he was over here for the jam, is choka full of burly tricks [no foot to icepick at Oxford]. Smooth guy Dave Bishop gets a jumping section, shot during the Clayborn test, and the last section is Gerry Galley's [big airs on small ramps]. The 45 minute video is finished off with some more highlights and some bigger tricks, and then the credits roll to Jon Taylor pulling a wheelie. Footage comes from around the UK, from Radlands, Spitalfields, Oxford, London skateparks, and various dirt spots. All in all, there's a good amount of dorking around, a fine selection of slowmo parts, some hot music, and some great camera angles, all edited together by the crew at Backyard into one great UK riding video. £15 including P&P gets you a copy, direct from Backyard. Backyard Jam 93 - Chasm: Chris Moeller, Paul "grotbags" Roberts, Keith Duly. Song: The Tingler - Alice Donut Keith Treanor Song: Blenderhead - Bad Religion Jerry Galley Song: Artificial Life - Operation Ivy Intro: Song: Welcome To Vas LLegas - Carnival Art Mike Canning Song: Aneurysm - Nirvana Backyard Mini & Dirt 93 Songs: Time For Livin - Beastie Boys, Hangin On The Telephone - Blondie, Breakers Revenge - Arthur Baker, Give You Nothing - Bad Religion, Sound System - Operation Ivy, The Biz Vs. The Nuge - Beastie Boys Jon Taylor Song: Top O' The Morning To Ya - House of Pain. Rick Hubbard Song: Son of A Gun - Nirvana Alex Leech / John Barnet / Jamie Bestwick Song: Vengeance - New Model Army Ian Morris Song: When I'm Good and Ready - Sybil Keith Duly Song: Work.Rest.Play.Die - Subhumans Stuart Dawkins Song: Running Away - Roy Ayers Zach Shaw Song: Been Caught Stealing - Jane's Addiction Dave Bishop Song: Flower Child - Lenny Kravitz Credits Songs: My Way - Sex Pistols, L'Anarchie Pour Le U.K. - Sex Pistols. |
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Unlock your BMX | |
Produced by Mark Richards. Released in 1994. Time: 59min. Content: Backyard Jam 1994 (Dave Clymer flip attempt over the chasm, Johnny Petit pulled flip fakie on vert.), Dylan Worsley (turbine cliffhanger, links on the pedals), John Parker (540 tailwhip attempt, 360 no hand), Richard Ball (suicide to barspin), Worlds 1994 (Mat Hoffman, Jay Miron, Paul Osicka), Fat Jam, Simon Tabron (flip one foot, flip no foot), Zach Shaw (flip 360 on vert), Todd Lyons (flip no hand) Ride BMX UK #14 december 1994: Backyard's annual video release is always high up on people's ratings list, and for good reason. It's always great. This year's Backyard video is better than ever and features more stuff from around the country (with a few foreign bits too). As it's 59 minutes long and rammed full with stuff. I'll just highlight the highlights: plenty of footage from the jam kicks off the video, with all the large moves from the dirt day (just watch the canyon jumping), footage from the Crypt (of the Flying Medallions), and excellent vert from sunday's ramp contest. Bigger than ever. After the jam it's on 10 peoples sections, from Fids (the burliest jumper going), Paul Roberts, Stuart King, Stuart Dawkins, Keith Duly, Ian Morris (rails, slams, and pain), John Parker, Miron, and way more. Music is good too, and the camera angles are varied, editing s swift. and the slowmo parts are super-good quality. Mark 'Full Rock' Richards has made sure this video excells every other release from Backyard, and he has easily done that. Make no mistake and order one up for your collection. It costs £13 + £2 p&p, and it's the best. |
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On Location | |
DMC, chasm, 360 flip, Ian Morris, ... Released in 1995. Dan Price on the cover. Dig #5: From the Crowhurst video porta cabin comes another Mark Richards video. Good editing and dizzy spinning effects didn't get me thinking that this wasn't a repeat of another Backyard video. The chasm is gnarly and it is jam footage and people's sections format. If you haven't seen other Yard videos then it is well worth a look. |
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The Last Resort | |
40 minutes. Released in 1996. Ian Morris drives the bus down eight stairs on the cover. There's more to The Last Resort than just the Backyard fact, the Jam is saved for last. But before you get there, you have to pass through about 30 minutes of riding in the UK... it's odd that the first rider featured is Canadian (Dave Osato). The riders in The Last Resort are both well-known pros (Osato, Dave Mirra, DMC, Taj) and UK locals who probably aren't household names in the US (Ian Morris, Gerry Galley, Amos Burke, Mike Canning). Like most videos these days, there ain't a whole lot of flatland going on (but there IS some, the best footage being from the Worlds) -- it's mainly ramps (mini AND vert), jumping and street. Depending on who you are, this can be a good or bad thing. But even for a hardcore flatlander like myself, there's plenty to enjoy here. Some of the best sections include the Worlds (flat and ramp), Ian Morris' section (great jumping and insane suicide street drops) and, of course the Backyard Jam. There's plenty of crazy dirt jumping, especially in the last section -- backflips, rad shit over a big set of doubles, attempts at a HUGE gap over a scummy pond, and TONS of bad crashes. Oh yeah, there's also some breakdancing. The soundtrack ranges from modern pop-punk like Tilt, Hagfish, and The Muffs to old school punk like Minor Threat, 7 Seconds and Dag Nasty, plus some rap tunes just to keep it interesting. (I enjoyed the old B-52's song, too.) This is a must-see for people who like to watch people kill themselves on dirt jumps. Trick of the video: Dennis Wingham's FRONTflip jump attempt. |
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Word | |
Released in 1997 Cast: Ian Morris, Fids, Amos Burke, Dean Hearne, Alex Leech, Richard Ball, ... Ride BMX US june 1998: If you've ever seen a Backyard video before, you know that the coverage of the Backyard Jam is always crazy. This installment is no different in that respect. This video does a good job of telling the story of the wacky Backyard Jam scene, along with really good contest coverage of the Jam (1997) and the worlds (1997 Holland). There's also a few good video parts thrown in there from some of England's top riders. Ian Morris has a wonderful part. Definitely worth checking out, and recommended. Ride BMX UK february 1998: Ahhh, the new Backyard video. 30mins this time, and it's made by Simon Ham with a nice little injection of artistic style. The cover may look similar to Loiter, but this is not a flatland only video: the new Backyard video obviously boasts the big Seventies teams from Hoffman and S&M, so you're looking at rider sections from Fids, Dean Hearne, Amos Burke, James White... you get the jist: they've got a strong team and the video rules as a result. Trails, real street, park riding, travelling, it's all here. Great sections from Fids and James White. All types of sounds, and there's even cine film footage for that art feel. Being the Backyard video, there's a good section from the Jam itself with most of the highlights, styles, trains, chasms, goof offs, the lot. There's also the FS Worlds, Marseille skatepark, journeys... there's a hell of a lot rammed into this extremely well made video. Oh, and wait till you see the Ian Morris section - holy smoke... A must have for sure. |
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Seventies Livid | |
Released in 1998. Ride BMX UK february 1999: Running time: 30 minutes. Content: Flat 9%, real street 32%, trails 23%, skateparks 26%, goofing off 10% Sections running order: Intro / Amos Burke (flat and real street) / Jon Taylor & Andrew Sowerby (some trails, real street, mostly indoor parks, big gaps) / Bike 98 (Brian Castillo, Jerry, Fids, Robbie Morales, Stuart King, Jim Rienstra, James Hitchcox, Dan Price, Mike Escamilla, Zach Sprinkle, Richard Ball, Joe Rich) / Dan Price ( real street riding, highlight double kink rail) / Dean Hearne & Fids (hearty slams, and Dean launches off rail clearing the next set of steps) / James White ( brakeless links incorporating in-swinging turbined moves) / Seventies Tour (Livi, Hull, Wakefield, Joe Rich on vert, Liverpool, Northampton, London, numerous spots) / Richard Ball (brakeless, big distances, real street, lines and indoor parks) / Ian Morris (rails, gaps, drops, big slams on various) Summary: A good improvement on Word (last year's disappointing Backyard offering) marred slightly by the usual suspect up against a wall vanity shots, but there's superior coverage and filming of Bike 98 and overall very good filming and production at many different locations. Bart de Jong,, 1999: rate: * /5 England rules, this Vid shows why! The Crazy Englishmen pushes the limit every time they ride, they never stop not even after hard crashes. Amos Burke is known for his Flatland skills but don't underestimate him on Street, this kid is awesome as is John Taylor, hope he will show us the fullpiperide next time. Trails is what England is all about, Dean Hearne, Fids and lots more are kings in Robin Hoods Woods. The Bike 98 show is covered and so is the Seventees Summertour. Of course Ian Morris is there, try to ride Street with a 24" cruiser and feel how it is for Ian riding a 20", he looks so small but he is BIG on the Streetsession. Base Brooklyn is making a 24"cruiser for streetriding so find out how it is soon! James White is not known for his contest apperance but is an excellent Flatlandrider and Richard Ball show he got balls to ride the English streets. High quality VDO with my favorite soundtrack: HIGHWAY TO HELL! BMXup février 1999: Production de Seventies, le Top Distributeur Anglais. Au sommaire, des sections par pilotes avec dans l'ordre: Amos Burke: Sans freins et top niveau en flat et en street. Stylé et pluridisciplinaire. Encore un flatlander ouvert comme on aimerait en voir plus souvent. John Taylor, le skatepark est son business et ça se voit. Andrew Somerby tape de pures variations en Superman et ca calme. Bike 98 à Londres. L'équivalent du Salon du Cycle Parisien en puissance 10 puisque les organisateurs n'avaient pas fait les choses à moitié en montant un skatepark avec en exclusivité Brian Castillo, Robbie Morales, Stuart King, Jim Rienstra, Jerry Galey, Zack Sprinkle... La liste est longue et le niveau est bien là avec des tonnes de tricks rentrés par nos invités. Une idée à suivre pour les organisateurs du salon de Paris, c'est quand même autre chose qu'une démo de Trial (Il plaisante le Monsieur !) Dan Price Très grand pilote par la taille, le streeter n'a peur de rien et enchaîne les difficultés. Parfois à l'arrache mais il s'en sort toujours. Quelle démo ! Dean Hearne et Fids, représentant S&M, ne font pas dans la dentelle avec en particulier Fids qui enchaîne les 360 en champ de bosse. Le Seventies Tour à travers l'Angleterre et ses plus beaux skateparks et une tripotée de riders venus d'Outre Atlantique, vraiment un bon guide du routard pour ceux qui veulent découvrir les spots Anglais. Ian Morris Toujours aussi petit, le roi du handrail Anglais prouve qu'il toujours un excellent rider, polyvalent. Technique et n'ayant pas froid aux yeux, il tente du très gros. A noter de nombreuses images du skatepark l'Entrepot à Calais lors du passage du team Seventies ainsi que le passage Dylan Clayton en skatepark avec des pegs Et oui les gars va falloir s'y mettre Et oui Au final, une vidéo super bien montée avec du bon riding. Seuls regrets la durée de la vidéo n'est pas très importante et la bande son pas toujours à la hauteur. |
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Less is more | |
Running time: 35min Starring: Amos Burke, James White, Dan price, Jon Taylor, Dean Hearne, Ian Morris, Richard Ball, ... Contests: Bike 1999, Urban Games Featuring locals from Stockport, Manchester, Bolton and Liverpool, plus many more. Ride BMX UK april 2000: Seventies' latest instalment in a long line of Backyards videos is the Less is more. I kind of miss the old Backyard jams and the videos that were based around the jam - without the jams, the Backyard (now Seventies) videos have really changed. Less is more is all about the Seventies team - Dan Price, Jon Taylor, Richard Ball, James White, Amos Burk, Ian Morris, Andrew Sowerby, and Dean Hearne are all on here with sections, along with sections featuring other riders, Bike 99 and the Radlands session which happened around the same time. Look out for better sections from Dean, Ian, James, and Boyley - all good stuff. Well filmed, snappily edited, and with decent music, while Less is more is no classic, it is still a damn good video. Robbie Morales, Ride BMX US, june 2000: Seventies videos are always entertaining. The english distribution house knows how to get shit done. This time, Big Ed Docherty edits together all the seventies riders into a great video. Each rider displays their own unique style of riding. This combined with a friends section and a Bike '99 section ( a big tradeshowin England with demos with american pros) makes you understand why many top american pros make the trek to Hastings, England every year. To find out who kicks ass overseas and to see some gnarly riding with a good soundtrack, you better pick this one up. |
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From love to hate | |
Produced by Ed Docherty in 2001. Running time: 42 minutes Two years and countless road trips after the last Seventies video, From Love to Hate (and back again) is finished. Forty minutes long featuring: Dan Price, Ben Dukes, Jon Taylor, Peter Adam, Amos Burke, Dean Hearne, Paul Buchanan, Sebastien Keep, Andrew Sowerby. Seventies UK Tour. T1 Summer Euro Tours. Federal Australian Tour. Daniel Mini, Cream march 2002: De temps en temps, Ed Docherty (photographe de DIG), délaisse un peu son appareil photo au profit d'une caméra, d'un ordinateur et nous sort la video Seventies. Cette année est un très bon cru, et From Love To Hate est décidément une video bien agréable à mater, et une fois de plus la sensibilité européenne fait le difference per rapport aux productions américaines. Tout est bon, à commencer par le montage qui est très soigne, rythmé, avec quelques innovations discrètes qui rajoutent un petit plus "arti" très plaisant. Au même titre que les images, le bande son a du caractère, sens être trop bourrin, c'est plutôt rock avec entre autres Fugazi qui est toujours très efficace. Et le riding dans tout ça? Pas de problèmes, soyez sans crainte. Tout commence avec Jon Taylor qui se balade en park et performe en nose wheelie to tooth pick grind, tentative de hand plant en big, tail-whip tail tap. Vient le tour de l'indestructible flatlander Amos Burke qui se prend des stops de plus en plus violents en street... Respect pour sa polyvalence. On a droit ensuite à un petit trip Federal en Australie où les parks en ciment visités donnent vraiment envie de voyager à l'autre bout de la planète. Le présence de Ruben se fait sentir dès les premieres images, enchaînement dans un petit park de 360 invert, tail-whip, et des transferts que lui seul peut imaginer, et un 36 to manual beau à pleurer. C'est loin d'être terminé avec le Seventies Tour en Angleterre où Mike Aitken, Dean Hearne, Robbie Morales se régalent et nous aussi par la même occasion. Viennent deux petits tours Terrible One, le premier un peu court avec Taj et Joe, et le deuxième beaucoup plus complet notamment en France avec Paul Buchanan, Garret Byrnes, Thomas Fritscher, et là, on découvre des spots que j'aimerai bien savoir où ils se trouvent bordel ! Ya pas de doute, Paul Buchanan est quelqu'un de vraiment très doué, et c'est une des rares occasions de le voir rouler. Le montage à ce moment là met bien la pression: Garret Byrnes est un vrai malade: son wall par dessus deux sets de marches à 2000 à l'heure fait véritablement froid dans le dos. Ce n'est pas fini, et le meilleur moment de cette video selon moi est la surprenante section de Dan Price. Son riding met tout le monde d'accord avec un run 99% street technique et couillu, et le rail en kink qu'il fait à la fin de son run est l'un des plus nerveux que j'ai jamais vu, tout ça sur du reggae que pourtant je n'apprécie pas vraiment, mais l'intensité du riding de Dan et du montage de Ed m'ont littéralement scotché. Pour terminer je dirais qu'une bonne critique doit être le plus objective possible, donc je vous conseille objectivement de vous faire vous même et rapidement votre propre idée sur From Love To Hate. Cette video vous fera passer un pur moment et vous donnera surtout envie d'aller rouler. Terry Carson , boys at Seventies have been very busy lately and this video shows what some of them have been up to. There's a lot of good UK riders in this flick as well as a few well-known riders from this side of the sea too, such as Mike Aitken, Paul Buchanan, Joe Rich and Rob-O. There's the T-1 UK tour, the Seventies UK tour (including Seventie's Australian tour) and some good style from many other riders (too many to list) thrown in for good measure. From Love to Hate... is in no way a ground-breaking video as far as the riding is concerned, but it flowed well and there were some pretty impressive moments. I wasn't too fond of the music, so that pretty much means most people will like it (although there was a unique cover of Agent Orange's "Everything Turns Grey"). So, just like the name, From Love to Hate..., I love to get and watch a new video, I hate the music (not all of it though... damn do I need to get over it and get with the times -- I am trying) but it was a good video and therefore I love the Seventies guys. This is a video riders can relate with and it'll get you pumped to ride your bike and that's what you want a video to do. Isn't it? From Love to Hate is distributed by Ten Pack in Canada. Chris Smith, After you’ve seen a whole bunch of videos you may value different aspects of the video, Rather than go for a video featuring Austin Texas and a group of riders like Taj Mihelich and Joe Rich you might decide to go for a video with riders who aren’t super exposed (and probably not as skilful as Dave Mirra or Ruben Alacantara) and spots you can relate to (like Rampworx and Derby). This is why, when I went into my local bike shop I Chose ‘From Love to Hate’ rather than ‘Road fools 8’ (plus the fact some of the earlier backyard/seventies videos ruled). The Best part of this video was Dan Prices section... In seventies ‘Word’ I thought his section was crap, after watching it once I would fast forward other it. He tries one rail and doesn’t even get on (sore Gonads), he was like a lanky spider with a slow boring style...Four years on and he is still a lanky spider, except now he’s back with awesome control, awesome style, speed and some big moves...Dan’s section rules. Another part of the video I liked was Amos Burkes section. His sections have always been good right back since ‘Unlock your BMX’ in 1994, except now his section are more street orientated. He does the Nick Hubbard double Kink as well. Other good parts of this video are the Seventies tour and Garret Byrnes (sick). It also features the T1 road trip (you get to see Joe Rich do just one invert to many) and a Road trip of Australia. I found these boring and now fast forward other them. I think this slot on the video could have been used to document the scene in the UK better. To be honest I would not advise you too buy this video, it has good parts... Yet there’s to much boring riding. You would do better trying the Ride BMX UK video, Nails In The Coffin or the new NSF video when it comes out... If you want a UK scene video, if you want a flat out amazing video try: Baco 9, any props video or maybe Anthem. James Newrick, At first watch of this video, I thought where the hell is Boyley and Ian Morris's section. This disappointed me, but I got over it. On the second watch of the video I noticed that the music was quite excellent, fugazi, modest mouse etc.. I also noticed a backwards manual by Dan Price, almost as good as 'Rat Boy' himself. Also a 180 straight out of a 50/50 which is an unbelievably difficult 'Bob Scerbo' style trick. I think you have to watch this video 3 times before you get to like it. It has taken a different approach to all the other seventies videos. Overall the video will keep any 'T1' liquid style rider happy. Peter Adams, Dan Price and Amos Burke will entertain the other type of viewer. I find this video enjoyable and a relaxing thing to watch., february 2013: 2001 was a great year for BMX, UK BMX in particular. The emergence of many DIY based scenes were popping up all over the country. Inspired riders putting on jams, setting up t-shirt companies and generally making BMX their own. The Seventies crew had been doing the same thing 10 years prior and still lead the way in supporting riders and rider owned and operated companies from their warehouse in Hastings. From Love to Hate was out in this year, edited by legendary Dig Mag photographer Ed Docherty and features riding from Dan Price, Ben Dukes, Jon Taylor, Peter Adam, Amos Burke, Dean Hearne, Paul Buchanan, Sebastien Keep, Andrew Sowerby. Along with the Seventies UK Tour, T1 Summer Euro Tours and Federal Australian Tour. This video was all about traveling and exploring, awesome chilled vibe with great music. Pop your feet up, hit play and lets hope Spring isn’t too far away. |
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By Mark Richards. Released in 2002. Seventies presentiert die Backyard Jams von 1990-1997. Daniel Mini, Cream, september 2003: Attention, là, on ne rigole plus... s'il y a des videos nécessaires à avoir à tout prix dans sa vidéothèque ou dévédéthèque (au même titre que Dirty Deeds, Ride On, Trash, 44 Something, etc...) celle-ci en fait définitivement partie. Je m'explique. Pour les plus jeunes d'entre vous ou les plus ignorants, ou pour les chanceux qui vivent sur une autre planète, sachez que les Backyard Jams ne sont pas nées en 2002 comme certains le croient, car la première date de 1991... A cette époque le bmx n'était pas aussi develloppé que maintenant et la Backyard Jam ressemblait plus à une grosse fête orchestrée par Ian Morris et Stu Dawkins qui tenaient le tout petit magasin de skate/bmx Backyard à Hastings... Backyard Anthology retrace cette période mythique de 91 à 97, période riche en exploits en tout genre (vous allez prendre une bonne gifle), époque où le practice en bac à mousse n'existait pas. En effet, le moins que l'on puisse dire est que c'était du riding cash. Que vous soyez débutants, new school, old-school, trail ou street rider hard-core, ramprider, flatlander, pré-retraité, un conseil d'ami: faites tout ce que vous pouvez pour voir cette vidéo. D'ailleurs ce n'est pas une vidéo, c'est un véritable morceau d'histoire du bmx. Une vidéo intemporelle à garder précieusement, que vous regarderez avec la même émotion dans 5, 10, 15 ou 20 ans. Faites-moi confiance. Certains pourront même dire: j'y étais... Et pour ceux qui n'y étaient pas, ils découvriront avec stupeur ce qu'était le Chasm avec par exemple Dave Clymer, Greg Herbecq et Chris Moeller au-dessus de plusieurs centaines de spectateurs, Gerry Galley et son style de fou repris par tout le monde de nos jours, Taj en intégral en rampe, Zack Shaw en back-flip 36 quasi à poil en 93, les premiers backward rails de Ian Morris, David Lombard en flip-tail whip quasi rentré en 96, les combos de Dylan Worsley, l'ambiance complètement hallucinante, les dranos de John Parker, John Petit en flip fakie, les crashs de Mc Coy, Osato à Eindhoven, le jump de Dover, je pourrais continuer comme ça tout le magazine... En effet Mark Richard ne s'est pas contenté de réunir les meilleurs moments des Backyard Jams, il a aussi collecté un bon paquet d'images de partout, comme Mat à plus de 20 pieds au-dessus de sa rampe géante. Tout ce qui fait le mythe de cette période est dans cette vidéo. Un travail énorme, le tout parfaitement monté, avec une bande son exceptionnelle. Cette vidéo donne définitivement la patate pour des dizaines d'années... Je vous le dis, le répète, je persiste et je signe: Backyard Anthology est INDISPENSABLE à tout gars qui aime vraiment le bmx. |
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Backyard DVD Boxset | |
Mark Richards, january 2006: I'm right in the middle of putting together the Backyard dvd boxset which will include all the Backyard/Seventies videos to date (the anthology will not be on as were releasing it seperatly as a 2disk set) with loads of extras. All the vids will have commentary tracks from the riders and creators (Dennis McCoy, Taj & Maddog are in the process of recording talk tracks). I have personaly remastered all the older videos as best as can be done and they look great considering the older masters were 14 years old and were not in good shape... this took me about 3 months... it will be a 5 disk set and will be released worldwide via seventies... as you can imagine, im pretty stoked on this... Mark Richards interview in Ride BMX UK november 2008. |