Trash Productions is Dave Parrick's company. | |
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Go march 1991: The CHL boys have slapped together another spectacle of sight, sound, and mindslaughtar with their follow-up video. Ruben Castillo, Eben Krackau, Dave Parrick, and James Shepherd throw down hard on choice mini-ramp structures, warehouse ramps, dirt jumps, open parking lots, and street. Excellent cuts from Indy and Palm Springs zero in on Rick Moliterno, Dennis McCoy, and Pete Augustin. Raw. $17.50 + $4.25 shipping at Trend Bike Source. | |
Produced by Dave Parrick in 1992. Running time: 35 minutes. Riding: street, dirt, flat, slams, fighting, miniramp. Cast: Chase Gouin, Dave Parrick, Vic Murphy, Dave Clymer, Ruben Castillo, James Shepherd, ... Comps: 2Hip Lajolla street contest Tricks: one footed toboggan busdriver - handrail - superman jumps - 360 busdriver tailtap over a spine - wallride variations - decade air - 720 - half barspin to no footer - ... John Yull, BMX Now spring 1992: Well, what can I say other than this video is up there with the best of them. From start to finish it's packed full of the raddest street, dirt, flat, slams, fighting and mini ramp riding, but for some strange reason only a token vert section. Yet by no means let that turn you off. Just relax and let the likes of Chase Gouin, Dave Parrick, Vic Murphy, Dave Clymer, Jeff Harris, Dan Vodka, Ruben Castfllo, James Shepherd and many more studs entertain you. One of the good things about this video is the fact that you get to see all those riders you read or hear about but never get the chance to see on tape and believe me most of them are as good as the big names if not better! A selection of riders get their own section in the video with clips from contests and sessions thrown in. All this along with an excellent sound-track makes for a non-stop 35 minutes of compulsive viewing. The 2 Hip LaJolla street contest is featured heavily as is Jeff Harris's, but the main content is "STREET" wall, banks, rails, ditches and Jumps. So what are the tricks, I hear you say. I chose a few of my favourites; One footed toboggan busdriver (yes, you read it right), handrails (short and long), Superman jumps with his face almost against the seat, mini ramp nose wheelie to fakie, 360 tail tap over the spine while spinning the bars 360, ride along the platform and jump to fakie on vert! Far too many wall ride variations to mention. Decade / 720 / 180 barspin to no-footer / nothing to no-footer all in /jumps, but for me my favourite two things are the guy who has a street ramp set up on his drive. He just rides up as cool as hell and does a backflip landing on his front lawn. He later does the same thing on a dirt jump, it just looks so crazy. Number two is the two ten year old kids who have a fight. You have to see it to appreciate it but believe me, we watched it at least 100 times and still cringe. Well I know the list is short but I believe that trick lists never do videos justice. To appreciate it you have to see it so if you get the chance make sure you do. I assure you that you won't be disappointed. Ride BMX US october 1992: This video is a street rider's delight. Loaded with footage of all types of riding. HTH Features Texas locals (plus special guest riders) doing some insane street and flatland. Along with its creative editing and decent camera work, this video is well worth your money. If nothing else, buy it just for the fight scene. | |
Produced by Homeless Bikes (Dave Parrick & James Shephred) in 1993. Running time: 46 minutes. Les origines du street. Starring James Shephred, Dave Parrick, Kevin Gutierrez, Chase Gouin, John Yull, Lee Sultimer, ... Tricks: Icepick grinds. Handrail to 180°, 30 steps handrail, ... Ride BMX UK august 1993: Homeless from Texas originally started out making videos many moons ago, and then expanded into shin pads and then bikes. The bikes are totally rad and they have a killer team in America [where pulling handrails seems compulsory], and hence the video is top notch. Section follows section, with its emphasis on fresh street/ramp/dirt riding. It's a vid you will want to watch over and over. Ed Koenning is a ruler for sure - dirt, street, you name it. Nothing combo jumps, tailwhips over hips, and the longest double kinked handrail. John YuII from Notts gets his own section too, filmed during his stay in Texas - loads of ground and mini ramp stuff [icepick to smith] respect. Steve Orneleas rides an indoor mini ramp in Austin which features quite a lot throughout the video. He's got some good lip-trick links. Chase Gouin starts his section riding naked. He rides ground ultra fast and clean - this was filmed about a year ago before he rode for Standard and now Hoffman, but the Chase is way ahead of the pack so this footage isn't 'dated' by any stretch of the imagination. Chase even rides street. Eben Krackau rides a cruddy little mini ramp and tears it apart - smith to nosepick to fakie, and icepicks over a spine in Austin. Kevin Martin is found - hallelujah ! Dave Parrick rides like the devil himself and had a major part in producing this video - he does BIG jumps and pulls the longest nofooted manual roll on a ledge I've ever seen. Burly techno street stuff too. Kevin Gutierrez is in control: abubaca to no handed re-entry, nac nac nosepicks, variations coming off a handrail, and pulls a sick handrail which must be about 30 stairs. Jason Davies just gets drunk and drawn on with a permanent marker pen [Americans must think that all UK riders do is get drunk the whole time, and John Yull pukes during the slam section] . The slam section features huge beefs and gnarly slams, which is then followed by James Shepherd's section [he too has a low-rider bike] with rad music and techno ramp tricks - front wheel manual to front peg grind and plenty of excellent street stuff too [opposite feeble down a kinked concrete ledge]. Ruben Castillo pops up for a haircut and a few moves on that indoor ramp. Lee Sultimier does grinds up handrails, jumps down big flights of stairs, and rides burly. The best bits are saved 'til last which is cool, with bigger tricks from all of the riders handrails to fakie, handrails to barspin, and Gutierrez feebles down the Big One where he must be doing about 25mph at the bottom. This is a great video. The sections are rammed with a wide range of action and the film quality is high, as good as Head First videos for example. The slowmo is perfect, the music is varied [Skatenigs, Fu Schnickens, Sepultra, etc] and works well. It's got some great angles and sick tricks. Trash [I guess it's about 40 minutes long] gets my vote this time round. RULING. |
![]() 111kernow, Kevin Gutierrez "The Gute" mostly riding a late 80's Haro in 92/93. 111kernow, Original Dirt Bro Lee Sultimier section. 111kernow, James Shepherd's section. 111kernow, Homeless Bikes rider Ed Koenning killing a few handrails in 1993... |
Released in 1994. Time: 39 minutes. Featuring: Mike Rooftop Escamilla, Alan Foster, Keith Treanor, Kevin Guttierez, John Povah, ...... Edwin Delarosa, 2001: Dirty Deeds which came out in 1994... that was the first real video I saw. It's so good, I still watch it to this day. Ride BMX UK #13 october 1994: The brand new film from Homeless Trash producer Dave Parrick is top dollar. This one runs like a true skate video in that it has sections for individual riders, no contest footage, and a wide range of things to watch. Since Dave is now based in California, there's a lot of west coast material on here -wich is not a bad thing. It's like trash but since it's newer, it's better. Also Dirty Deeds doesn't focus on just one team either (like Trash) this is just a selection of the radder riders on the west coast scene right now -like Alan Foster, John Povah, Keith Treanor, Rooftop, plus Kevin Guttierez and James Shepherd (Sheps' bit is a ripper)- plus a whole lot more. The riding is all sorts: flatland, dirt, street and ramp. There's stuff from all over -Moreno Valley, the POW house mini ramp, RL Osborn's new mini ramp complex, and various incredible dirt spots from all over. Swift editing, lines, real street riding in places, cool music, and the best dirt jumping to date (example: Foster takes an eight pack by jumping the first doubles 180 barspin, jump the next two sets with his bars backwards, then over the final set he spins his bars back 180 again). Mike griffin is pretty unbelievable also with huge truck driver jumps over doubles. rooftop busdrivers out of handrails, along with some other variation rails. We like it -it's total corker. Taj,, january 2009: When I moved to Austin in 93 or 94 or whatever James Shepard just sort of started taking me out riding and bringing a video camera. I never really understood what I was filming for, but it ended up being such an honor to be in a Dave Parrick video from back in the day. The long rail at the end sits right in the center of UTs campus here in Austin and is actually curvered but the cameras lens makes it so you cant tell. Such a bust now! Mike Escamilla,, november 2007: I do think dirty deeds has its place in history as well as nowhere fast, but if your gonna mention those 2 you have to mention Homeless Trash which for all you newbies Trash and Dirty deeds is responsible for birthing most trends in street today. I just spoke with Dave Parrick and we are all trying to get him to make a dvd combo with all these vids. Hopefully soon it will happen. Mike Escamilla,, june 2011: This was my first video part i ever had the pleasure of filming.We started filming summer of 1993. The first clip i filmed was the rail to barspin at the old Huntington Beach rails.Dave Parrick asked me to have a section in his new video. I spent every saturday for a year almost filming with him so if you know Dave that was a lot of waiting around hahaha.At the time there were only a few videos a year coming out. I was 13 when i did my first rail and i just assumed everyone did tricks off them so i started trying all sorts of stuff off the end.Little did i know there was really just me and the Homeless crew doing rail variations down rails so when this came out it had a lot of rail tricks no one had scene yet.some of the first or new at the time were rail to barspin,rail to no hander,rail to icepick,crooked grind,over grinds,gap to rails,rail to manuals,rail to hop over,some manual to ice picks & over ice grinds on skatepark rails,even almost pulled a double bar out of one as well,I have no idea why i didn't try more.Even had a few jump moves like toboggan to barspin.we also filmed enough ramp stuff for a whole part but it got left out and we kept it a street part mainly which i couldn't thank Dave Parrick enough for his judgement on that.This time in BMX was very different then it is now,BMX was "dead" and it was a time when a select few pioneered street riding to help shape it what it has become.I feel very lucky to have grown up riding in that time of bmx.It was a time of Gladiator ramp riders and visionary street riding... It was released in 1995 by Dave Parrick. |
![]() Mike Escamilla section. |
Released in 2000. Edited by Dave Parrick & Ryan Young. Time: 57 min. Taj Mihelich,, march 2000: Rating: 5 out of 5. There are so many videos out today that are mediocre at best, and that don't have any feeling of completeness or importance. Too many that are made for the wrong reasons; a quick way to make a buck, or as a promotion for some company or another. "Nowhere Fast," though, is a labor of love. It's painstakingly edited with riding that is never half-assed. It's filmed perfectly and flows together as one whole, striking piece. The crash section alone should clear up any doubts about how much blood, sweat, and work was put into this video. There's a lot of ground breaking riding going on here, and the riders took the crashes and earned what they learned. This is the real dealputting it all on the line in the name of progression. Heading up both the filming and editing (with help from Ryan Young), Dave Parrick shows the impressive riding in a way that lets you get a true feeling of how technically hard, and flat-out scary some of it is. Yet, there are no cheesy computer effects or overpowering editing. It's straightforward and clean. A nice mix of music flows with the video and keeps everything moving (for a whopping 58 minutes). Everything from technical as tech gets, to style, to balls-out "jump-off-anything" is covered, and it's all top notch. Impressive parts come from Sam Townsley, Sean Yarroll, Sean Emery, Ralph Sinisi, Eben Krackau, Ed Koenning, Sean McKinney, Jimmy Buchans, Mike Ardelean, Nate Hanson, Greg Walsh, Jason Enns, Mike Escamilla, Ken Hale, and Byron Anderson. The super-duper standout parts are from Brian Castillo, Dave Parrick, Dave Young, and Josh Heino. Brian's part proves that he has probably more straight-up skill than anyone out thereridiculously technical, fast, and progressive. Parrick's part is beautifully edited and consistent. It almost seems like the music was made as a soundtrack for his part, and the flow and perfection of Dave's riding is eye candy. Dave Young takes it more than anyone else, and his reward is one of the best video sections I've ever seen. Having the honor of the last part in a video like this is no small task, and Heino takes the bull by the horns. Vert, street, skateparkit's all here and it's all technical and burly. Josh risks life and limb for one of the most scarily progressive video parts that has been seen in years (and I'd hate to be the person who tried to outdo this one). "Nowhere Fast" is more or less a milestone for BMX. Both videos and riding have a new measuring stick, and it's going to be a long while and a lot of work before anyone else catches up to this. You absolutely must get a copy of this video. Carmine Fortini, Featuring Dave Young, Sam Townsley, Sean Yarroll, Josh Heino, Ralph Sinisie, Ben Krackau, Ed Koenning, Sean McKinney, Sean Emery, Dave Parrick, Jimmy Buchans, Jason Enns, Mike Ardelean, Nate Hanson, Greg Walsh, Mike Escamilla, Ken Hale, Byron Anderson, Brian Castillo. If Nowhere Fast were to be likened to a Hollywood film it would be something like Ben Hur. Its like Ben Hur in a number of ways; its got the cast of thousands, big name stars and it has gone down as one of the true classics. Nowhere Fast is basically the sequel to dirty deeds which Parrik made a while ago. The video features riding from the west coast by mostly west coast riders, except for Ralph Sinisi who must have been on holiday or something? The most important part of a BMX video is the riding. I am glad to tell you that the riding is badass! So much crazy stuff to list. Dave Young does one of the biggest drops ever. Josh Heino goes crazy on huge rails. Brian Castillo just goes off with big street moves and a style, which is second to none. As in most other videos there is a crash section. This crash section is a nasty one. Ralph Sinisi has a crash, which involves him falling from a ledge onto a rail and he lands right on his meat and two veg. Then at the end of the video you see the bruise and wonder if he now only has meat and 1 veg. The music in this video is bloody good. It is a mix of all the right kind of stuff for a BMX video; youve got your metal, punk rock and the hip-hop. Apart from Mike Escamillas section which is some sort of hybrid freestyle jazz funk. You will probably hit the mute button during this section. Somehow Pink Floyd got himself a piece of the action on the soundtrack as well but for some reason it kind of goes well with Dave Parriks section of the video. Just go and see it. Do what you must to get your hands on it; steal it, lend it or even buy it. Nowhere fast is the new benchmark for all videos. |
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