Date: march 6, 1988. Place: Vista near Carlsbad, California. Organisation: Ron Wilkerson. | |
American Freestyler, june 1988: The first King of Vert contest of the year was scheduled to take place at Mike Dominguez's brand-new ramp. Well, at least that's what it said on the fliers we got. Folks. Sometimes in life things don't work as smoothly as expected. What do a swarm of zany freestylers hanging our in a nice residential neighborhood cause? That's right, a major disturbance! On Friday, March 4, a pre-contest session was taking place at Mike's ramp when the local police arrived. They dropped by to check out what Mike's complaining neighbors called just that, a major disturbance! To make a long story short, the police kind of ruined the weekend from there on in. You see, they immediately kicked everyone off of Mike's property, giving serious warnings to those who didn't agree with the idea of having to leave. Then on Saturday (originally the contest day) when all the dudes reunited and were warming up for their routines, the exact same thing happened-major police bust action. When Mike couldn't produce a building permit issued by the City of Chino (his city) for the police, they declared the ramp an unsafe structure, and they called the contest off! Aaaahhh! If Mike doesn't come up with a building permit real soon, he'll have to tear his plywood playland down. What a bloody shame. Ron Wilkerson. the promoter and probably the only person that stayed cool throughout the chaos, quickly went to work saturday night to make the contest a go on sunday. Yup, thanks to Brian Simms, the owner of a killer halfpipe in Vista, California. Brian agreed to host the contest with no probs. On sunday, March 6 at around 9:00 a.m. the scene at Brian Simms' ramp was as intense as expected. Cars and trucks of famous people cluttered the site. A few cars were missing) however. Mike Dominguez' broken foot would force him to sit this contest out so he didn't even bother to show up and watch. Nor did Matt Hoffman's presence exist, his broken leg kept him in Oklahoma. On the other hand. Josh White showed up and was going to ride, but torn ligaments in his ankle hurt too much and he sat the contest out, too. In all, 15 amateurs and five pros managed to stay injury-free long enough to compete. At around 10:30 a.m. all the contestants had shown up, and McGoo took over at the mike to start the contest. The amateurs went first. They were split into two groups and when everyone had time to get their last minute warm-ups in, the first group (consisting of eight riders) hit the ramp. Each rider had two one-minute runs to impress the judges enough to hopefully make the cut. It was nonstop action the moment the first guy rolled in. The second group (consisting of seven riders) rode directly after the first group had finished. When the qualifying ended, only eight guys were allowed to graduate to the finals The lucky guys were: former Hawaii's Andy Shohara. Las Vegas local Kurtis Kunz. Chris Potts, Steve Broderson, Gary Pollak, Dave Voelker, Dino DeLuca and Bob Kohl. In the Mains the guys were allowed four one-minute runs. Some of the most intense action was seen by Bob Kohl and Dino DeLuca. Both were pumping the ramp to some major air and variations like an incredible reversed Iookback by Kohl (his bars were backwards, as in 180 degrees) and stretched no-footed cancan one-handers and more by DeLuca. On the whole, everyone did well with no serious injuries. Dave Voelker came close, though, when he lost control on an abubaca and broke his front axle. So did Bob Kohl when a severe hangup broke his rear Tuff Wheel. Fortunately, both walked away unhurt. When the Mains had ended, and the judges' scores were added up. Dino ended up with a well-deserved win. Dave Voelker landed a second, and Bob "I could've won if my Tuff Wheel didn't explode!" Kohl got the third-place finish. The pros were next, waiting in anxiety for the amateurs to get off of the ramp. Brian Blyther, Ron Wilkerson, Dennis McCoy, Joe Johnson and Craig Campbell were ready for battle. The pro Main was supposed to have a 20-minute nonstop jam where each pro would get four one-minute runs. The jam came and went with advance aerial sickness occurring throughout. Skyway's latest recruit. Craig Campbell looked smooth through and through. Everyone in the United Kingdom would've been proud if they witnessed the high 540s and no-footed cancans their native pup was pulling. Dennis McCoy (still without a bike sponsor) blasted some of the highest airs we've ever seen him do. Around 9-1/2 feet to be more specific. We were way impressed with his variations, too. Would you believe no. footed cancan one-handers by the Real McCoy? Yup, Holmes, McCoy was made to ride. We don't know what's got into him, but ever since he's been off Haro he's had more desire than ever to shred! Ron Wilkerson may have done better on a whole if he didn't have to worry about keeping his contest organized. However, he did manage to kick out a new move: the 360-degree abubaca. It's a 360-degree flyout to back hops, to a re-entry. Sick! He tried a few Nothings too, but crashed each time. The man out to prove something with style and grace is a ragin' Joe Johnson. During his runs he wouldn't let up at any point. He did variations on each side of the ramp until each run was over. What did he do? How about almost every variation invented, including very smooth Nothings. Believe it. And there's Brian Blyther. What can be said about the man that hasn't been said already? He's always smooth, rad and never stressed. But most importantly he's always On! His riding seems like effortless fun that is envied by rampsters all over the nation. He held up his reputation at this contest as usual. He jammed! High 540s. insanely high airs and the killer Blyther style were all a threat to the rest of the pros. When the last aerial was landed, everyone packed up their things and headed to the local Round Table for some honest pizza and the awards ceremony. It turned out that Brian won. Joe got second, Ron grabbed the third from Dennis, who he tied with (their two scores were added, and Dennis lost, getting edged out to a fourth, leaving Craig Campbell with the fifth. They split up the $3000 purse with joy which will be a consistent amount given to the pros for Ron's whole series. This contest is over, and the Paris invitational is next week. Bicross magazine mai 1988: Début d'après-midi à Vista, j'ai enfin trouvé le spot Une véritable course d'orientation. Sur place c'est la surprise. Il n'y a quasiment personne Vingt, peut-être vingt-cinq personnes en tout. Freestylers et spectateurs compris. J'ai beau savoir que le KOV est avant tout un championnat totally underground, je ne pensais pas qu'ils seraient si peu. Bon à qui je fais part de mon étonnement m'explique que le changement de programme est pour beaucoup dans cette désaffection et que demain pour le contest ce sera chaud, je ne peux m'empêcher d'être déçu. Surtout que pour couronner le tout, on a beau être en Californie du Sud, il fait un temps gris, digne de l'Angleterre. Dimanche matin. Même lieu. Il est 9 h 30. Il y un monde fou ! Ils sont bien... quarante, allez disons cinquante si on compte, les organisateurs, les copains, les petites amies et les voisins attirés par la sono. Les banderoles Vision Street Wear, sponsor officiel du KOV pour toute la saison, ont envahi la rampe fraîchement repeinte en bleu marine. Les deux Ron, Wilkerson et Stebenne, organisateur et responsable, sont en place. Tous les photographes et journalistes de Freestylin, American Freestyler, Super BMX et Freestyle sont là... Et 13 Freestylers. Chez les pros, sous les couleurs Adidas, Dennis McCoy et Joe Johnson, Wilkerson bien sûr qui arrive à être au four et au moulin, Blyther, Mr KOV 87 et Craig Campbell qui réside désormais aux USA. Dominguez, est out pour un moment. Josh White qui souffre de la cheville se réserve pour Bercy. Chez les experts, on me confirme que Matt Hoffman est à l'hosto pour un moment. Il reste donc Chris Potts, un blondinet de 16 ans assez étonnant qui évolue sous les couleurs de Hutch, Kurtis Kunz, une sorte d'allumé détonnant, Stephen Broderson, Bob Kohl, Gary Pollack désormais GT, ça vous le savez déjà vu que vous dévorez BXM, Dino de Luca, Dave Voelker et Andy Shohara. Je ne vais pas énumérer la quirielle de figures radicales qu'ils ont effectuées D'abord parce que lorsqu'on se concentre sur la qualité des photos on ne voit pas tout, ensuite parce que vous avez eu en direct au Mega Free l'étendue du repertoire de ces virtuoses. Non, ce qui m'intéressait plus, une semaine avant Bercy, c'était de voir le niveau de ceux qui pourraient remplacer les blessés, et prier pour qu'il n'y en ait pas davantage et voir le déroulement du contest Comment les juges notaient, combien de temps prenait l'évolution de chaque styler et toute cette sorte de détails techniques. Malgré l'absence de spectateurs et la taille notoirement plus réduite du half par rapport à celui du Mega Free, ce fut un beau spectacle, dont Brian Blyther est sorti logiquement vainqueur. En experts, Dino de Luca avec une moyenne de 8.95 a remporté la victoire devant Dave Voelker et Bob Kohl. Alors pour quelle raison Dino de Luca n'est pas venu à Paris ? Tout simplement parce que nous étions convenu avec Wilkerson qu'on se basait sur le palmarès KOV 87 pour le choix des veinards qui inaugureraient le Mega Free. Dommage de Luca ou Bob Kohl valaient largement un Jack Smith, mais ça, je ne pouvais pas le savoir, le pauvre Jack étant absent ce jour-là. Tout cela permet de penser que le deuxième Mega Free sera encore mieux que le premier. En tous cas, on s'en occupe. Enfin une chose est sûre, le KOV est vraiment un championnat confidentiel dont le vrai public se trouve en France. |
![]() Ron Wilkerson, nothing attempt. ![]() Joe Johnson ![]() Dino de Luca Pedal picker drop in PRO 1.Brian Blyther 9.14; 2.Johnson 9.09; 3.Wilkerson 8.60 (tie); 3.Mc Coy 8.60 (tie); 5.Campbell 8.50 EXPERT 1.Dino de Luca 8.95; 2.Dave Voelker 8.70; 3.Bob Kohl 8.44; 4.Steve Broderson 8.33; 5.Chris Potts 8.205; 6.Kurtis Kunz 8.175; 7.Gary Pollack 7.855; 8.Andy Shohara 7.84 2-hip B-hip part 1/8. Krt Schmidt: This is the second 2-Hip video created. It features all the 2-Hip contests held in 1988. |