Date: august 8-14, 1994 Place: North Brigade skatepark, Cologne, Germany. Tim Ruck, Ride BMX UK, october 1994: Thursday was the date set for the start of the contest, that was until we got there and were told street had already been held (on Wednesday) except for the pros, who were to ride in the afternoon, As everyone mingled and remade old acquaintances, there were already hilarious tales circling about Sea Of Horror ferry crossings and the various treks people had made to the contest, from the UK, US, Austria, Holland, France, Denmark, there was a true international flavour to this Worlds, The skatapark was pretty well laid out: 10/11 foot half pipe, spined 7ft mini ramp, and large street course with big banks running round two sides with one part leading to a large wall ride, small hip ramp, old school 1/4 pipe, concrete transitioned funbox with small handrail, and a large steep jumpbox which various people were skying over (and off - someone 360'd it and missed the landing, the box was about 6ft high). There was a smaller 5ft high mini behind the vert, but the contest was to be on the spine, which a few people found disconcerting as it was larger than at most comps. There were different colour wrist bands to wear depending on whether you'd paid to spectate, enter, or were a VIP/organiser/press. This was then supposedly enforced by marshalls on the two entrances, in reality though people were going in and out of all the areas (spectators were meant to be in a separate part) and there were loads of people riding that weren't entering which was cool, good sessions, but not-so-cool if you'd paid to ride (20Dm). |
![]() tonestojko,, april 2008: Some impressions from BMX Freestyle Worlds' 1994, Köln/Cologne, Germany. Made by Tone Stojko and Simon Stojko Falk. tonestojko,, april 2008: BMX Freestyle Worlds' 1994, Köln/Cologne, Germany. Made by Tone Stojko and Simon Stojko Falk. |
Tim Ruck, Ride BMX UK, october 1994: There were quite a few riders in this chaos, ranging from street's roots like Bart de Jong, Lars Hansen, to big moves like Hoffman, Miron, Johnny Petit. The big tricks were what the crowd were baying for, so that's what I'll give ya! Miron's best were a stretched one-handed one foot over a kinked concrete hip, fast nose wheelies across the concrete box, a MASSIVE straight flip over the jump box (which had started his run) and a one-hand to one-hand truck driver as effortless as if it'd been a straight x-up. I'm not sure if Johnny Petit entered or was just in practice, but pulled off big flips, supermans, and needy pulled or possibly at some point pulled, framewhip 360 over the jump, made a big impression on all onlookers. Hoffman - the mere mention of his name sent the crowd crazy, be dabbed a couple of framewhip tricks, one footslap on the wall, the other being airing the concrete hip, but he satisfied the flip-crazy crowd with a big no-handed one out of the soft high concrete bank, over the spectators and a fence to land outside the park. Or, it could have been over the jumpbox - I was trying to get into position to take a photo and the angle I was watching from was a bit tricky it might have well have been out of the park with the noise the crowd made. Not as much noise as they made for the cold-lampin' Ice Money, from the United States. His biggest move was a rock-walk drop-in off the jumpbox, I reckon his game plan was if you entered a pro race, maybe everyone would fall off and you'd win, but this strategy doesn't work in freestyle. But, he did have a Mr T haircut and flash see-through body-armour. |
![]() Mat Hoffman 360 table STREET PROS 1-Jay Miron 2-Mat Hoffman 3-Thomas Stellwagg 4-Markus Wilke 5-Stefan Prantl 6-Stephane Meneau 7-Lars Hansen 8-Bart de Jong ![]() John Petit en backflip |
FLAT | |
Effraim Catlow pulled off a fluid run and beat everyone in the most stacked ground class to date. Tim Ruck, Ride BMX UK, october 1994: Sunday must have been a bit hectic for the organisers. they had to get through most of the flatland and all of the vert, not an easy task with the threat of rain looming overhead all day. The final day of the contest started off with the biggest flatland crowd you're ever likely to see ready to witness some of the most advanced flat riding you're ever likely to see. The large banked sides of the park made a great grandstand. The spinniest most contorted around-the-bike links were being done by Jesse Puente, one move was half a steamroller combined with a bar-hop (not climbing over, jumping) so he lands in an elephant glide, a flatland vision from God basically, speaking for myself I was almost moved to tears after his run (I said almost). Sean McKinney gelled in his run, but according to an impartial bystander, "He's got the ego and breakdancing to make up for it, and let's face it that's what counts in flatland nowadays." You see, after failing several moves he chucked his bike and started breaking right there on the contest arena. Tarmac. Harsh, After his nicely connected and fairly dab-free run, Phil Dolan rode back to a barrage of high-5's from his flatland bros (pros), there was more slapping of skin than in the peep shows in Amsterdam. Flat 16-17: 1.Alexandre Jumelin 6.Romaric Fath Masters: 1.Klaus Dyba 2.Szilagyi 3.Lionel Cardoso 7.Stefan Geisler 8.Michael Steingraber Pros flat results: 1.Effraim Catlow 2.Jesse Puente 3.Albert Retey 4.Phil Dolan 5.Paul Osicka 6.Day Smith 7.Armin Batoumeni 8-Sean McKinney |
![]() Paul Osicka ![]() Jesse Puente .vice champion tonestojko,, april 2008: Klaus Dyba-BMX freestyle world champion flatland master.BMX Freestyle Worlds' 1994, Köln/Cologne, Germany. Made by Tone Stojko and Simon Stojko Falk. tonestojko,, april 2008: Albert Retey-3rd place BMX Worlds flatland pro; BMX Freestyle Worlds' 1994, Köln/Cologne, Germany. Made by Tone Stojko and Simon Stojko Falk. tonestojko,, april 2008: Jesse Puente-2nd place BMX worlds' flatland pro; BMX Freestyle Worlds' 1994, Köln/Cologne, Germany. Made by Tone Stojko and Simon Stojko Falk. tonestojko,, april 2008: Effraim Catlow-World champion BMX freestyle flatland pro.BMX Freestyle Worlds' 1994, made by Tone Stojko and Simon Stojko Falk. |
VERT | |
Tim Ruck, Ride BMX UK, october 1994: When the pro finals did start it was well worth it. The too three seeds had to be Hoffman - Beatwick - Miron. Run by run, first runs went like this. Hoffman: stacks of back to back high variations, loads of no-foot combos, no-hand twist. Bestwick: super-smooth, fast, lip-tricks, icepick grinds, second in height only to Hoffman, very stretched variations. Miron: got pumping for height and after a few airs jettisoned his bike onto the platform, a bit detuned, got up for a couple of tricks, looked to be hanging on for his second run. Second runs - Hoffman: more insane flinging around of bike and limbs, blows nearly everyone's minds with a double framewbip and a 900 in his final run, he rode out of these, and finished with a front-flip flyout. Bestwick: too tricky to mention, his runs are so full that I'd need a video playback on slow-m. to get all his stuff, everything you need to get a top placing in pro without half killing yourself Miron: good last run, alley-oop icepick grinds, toothpick grinds, big topside no-foot can can, and blew any minds that were left after Hoffman's runs with a doublebusdriver and backflip fakie. RAMPE 19 ANS 1-David Lombard RAMPE MASTERS 1.Stephane Meneau 2.Stuart King RAMPE PROS 1-Mat Hoffman 2-Jamie Bestwick 3-Jay Miron 4-Jon Taylor 5-Alexander Reinke 6-Peter Geys |
tonestojko,, april 2008: Matt Hoffman-bmx freestyle world champion halfpipe pro. BMX Freestyle Worlds' 1994, Köln/Cologne, Germany. Made by Tone Stojko and Simon Stojko Falk. |
Tim Ruck, Ride BMX UK, october 1994: The top lad was Jay Miron, perhaps not unsurprisingly, the bestest tricks being: alley-oop over the spine to grind backwards on the opposite side, then back over, off the volcano over spine to grind, back again, an aborted flip attempt (over the spine) and foot-planting the railing behind the ramp as a set-up trick to get plenty of speed for big airs over the spine, also warp-speed no brake nosewheelies and bottom-side icepick grinds, the spine being his fave I guess. Stuart King pulled a truck driver over the spine (some idiot stole his bike, a practically new lengthy, so for vert the next day he rode John Taylor's GT). Stephan Prantl, the ride-like-a-tyrant German Pro, VERY dedicated and rad, was 360 tyre-tapping over the spine whilst flailing one hand overhead with assorted other lip-trickery. My eye-witness was so enamoured with Miron's riding this was all the info I could gleam. Bart De Jong: The Bro Hymn song by Epitaph got played over and over again. It became the song of the contest and until this day I think about Pro-mini with Miron and Bender on the spine whenever I hear that song. (...) OoooOoooOooooOooooooooooohh. (...) Bro Hymn became the official World's song. Mini rampe pros results: 1-Jay Miron 2-Stefan Prantl 3-Jon Taylor 6-Leigh Ramsdell 8-Ice Money |
![]() David Lombard. tonestojko,, april 2008: Jay Miron-BMX freestyle world champion miniramp pro;BMX Freestyle Worlds' 1994, Köln/Cologne, Germany. Camera: Tone Stojko & Simon Stojko Falk; director: Simon Stojko Falk. |