Released in 1991. Re-mastered in 2002. Running time: 30 minutes. Originally released as Standard's first video in 1991, Rodgers Garage set the pace for mini-ramp and skatepark riding forever. The re-release, complete with never-before-seen footage and updated music is still as fresh as anything seen today. Prepare yourself to re-enter the world of Rodgers Garage "The Saga Continues. Riders: Rick Moliterno, Krt Schmidt, Mark Murphy, Chad Degroot, Trevor Meyer, Ron Kimler, Ron Anderson, Taj Mihelich, Joe Rich, Chase Gouin and many more! Most of the riding is on the mini/spine ramp and the street stuff in Rick Moliterno's Rampage skatepark where Rick Moliterno, Krt Schmidt. Bill Nitschke and Mark Murphy must ride about twenty six hours a day. Each rider is featured individually for about five minutes or so. Rick Moliterno does every mini ramp trick you've ever thought off and a few which don't just spring to mind such as tailwhip to abubaca. The Saga Continues !! The video that started the mini ramp craze is back. Re-mastered with never before seen footage and new music, the riding is still as fresh as anything seen today. Features Rick Moliterno, Kurt Schmidt, Mark Murphy and many others. (approx. 20 min.) Sean,, 2009: Released in 1991 and filmed from 1988 through 1991, Rogers Garage was the debut of the SBC Army, philosophy and style to the industry. Filmed mostly at Rampage Skatepark, Rogers Garage featured tricks and a style of riding that hadnt been seen before but after this video was released, it would define a new riding style, now know as park, and drive product innovation for this new riding style. The original video was compiled from years of footage from countless Rampage Kong of the Skatepark contests, many 3am private riding sessions and even some old AFA quarterpipe contest footage. Krt Schmidt put the video together caveman style with 2 VCRs, gallons of Mt. Dew and cartons of Marlboro reds in sleepless marathons sessions of the course of a week or so. The original master tape has long been lost as well as the additional footgage of Rick that was at the end of the original run of 200 videos, this version, while not in the greatest shape quality wise, was made from a nearly unplayed version of the original run of videos. The original graphic elements have been updated for display quality. Audio quality was such an issue, we wanted to give it a face lift and remain true to the time and spirit of what was available for music from that time period. |
![]() Rogers Garage from Standard Bykes on Vimeo. |
Released in 1993. 20 minutes long. |
![](), december 2008: Chase Gouins part from the Standard Byke Company video Happy Days., december 2008: Taj Mihelich - "Happy Days"., december 2008: Joe Rich part. Krt Schmidt - "Happy Days". Rick Moliterno - "Happy Days". John Wold - "Happy Days". |
Produced by Chris Rye. Released in 1994 30 minutes long. Riders: Rick Moliterno, Krt Schmidt, Mark Murphy, Ron Kimler, Chad Degroot, Joe Hurlburt, Joe Rich, Jeremy Verhulst, Taj Mihelich, Chris Young, Dave Freimuth, Robbie Morales and many more ! Imagine taking most of the best riders in the world and placing them in one video. Can you ? I thought so. This classic video from 1994 covers ground from the Midwest to England with a killer soundtrack and the greatest riders of the time ! You gotta see this ! Ride BMX UK #10 april 1994: Fat 1's is a manufacturer's video showing their own team riders: Standard Industries' latest video is a 30 minute smorgasbord of Standard's finest. And considering the team is made up from arguably the best riders going, it's bound to be a good watch. It certainly is. For a start, Fat 1's is produced by Chris Rye, the guy behind Baco 5, so quality is red hot - and in fact Chris has corne up with some new ideas and editing skills making Fat 1's flow faster than Baco. The sound is spot on [if you can, watch it on a cinema style surround sound stereo system for pumping tunes], editing doesn't get any better than this, and film quality is equally impressive. But of course, what about the riding ? Each guy gets his own section shot at a wide variety of locations [inc. KOC], starting with Joe Rich [street, parks, vert], Jeremy Verhurlst [dirt, street, no flips], Chris Young [flatland], Ron Kimler [street], Joe Hurlbert [ridiculous mini ramp riding], Mark Murphy [ditto], Taj Mihelich [utterly balls out jumping], Dave Friemuth [the guy who I though was Rick Moliterno on Baco 5 rips apart mini ramps with techno mastery], Robbie Morales [silk dirt jumper], Krt Schmidt [rides Rampage with plenty of stuff to barspin, eg toothpick], Chad Degroot [even better flatland stuff than on Baco 5, like backwards deathtrucks and combos], and the best part - Rick Moliterno. Rick does so many tricks that the screen is split into 2 and we see twice as much riding at once. With laidback style Rick annihilates the ramps at Rampage and various rails, and he also does a feeble down the gnarliest kinked ledge we've ever seen - into traffic. Wow. You will watch it all over again immediately. A full 30 minutes long, the new Standard video is just bloody excellent - guaranteed. Krt Schmidt,, march 2008: I remember sitting with Chris when he first viewed his part for Fat Ones. He hated it. I think it was because he didnt like the song which I also didnt like at first. It eventually grew on him and after I had watched the video a few times I really started to get into the song. Its videos like this that bring back the good times that were had around SBC at this time. |
![]() Intro. Joe Rich. Rick Moliterno part. Krt Schmidt and Robbie Morales. Jeremy Verhulst part. Chris Young part. |
Made by the Props guys. (Chris Rye) Released in 1995. 41 minutes long. Riders: Rick Moliterno, Krt Schmidt, Joe Hurlburt, Dave Freimuth, John "Luc-E" Englebert, Jeremy Verhulst, Paul Osicka, Sandy Carson, Keith Gower, Ron Kimler, Taj Mihelich, Joe Rich, Chad Degroot, and many more ! Luc-E does a lot of backward stuff, like fakie 180 jumps down steps. Paul Osicka section is unbelievable. Keith Gower Krt Schmidt spends a lot of time going backwards into tricks, like fakie to 180 tyretap to fakie on mini ramp. Ride BMX UK: Style Cats sports every single rider on the team and they are all leading edge. If you want the best selection of street, mini, skatepark, flat and dirt rider to date, then look no further. (...) This video is kind of old, but it still holds up as one of my favorite videos. Style Cats is a Chris Rye production, so you know that the high quality of filming and editing is there. And with the "stars" of the video being the Standard team, the riding is right on par as well. There's everything in this video - mainly mini and street - and plenty of stuff that'll make you sick. I wished there was more flatland in it (as usual), but the stuff from Kerry Gatt, Chad DeGroot, Bobby Fisher and Paul Osicka is incredible (Bobby and Chad to their share of street and mini, too). Overall the music's good, too (face to face, Muffs, Bad Religion), but what's with putting "weird" music (Jackson 5, Grease, Fleetwood Mac) for practically all the flatland sections? (Okay, I can understand "Go Your Own Way" for Chad.) Hey, it's still better than Veruca Salt. Glenn P.P. Milligan: Standard had a bunch of awesome videos before this one when freestyle and riding was kind of dead. This video was the most professionally put together video of it's time and made Standard really look like the craziest team of all times, and at the time it was. I watched that video everyday for over a year. |
![](), november 2011: 1995 - Standard Industries - StyleCats ft. Kerry Gatt, Bobby Fisher, Chris Young, Paul Osicka and Chad DeGroot. Flatland only footage. Paul Osicka part. |
Video by: Glenn P.P. Milligan released in 1998. Riders: Bobby Fisher, Keith Terra, Brennan Brown, Punjab, Jerry Bagley, Groundchuck, Sandy Carson, Robbie Morales, Luc-E, Rick Moliterno. BMXup #11: Voilà une vidéo qui annonce d'entrée de jeu la couleur Aurait-on pris la grosse tête chez Standard? Eh bien pour tout vous avouer, je pense que non, cette vidéo est certainement ce qui se fait de mieux en ce qui concerne le dirt et le street. Ici pas fioriture, pas de race, pas de sol, pas de rampe, du pur BMX, du BMX roots, du BMX simple et efficace. Les pilotes standard nous font un festival, on retrouve dans le désordre Bobby Fisher, Ground Chuck, Sandy Carson, Rick Moliterno, Punjab, Robbie Morales, Keith Terra, Jerry Bagley. Tous déchirent comme de beaux diables et permettent à la vidéo d'avoir du rythme, du caractère. On sent en effet une certaine forme de domination dans la mise en oeuvre de ce petit bijou. Moliterno malgré ses 33 ans, nous démontre qu'il est encore l'un des grands patrons du BMX et à noter un certain Punjab qui commence à titiller sérieusement Robbie Morales pour le titre de Trail Boss. A vous de juger ! |
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EXIT 63 | |
36 minutes long road trip video produced by Glenn PP Milligan. Riders: Rick Moliterno, Brandon Pundai, Paul Osicka, Jim Rienstra, Isaac Mcrea, Jerry Bagley and many more ! Almost every year Rick and Standard Byke Company head out on a road trip. And every year most insanity happens than the year before, Exit 63 is a major undertaking with twists and turns than a movie ! Take a look at what your missing. Get Exit 63 ! Mark Losey, Ride BMX US december 1998: Don't expect Exit 63 to be something like Road Fools. lnstead, the Standard video just shows what happens when a bunch of riders travel around and ride together. There s some really good riding in Exit 63, but there is also some horrible music. Turn down the sound and wait until you see Moliternos rail crash at the end. Kord, Although the music on this video is quite old it is still quite good featuring men at work, the beach boys, and the mama's and the papa's. The riding on this video is ok a lot of good street and some good dirt and even some nice trampoline work this is some nicely edited road trip coverage featuring Robbo, the Gonz and Rick Moliterno. Trix, When I got this Video, I expected to see lots of great riding. I waited and waited, and unlike the Road Fools Videos(which if you haven't seen probably 2 of the BEST VIDEOS EVER!) this was well, disappointing.All of Standards' videos have been great, filled with tons of riding. When I watched this, I was left saying," thats it?" For the time it took to put this out, and the delay, I wanted more, so thats the the downside... the upside? When the guys (Rick Moliterno,Jerry Bagley,Glen Mulligan,Paul"Why didn't he have any flatland taped on this?"Osicka, Groundchuck, and a couple of other people) DID ride, you got some good stuff, but like I said, they shoulda looked at props road fools and seen how to get it together, on a scale of 1 to 10, "6". |
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Released in 2000 Regie: Glen PP Milligan Starring: John "Luc-E" Englebert, Bobby Fisher, Mark Gonzales, Isaac McCrea, Rick Moliterno, Paul Osicka (rock walk 360 dos au guidon), Brandon Pundai, Jim Rienstra plus a cast of many others. Mark Losey, Standard came out with two videos at the same time this year ("Standard Country" and "99 Euro Tour"), and to me, "Standard Country" is the winner. The entire Standard team goes off on this one. Some of the highlights include Erin Donatothat's right, a girlgoing off on flatland, Andrew Burrelson killing it on flat and street, and Brandon Pundai showing what style is all about. The best sections come from John "Luc-E" Engelbert, Paul Osicka, Mark Gonzales, Jim Rienstra, and Rick Moliterno. Luc-E's parts are always innovative, and he delivers once again with unreal backwards street tricks. Paul takes flatland to a whole new level that must be seen to be understood. Gonz' has always done his own thing, and his part is full of wild Gonz-style tricks. Jim Rienstra's part is full of street and mini riding that proves why he's factory Standard. And then there is Moliterno. Rick seriously destroys everything he rides. He finds unique rails and ledges on street, and when he's riding the mini ramp at Rampage, it's like he's putting on a clinic. He rides forwards and fakie so well that it's like watching a skateboarder on a ramp. I'd say "Standard Country" is worth buying just for Rick's part, and then everything else is like a bonus. The Standard team is back with their best video yet. Everthing from dirt to flatland is displayed by some of the best standard has to offer. Riders include Bobby Fisher, Mark Gonzalez, Rick Moliterno, Luc-E, Paul Osicka, Erin Denato and many more. Highlights include Paul Osicka's part where he goes completely off. Paul has a style all of his own with tricks that are undescribable. Jim Rienstra shows everyone what time it is in the streets and in the skateparks. Jimmy makes big technical tricks look too easy. He flows. Erin Denato Kicks big time on the flat and she shows everyone that riding should not be considered just a male sport. Moliterno destroys the Mini with so many difficult tricks. It must be seen to be believed. He incorporates a lot of flat type tricks in his mini ramp riding. This is a must see for anyone who likes all types of riding.. The music is also great. Everything from EPMD to Stevie Wonder to Morissey. Get this video ! Oliver Schoolberg, Instant Classic. Is it an instant classic because of how well it was hyped and marketed? Is it an instant classic because of the commercials in props that would leave you salivating? Could anything live up to the buzz on the video? Was it destined to become the Phantom Menace of freestyle videos? You knew on pressing play that this video is going to blow your mind, or just blow because it couldn't live up to it's hype. I thought the opening credits were dope and inventive. When the action started at first I thought it was very conventional, rider section followed by rider section followed by rider section. It was hard to get into the early parts of this video in anticipation of seeing Luc-E, Osicka and Rick's section. I started to notice something I have seen very rarely in bike videos, what appeared to be a two camera operation. Several times there were edits on the same trick that really made it have a flow you don't normally see in bike videos. As a video professional I have been waiting on the sport to catch on to that. It gives it a feel that makes it unique to most videos out now. John, Paul and Rick's sections didn't disappoint. I was pretty stoked on my new VCR's "replay" button. Osicka's section was a real highlight for me. I think I watched his whole section on "frame by frame". On the second viewing I was able to get into more of the video. Though not as hyped as the three I mentioned above, the rest of the video is damn good. I would say this is one of those multiple-viewing videos that you can throw on anytime you want to be hyped up about riding. Keep this video near your VCR. |
![]() Intro. Luc-E. |
99 EURO TOUR | |
The crew on this trip was Bobby Fisher, the Gonz, James Hitchcox, Rick Moliterno, Paul Osicka, Brandon Pundai and Jim Rienstra. See these guys ripping through Belgium, England, France, and Germany. Gonz has a crash into a bus that put him in the hospital for awhile. Mark Losey, Standard skipped the big Interbike Tradeshow last year, and instead took seven of its team riders on a European road trip to film for this video. Rick Moliterno, Paul Osicka, Jim Rienstra, Bobby Fisher, Mark Gonzalez, James Hitchcox, and Brandon Pundai all went on the trip, and it looked like a lot more fun than the tradeshow was. This video is a lot like a road trip you see in Ride, where a group of riders hit spots and try to show a little of the flavor of each location. There's not a lot of flatland in this video, but Bobby and Paul do lay down a few serious tricks. The best parts of the video to me were the street and skatepark sessions. Sometimes the same spots get sessioned for a long time, and it shows you just how much you can do at one spot if you open your mind to the possibilities. The copy of "99 Euro Tour" I got had a few sound glitches, and the camera work gets a little shaky at times, but the riding definitely delivers. The feeble Moliterno does at the end of the video is proof positive of that. Oliver Schoolberg, I have always hated it when someone I liked released a double cd. It is too much commitment for me. I know this is not a double video package type deal, but it works so well with Standard Country. If you had to decide which one to get because they were dropped at the same time, I would have to say get both and just suck it up till next paycheck. The Euro Tour is like dessert to Standard Country. The crew on this trip was Bobby Fisher, the Gonz, James Hitchcox, Rick Moliterno, Paul Osicka, Brandon Pundai and Jim Rienstra. It could have been called "Most Likely to Cause an International Incident", especially with Gonz's poses at the Eifel Tower. Speaking of the Gonz, the crash into a bus that put him in the hospital for awhile is in there. Ouch. I liked seeing street riding on street and in skateparks I have not seen a hundred times over in other video. I also have to give props to Standard on bringing along flatlanders Osicka and Fisher. It provides a good mixture. If you just have to get one or the other, go with Standard Country, but make sure to pick this video up as soon as possible. |
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Released in 2002. If you've ever wondered what goes on in the mind of one the most influential riders in Freestyle and BMX history, then this video is something you need to see. Listen to candid interviews and watch unreal riding sessions with a living legend. Rick Moliterno is not just the man behind the creation of Standard Byke Company or a professional rider. He is all of these things and more. Get your copy today and become educated ! A video about an icon who changed everything about our bikes today. Covering 29 years of BMX and Freestyle, it dives into the roots and future of our sport. Never before seen old and new footage of Rick Moliterno. (approx. 30 min.) Krt Schmidt, Th' Link Magazine, june 2008: I produced the video Covert Operations that was my tribute to all the things I felt Rick had contributed to Freestyle over the years |
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Released in 2002. In the summer of 2002, SBC and Rick Moliterno invited some the team riders on a road trip that would follow the course of the Mississippi River. Beginning in Minneapolis, Minnesota and ending in New Orleans, Louisiana the Standard Army invades almost every major city along the way. Riders: Rick Moliterno, Kevin Porter, Brian Vowell, Brian Kachinsky, John "Ratboy" Wrigley, Krt Schmidt, Scott Anderson and many more !, december 2009: This video was the one that got away. Lost in the shuffle between the death of VHS and the explosion of DVD, Rollin' on the River was virtually unseen by the masses of the BMX world. The level of riding is incredibly technical and advanced for '02; and astoundingly current as 2010 approaches. |
![]() Rollin on the River from Standard Bykes on Vimeo. |
Released early 2008., january 2008: Thats right, the new SBC video Stronger Than All is finally available! It was pushed back a lot, but its here now. |
Trailer. Jonah Lidberg's section. |