Vancouver (CANADA) 1986 | |
Ces championnats du monde ont eu lieu du 28 au 30 août pendant l'exposition mondiale de Vancouver en 1986, le long des quais de False Creek. Le team Skyway de l'époque était présent. Results, report, pics. | |
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Bart de Jong: The '87 Tizer Worlds took place in England in a different venue every day with competitors traveling in busses from place to place. Matt Hoffman came over and had a hard battle with teammate Carlo Griggs for first place. Les anglais ont décidé d'organiser un championnat du monde de freestyle qui se déroule sur sept épreuves du 14 au 22 août. Les déplacements s'effectuent en car. La caravanne part de Londres pour s'arrêter à Cardiff en Ecosse, lieu de la finale. 140 riders Organisation: UKBFA. David Chabert champion du monde 16 ans sol. Results, pics, reportage. | |
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Freestyle BMX UK april 1988: 88 WORLDS... Remember last year's Worlds Freestyle Championships ? The week long thing which dragged 140 riders up and down the country to various venues here and there? This year it will be totaly different. From what I've heard the venue is ALTON TOWERS Theme Park, Staffordshire, Britain's largest fun centre with log rides, rollercoasters the Corkscrew, rapid ride and many other massive fun rides. 100 percent fun. Anyway, that's where this year's worlds will be held, taking place over a weekend (most likely the 15th to l7th of July), with a specially constructed arena with quarterpipes, wedge ramps, loads of seating and maybe a halfpipe if Peter Noble gets his way. The BBC have expressed more than an interest in televising the event, and there's equal interest in the States from both Pros and Ams. Money will once again come from TIZER, who were well pleased with last year's contest . France are trying to run a worlds event of their own, but nobody else seems interested in that. More details later. Sound GOOD heh ? You bet. Bart de Jong: Another Tizer World's in Manchester, England. Americans in the house included Dennis McCoy, disaster Dennis Langlais, Chris Potts and surfing Rick Allison. Results, report, pics, videos. | |
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Results, pics, reportage, video. | |
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Bart de Jong: The best worlds so far. Not only the riding was good but there was also a good vibe amongst the competitors. Reportage, results, pics. | |
Aalborg (DANEMARK) 1991 | |
Bart de Jong: Aalborg Denmark. Highlights were Geoff Martin's fast spins and serious partying. ... | |
Budapest (HONGRIE) 1992 | |
Bart de Jong: Hungary. This was Chase Gouin and Jay Miron's first Worlds in Europe, and DMC and Hoffman came back for another one, too. Results don't really matter - having a good time was what counted. ... | |
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Bart de Jong: The crew of IFN (International Freestyle Network) officials went to Limoges, France only to run a disappointing Worlds. Results, report, photos, videos. |
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Bart de Jong: Oh boy, the one in Cologne, Germany is one to remember. The Flatland Fugitives were representing and throwing stupid signs all over the place (West Coast.who cares?). Jay and Matt were teammates and ripped it up. Leigh Ramsdell went wild, ninja Rob Sigaty went 2-Hip, Day Smith went 8.6 (alcohol content), and the Props guys caught everything on film. The contest was run by people who know what's up and there were no delays for cameras that need to change film. Party-vibe was on and Ice Money ended up in the water. Results, photos, videos. |
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1995 | |
Bart de Jong: 1995 The IFN thought it was time to give the Americans a shot at organizing the freestyle Worlds, but it never happened.Lazy bastards. Pas de championnat du monde organisé. | |
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Bart de Jong: The Cologne posse said, "Let's do it again!" Different venue, bigger set-up, bigger parties, and a bigger crowd. Mirra ruled vert, Dave Osato was in the house, Taj, Rick Thorne, Chad DeGroot, Paul Osicka, and even Ruben Castillo made it over. And let it be known that Todd Lyons became the World Champion in dirt jumping ! Results, pics, video. |
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Eindhoven (PAYS-BAS) 1997 | |
Bart de Jong: Eindhoven, Holiand, organized by Paul de Jong and company. There was a huge spine ramp for mini and Osato ripped it up in practice. Barspinner Ryan took T.L.'s crown in dirt, and Andrew Faris won the ultra-competitive flatland class. Report, results, pics, videos. | |
Portimao (PORTUGAL) 1998 | |
Bart de Jong: Portimao, Portugal. Riders from more than 15 different countries show up to do battle in flat, mini, dirt, vert, and street. It's amazing that so many riders with the same interest can meet at one place on this earth and have a good time together. That's basicaliy what the Worlds,are really about: Let's meet, ride, and have a good time. No need for rainbow jerseys, strict TV schedules, passes, or a $10,000 purse. For some reason the same American riders who have come to one Freestyle Worlds in Europe always want to come back the following year. Just ask them why. Results, report. |
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Madrid (SPAIN) 1999 | |
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28 juin au 2 juillet. Organisés par Stephan Prantl et Achim Kujawski. Report, results, pics, videos. |
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Hervé ANDRE BENOIT, 8 juin 2001: 2001 World championships of BMX Freestyle are cancelled: The massive retreat of the big brands investments, usually sponsors of the extreme sports contests, since the beginning of the year, the world of the urban sports is once again touched. Further to the change of strategy and to the withdrawal of our financial partners, we are obliged to cancel BMX Freestyle's World championships (July 11-15, 2001). Rather than organize such a competition in very insufficient financial conditions, to the detriment of infrastructures, reception of riders and recent complaints made following the FISE which really affected us, we prefer to cancel World Championships. We would like to apologize to all those who supported us since one year, as well as all the riders and addicts of the BMX. Right now we are going to work so that the FISE continues its way in the disturbing situation which knows the sponsoring in this period, and that its 2002 edition stays the huge party of the BMX. Die WM in Frankreich fällt aus! En remplacement, les Mexicos et le Magazine Cream proposent en partenariat avec California Style et d'autres marques et shops "THE PIRAT JAM" dans le sk8 park de Montpellier. Au programme, Flat, Dirt-Trail, Bowl, Park et rampe. Barbecue et apero offert samedi soir. |
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Matt Beringer: That was like one of the best contests ever that I've been to. Just the crowd was just like screaming and like, oh man, it was just nuts. Every time somebody would do something the full crowd was just: Yeahhh, you know, they'd just go nuts which is cool to see. Report, results, photos |
Beja (PORTUGAL) 2003 | |
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Report, results, photos. | |
Prague (Czech Republic) 2005 | |
Report, results, ... | |
2006 | |
No Worlds this year. The Masters in Cologne were basically considered by many to be this year’s Worlds contest / event / party. | |
2007 | |
2008 | |
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Cologne Jugendpark from July, 10th to 12th 2009. Press release, april 2009: The official IBMXFF World Championships gonna be RAD this year, regarding to the motto: “Back to the roots” the members of the worldwide most famous BMX-Team, the Haro BMX Freestyle Team with Ron Wilkerson, Brian Blyther and Dave Nourie will show the best moves out of the 80’s! No other than old time tour announcer Kevin Martin will be on the mic to cheer up the crowd! Actually the founder of the BMX-Freestylesport, Bob Haro himself, announced his coming. Don’t miss one of the greatest Freestyle Teams of all times rocking the Jugendpark on their original 80’s Bikes, Ramps and Outfit. Come and celebrate the 25th anniversary of BMX at the Cologne Jugendpark with us this summer. |
![]() Ron Wilkerson on the cover of Freedom issue 89. |
Prague (Czech Republic) 2010 | |
Prague, Czech Republic, June 4-6. 2010 IBMXFF World Championships Prague cancelled. Organiser Marek Rejman, april 2010: I am sorry to announce we will not be able to host Worlds due to lack of sponsorship. Due to the economic crisis we will not be supported by city of Prague either." We were all looking forward to some good times in Prague on the first weekend in June. Marek's park is still being built and his brother's park is still there as well, so if you did book for a Prague weekend, you will still have places to ride and you can enjoy the beautiful city, but unfortunately no BMX freestyle world's will take place in 2010. |
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Cologne Jugendpark 2012. | |
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Cologne Jugendpark 2019.
This year we are CELEBRATING 35 YEARS of most significant BMX Freestyle Event in the World! To do it right, we’re bringing back the official IBMXFF BMX Freestyle Worlds to Cologne. SNIPES BMX WORLDS COLOGNE – will take place on June 21st – 23rd , 2019. We are bringing you everything from BMX- ROOTS & CULTURE to HIGH CLASS BMX ATHLETES and plenty opportunities to PARTY and ENJOY yourself in an authentic BMX FESTIVAL ATHMOSPHERE. World Champion Titles are waiting to be taken home in the disciplines DIRT, SPINE-PARK & FLATLAND. |