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Cream bmx #22 - february march 2007 (1) Photo de couverture par Arno Bani. News, BMXtorique, Bibi' seat setup. Reviews. Best of Props 2006, Ride Flipside, Lotek Vancouver, Volume On the clock, DBC. My Bike. Mike Spinner's Mirraco. Patocheries de Patrick Guimez. How to Nose pick whip foot jam avec Alex Valentino. Ladies. Eelke James from the Netherlands interview. Photo Contest remporté par Stéphane Bar. Event. Festiventu in Corsica. Event. Long Beach flatland Jam. Report. WeThePeople french tour. Face. Balu and Marcelo from Brazil to Paris. Event. Vibrations Urbaines contest à Pessac. Spot. Gordy's backyard trail. Portfolio. On the way to Flatring. Trip. Fabien Sedat à Montreal. Face. Ben Snowden interview with Brian Blyther intro. La Gazette: Lumberjack contest in Germany, Russian contest, Raphael Chiquet au Koweit trip, we want you session in Nantes- France, Sampel jam in Belgium... Report. Germans riders enjoy France! Music. Raphael Mazeyrat et Les putes d'Autoroute' french band Face. Kevin Jones exclusive interview. Event. Simpel Session, Tallinn, Estonia. Event. Berlin city games. Face. Romain Maurel interview. Shutters: various photographers portefolio. Bryan Close, Kevin Saborit, Leonidas Germanopoulos, Richard Baybutt, Ken Van Hamme, Sebastian Heck, Jan Philipp Kovermann, Tal Roberts, Tom Simpson. Event. KOG final in Japan. Flash. Naoya Wada interview. Event. Vrac jam in Lyon, France. Event. Flatground in Amsterdam. the Netherlands. Dr Oldschool. 20 years of SandM: Chris Moeller interview. 132 pages. Erratum. Le lookdown pleine page dans le report sur Pessac était Justin Fouque et le downside whip Daniel Wedemeijer. Angela 'sKwirl' Morrison-McEwen, www.myspace.com/creamofbmx, january 2007: With all the girls that are riding so hard out there you put a girl naked in a bed with a bike. As tastefully done as it is it is still just sexism. I am so disapointed. Rose can do fufanus. Nina can do foot jam nose picks. Erin does sick combos from hitch hikers. Stace does huge sub boxes. Girls are riding these things these fuckin bikes and you make it look like we fuck them. Yeah nice picture. You have no fuckin clue what this does to women. Your own photographer has mad skills on a bike. Who the hell do you all think you are giving absolutely no credit to women on BMX bikes. WE ARE NO JUST FOR YOUR FUCKING AND VIEWING PLEASURE. Jesus, why don't you just put a man in black face make up on the cover. You have no idea what you do to women when you do this do you? So much female talent out there and no where to show it. You all need to think before you do things like this. YEs it is artful it is a well done picture but that is not the point. The point is that WOMEN KNOW HOW TO RIDE THESE BIKES and you just want them naked to sell your mag. Fuck this. |
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Cream bmx #23 - april may 2007 (1) Pascal Bacuet en route vers le Sud en couverture. Photo par Christian Van Hanja. Edito: Sea, Sex & Sun by Bibi. News, transferts, Bitch mag, BMXtorique, agenda, matos, shopping. Reviews. Circle, Props 63, Tip one out, Urban lifestyle. MY bike. John Jennings Stolen. Lifestyle. Sony vs Apple mp3. Patocherie. Patrick Guimez words. Business. www.watchbmx.com avec Olivier Rosset et Lotfi Hammadi. Association. Puzzle BMX St Quentin en Yvelines. Architecture. Mappemonde, Paris 13ème. School. Fufanu avec Jeremy Chausson. Red Bull 14, Mexico. Face. Gordy Toth (USA), Cory fester (Canada), Jimmy NauBelle (Belgium), Yosuke York Uno (Japan) and Michael Grossi (France-Paris). Spot. Le Mazet de Sylvain Fabre (France-Montpellier). Ladies. Aude Cassagne (France-Toulouse). Classe de Neige. Voyage à Chamrousse (France). Red Bull Circle of Balance (Japan). La Gazette (Winter jam in Portugal, Péru jam, Pegsless contest, Rookie jam in Germany...). Scene. Republique Dominicaine. Freestyle. You & me. Raphael Chiquet. Shutters. 9 photographers; Guillaume Espanet, Rutger pauw, Alex Catt, Ryan Balley, Craig Tull, Niels Thanild, Christian Van Hanja, Nicolas Pauly, Jerome Morlan. Music. Pravda. Circle cow (France-Paris) Kulte contest Gemenos, France. Tico jam au Costa Rica avec Chase Gouin. Münster beat city jam (Germany). Sea, Sex & Sun. Bibi et Dropsy en Thaïland. Dr Oldschool. The Wulfran Lainé. 132 pages en kiosque le 5 avril. |
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Cream bmx #24 - june july 2007 (1) Cover. Evening kids turning up the dust in local park, Sandino city, Nicaragua. Photo by Nathan Penonzek. Editorial from Bruce Crisman. News. Transferts, UCPA, Raleigh, Superstar, le spad au look "hi-tech" de Raphael Chiquet, agenda events 2007. Culture. Props Rock'n roll Tour, Props 64, Fly Dos, Cuttin it deep. Bike check. Anthony Lille's 'Superstar. Patocherie. Allo maman bobo. School. How to Handrail. Spot. Paris Bastille. Trailkulture jam & Jump session. Face. A Bad Thing (a new flatland brand from France). Lifestyle. Cosmetics. Metro Jam in Singapour with Romuald Noirot. Face. Xavier Robleda in London. Ladies. Corey Coffee interview. Report. Federal trip in Paris. Face. Mohammedi brothers interview. Nokia FISE contest. Portfolio. Circle Of Balance Backstage. Dennis Enarson interview. La Gazette (cream'newspaper). Cantelocal, Koxx days 2007, Breizh world tour. Eye's cream. Emmanuelle Tricoire. Pete Brandt interview. Sunex team in Barcelona & Barcelona Cycle Trade Show contest. Portfolio music. Public Enemy live. Report. Daniel Dhers trip in Peru. Face. Vincent Massardier is a french trail rider. Nathan Penonzek trip. Guatemala and Nicaragua. Music. l'Executeur de Hong Kong. King Of Ground round 1. Flash. Mathieux B. Shutter.Portefolio de Juilien Zerbib. Dr oldschool. Profile history En kiosque le 10 juin 2007. |
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Cream bmx hors-série #5 - july 2007 (1) Nathan Jumelin en couverture. www.creamofbmx.com, august 2007: L'édition spéciale, "Masters of Cream" est disponible gratuitement sur les évènements de cet été. Après avoir distribué 2000 exemplaires au BMX Masters de Cologne, ce numéro gratuit de Cream est dispo à la Crèmerie, au Flatground (Amsterdam), et sur le site de vente Cream. Un aperçu du programme: Patocherie: ouverture d'esprit. Project: Chris Böhm. King of PACA. 100 Contests. Battle in da Club. Let's ride in Costa Rica. Porfolio: Superstar Chill in Montpellier. Adidas Austrian King of Dirt. Face: Ricardo Laguna and Pascal Bacuet. BMX Made: Thomas Goring and KHE. Roula 3. Porfolio: team MirraCo. Flatworld in Costa Rica. Paseo cup in Japan. BMX Masters making of.. Porfolio: Summertime in L.A. Hollywood flatland jam. |
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Cream bmx #25 - octobre 2007 (1) Edwin Delarosa and Nigel Sylvester by Armen Djerrahian on the cover. New York 2007. Nigel Sylvester, may 2015: M Edito: Les racines, par Alain Massabova illustré d'une photo de Steven Blater. News: Bulls spine jam, Redbull backyard digger, Nokia Fise experience à la Plagne, Martti Kuoppa teacher in Thailand. Culture: Props 66, Props Megatour 6, United Don't matter, Tricks Star 7. Patocherie: L'organisation du "Lords of Dirt". Twenty jam, Albi, France. Summer Gypsy games, Hungary. Green Mile flat jam, London UK. King of Ground round 2, Japan. Suzuki BMX Masters, Cologne, Germany. Armen Djerrahian interview/portfolio Paris-New York. Vans Barak Invitational, France. Voodoo jam, New Orleans USA. Bicycle Film Festival, Paris-New York. Red Bull Elevation, Canada. Fit trip, Paris. Dave Mirra interview. SE racing old portfolio. KHE roadtrip, Germany. Flatground, Amsterdam. X-games XIII, Los Angeles USA. Lords of Dirt, Tosse, France. La Gazette: BMX fever jam and S&M party Los Angeles. Nathan Penonzek's Trip, Panama and Costa Rica. Dr Oldschool: Erik Otto, Bmx gang in Pennsylvania, USA. |
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Cream bmx #26 - janvier 2008 (1) Le new Cream #26 sort le 16 janvier 2008. Couverture par Dimitri Coste, Andy Zeiss interview, Republique Dominicaine report, Field Control au Portugal, Alex Barbero interview en Italie, Austin trip par Kevin Porter en Kalkoff, Special Element au Japon, Thailand school par Martti et Bibi, Interbike à Las Vegas, Lil Jon par Kevin Porter, Body riders (tatoo portfolio), Fashion girls Paris, Rebel jam portfolio, the Manu Sanz portfolio, Homeboy avec Lotfi Hammadi, BMX War au Costa Rica, BMX Girls camp, SudAmericano final au Peru, Jèrome Coste portfolio (Illustrations), Houpala festival, Le Fise au Kowait, KOG finale à Tokyo, Stockwell park UK, Kai Kuusisto from Finland, Festiventu en Corse, The Deadly Seven, Akhiko interview, BMX machine (Dr), Pessac Vibrations, Abonnement avec XL-Ant, et comme d'hab, les rubriques Culture, Shopping, Patocherie (Back flip en Velib!),.... www.agoride.com, janvier 2008: - Qui: "Cream of BMX", issue 26, Janvier/Février 2008 - La couverture: le modèle Mea devant la grande roue de Paris, on la retrouvera plus tard dans le mag pour d'autres photos qui a elles seules vous feront acheter le mag ! - Le thème: international lifestyle and fashion mag - Le sommaire: Andy Zeiss interview, République Dominicaine, Field Control au Portugal, Alessandro Barbero, Austin trip, Special Element au Japon, Thailand school par Martti et Bibi, Interbike à Las Vegas, Lil Jon, Body riders (tatoo portfolio), Fashion girls Paris, Rebel jam portfolio, Homeboy avec Lotfi Hammadi, BMX War au Costa Rica, BMX Girls camp, Sud Americano au Peru, Jèrome Coste portfolio, Houpala festival, Le Fise au Koweit, KOG finale de Tokyo, Stockwell park UK, Kai Kuusisto from Finland, Festiventu en Corse, The Deadly Seven, Akhiko interview, BMX machine (Dr), Pessac Vibrations, - La photo: Celle de la page 24 (Manu Sanz bien sur) avec Chris Dietchy qui se reflète dans l'eau. Les photos de Akhiko par Green G. - L'article: J'ai bien envie de dire l'interview de Deadly Seven tellement je me suis marré en la lisant mais l'article le plus intéressant du mag doit être le report complet sur la Thailand par Martti Kuoppa (en anglais). - La phrase: Matthias à propos du Fielcontrol: "Faud'es, carai et beignet de morue, poil partout et maçonnerie, voilà à quoi s'arrêtait ma culture sur le Portugal". Un rédacteur qui a trop trainé dans le sentier à propos des casques Ruby:"le casque est trés cher mais le prix s'oublie, la qualite reste !". -Le bémol: Une photo double page sur un goudron et beaucoup de choses complètement inutiles si vous n'avez pas la fibre artistique (comme moi). 2eme point noir: pas d'article sur le flat aux vibrations, pas trop surprenant mais rageant quand même. - L'avis du flateu: Beaucoup de flat, une belle interview du japonais Akihiko. Magazine incontournable si vous aimez cette discipline. - Un commentaire: peu de texte, c'est dommage parce qu'en général on aime bien lire un mag mais les photos vous feront vite oublier cette lacune surtout grâce au retour de Manu Sanz dans le canard. Cream vient d'embaucher une jeunot que vous connaissez peut-être, Matthias Dandois, qui signe la quasi totalité des textes et des traductions, ce qui donne des articles assez frais et délirants à base d'humour et de vécu, ça passe plutôt bien. Sinon, toujours pas de graphiste chez Cream, pour un mag entièrement basé sur l'image c'est dur à comprendre. - Prix: 5 Euros Effraim Catlow, www.global-flat.com, january 2008: Issue 26 of the famous Cream International Lifestyle magazine is out now, the first issue of 2008. Cream is well known for being the best magazine for flatland coverage. The cover is a silhouette shot of a girl modelling with Ferris wheel in the background, Cream covers the lifestyle of BMX better than any other magazine, indeed Alain Massabovas image editorial in this issue, discusses the idea of his magazine We are not a bmx magazine anymore (traditional aspect), but we see the bmx in its whole thing, a general concept, cultural and diverting, trash and wonderful. Where you might normally be greeted by a Haro advert upon opening a traditional bmx magazine, with Cream you have A Bad Thing advert, with double page photo of their new frame, and already Terry Adams is featured posing in suit with the other members. Flatland wise in this issue: Pictorial of the Interbike show in Las Vegas, shows the products from Quamen, Suelo, Odyssey, Macneil, etc. The first main article is about the best photographer in Bmx today, Emmanuel Sanz, theres great shots of Nathan, and Chase, this guy over the years has helped make Cream what it is today. Another contributor, Lotfi Hamadi, remember him from Infinite pieces at Jumelins spot? He has an interesting article about his day, riding in the hood of Paris, and generally chilling in coffee shops, as Alain has said this turned away from being a regular bmx magazine which is very refreshing. Matthias Dandois covers the Field Control contest in Portugal, a good story of parties, local riding level and particularly of praise for Jesse Puente He never stops, not a second, and comes up with a revolutionary idea every 5 min, all these things with the double of my age. Respect, sick bro! Organiser of the Red Bull Circle of Balance Andy Zeiss has an interview, with some cool riding photos, I was unaware that Andy still rode, so that was cool to see. Martti Kuoppa has an indepth article about his coaching trip to Thailand, which makes for a very interesting read, I had heard a few stories from the main man himself, but this is a read and a half, a guy trying to kill him after meeting/hooking up his ex girlfriend .Theres always a ton of Japanese coverage in Cream, this issue has the Special Elements contest covered, great shots of Yammer and Akira. Theres an interview with the Japanese version of Cory Fester, Akihiko Takahashi, yes you guessed it, a backwards master, great photos from Green G, its a very insightful interview about how he sees his backwards riding. Theres a small review of the KOG final to round off the Japanese coverage. So what else is in this issue: Theres a look at the Dominican Republic scene. A look at a rider being operated on a broken leg, the pain a bmx rider goes through.* A fashion shoot with a girl in the centre of Paris, as seen on cover (not much bmx clothing). A look at the illustrative work of Jerome Coste, hes the artist who made the cream logo. Music reviews (The Deadly seven). A portfolio of Tattooed riders. La Gazette (almost like a newspaper format at back of a magazine, covers a female camp in Switzerland, Bmx war jam in Costa Rica, and so on). Pictorial of the Rebel Jam. Portfolio of Finnish photographer, Kai Kuustisto, with great photos of Erico Melo, Martti Kuoppa, Girls, landscapes, its all here, its Cream magazine, it covers everything. Thats it for issue 26, I thought I should do a lil review of this magazine, I think of this as more as coffee table book, its something I treat with respect, I look at the images over and over, I try to work out the French translation, Cream is always interesting, if you dot get this magazine, maybe you should subscribe and support someone whos doing it right. This is the best magazine after all. |
www.agoride.com, janvier 2008: Les deux principaux mag français s'éloignent de plus en plus, étant même diamétralement opposés maintenant. Soul reste franco-français et roots (même si on y croise souvent des japonais pour le flat), un peu plus professionnels avec une grosse partie sur la race qui le fait se distinguer de Cream, à mille lieues de ça puisque la nouvelle version du mag a encore plus mis l'accent sur la partie fashion, styles et arts en tout genre tout en faisant plus de place aux photos (tres réussi dans ce nouveau numéro d'ailleurs). A vous de faire votre choix mais chacun y trouvera son compte suivant ses envies. L'un n'empêchant pas l'autre bien sur, au contraire, on vous conseille de vous procurer les deux. Les avis sont différents mais complémentaires. Allez, tous à vos kiosques ! | |
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Cream bmx #27 - mars 2008 (1) Effraim Catlow, www.global-flat.com, march 2008: The March/April issue of Cream was waiting on the kitchen table as I returned from work today, I love Cream magazine, and its cultural look at the bmx lifestyle. The cover has Raphael Chiquet and Matthias Dandois holding their bikes above their heads overlooking the skyline of Paris, the 8 page cover story is called flatmate, pretty self explanatory really, these two have moved in together, and shows great photos of these two at riding spots really near to their flat, Parisian lifestyle shots, something you would never see in any other magazine. The editorial by Raphael runs on the theme we are too much in the magazine? So what? Raphael discusses the pro lifestyle You need to be everywhere and everybody has to know it. Its like a sport, you have to put a piece of head, the end of your arm in every photos. Its part of pro riders obligation (thats how we eat) This issue as the editorial states features a lot of Raphael and Matthias, but if you look closely also they are also contributing a hell of a lot to the magazine as well, they are travelling, writing text, taking photos, and reporting this back on the pages of Cream, as Raphael invites dont hate us when you see us in the magazine. Move your ass and just try to take our place So whats in the rest of the magazine? * Event calendar * Rad KHE advert featuring Justin Miller in switch handed one handed whopper position!!! * Pegless jam * Simpel Session Portfolio * A test on different types of Champagne (only in Cream) * Portfolio with Robert Voller (Hungarian flatland rider and all round good fellow, who now lives in London.. * Fixie vs BMX * Ticos jam story by Bobby Carter, great photos of Justin Miller, and Chase Gouin * Mangoose in Paris * Circle Cow contest report by Raphael Chiquet. * Trail Lifestyle * La Gazette, the part of cream that works like a newspaper, with stories on Fise qualifiers, and Munster jam 2008. * Face- Tyrone Williams, NYC Street rider.. * Face-Waldemar Fatkin- Great interview by Matthias Dandois, with really good photography by Christian Van Hanja. * Portfolio- American Street photographer Martha Cooper.. * Event- Kulte Contest * Club rider- Fashion Shoot with Raphael and the ladies drinking it up in the Parisian Clubs.. * Newcomer- Erick Camano with photography by Raphael * Dr Oldschool- The good memories of BMX * Music-Data Rock * Next-Photo of Vanessa and Terry embraced with Eiffel tower as backdrop. Cream continues to cover flatland better than any magazine by far, yet another great issue, once again support what these guys are doing, recording their unbelievable flatland lifestyle life for the world to see. |
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Cream bmx #28 - mai juin 2008 (1) Back to 1988, les années folles du bmx en couverture. Photo par Dimitri Coste. Edito d'Alain Massabova: l'underground c'est bien mais devenons professionnels. Patocherie: Arrête de cracher sur ton voisin. Flaterie by Effraim Catlow: les webvideos. Flatland en Santiago. Arthur Dietrich et Carcassonne portfolio par Manu Sanz. Fashion: Pin-up loving BMX. Sergio Layos portfolio by Manu Sanz. Colombia stories by Matthias Dandois and Raph Chiquet. Headphone test. Spot: Le Bowl de Marseille. Trip in Cuba by Nathan Penonzek. RedBull in France report. Willy Beljio urban style. Homeboy: Fise Backstage. Santiago Flatland. Dirty Vegas by Bibi and Dropsy. Music with Man and Man. FISE riding 2008. Macneil French manoeuvres. 1988, Back to Converse, old fashion. Make art not war, Obey portfolio. King of Ground #1 report. Koxx Days. DJ Kiss. Ride4North Contest. Elusion première in London. Abonnement with WESC headphones. Bart de Jong, www.fatbmx.com: Did you notice that the colors pink and purple are hot these days? Issue # 28 of the International BMX lifestyle magazine has an old school theme to it and like everything in life things go full circle. Back to the bright colors of the mid-eighties, back to track stands on the cover on a GT Performer with fold-out pegs, caliper brakes, and A'me grips. Gotta love it. The May/June issue of Cream goes "Back to the Converse 1988" and brings some awesome shots of Miami Hoppers, Nourie handstands and bunny hops. But it's not only about the old school, the FISE contest brought out the latest tricks this year from riders such as Dave Mirra, Chase Hawk, Alessandro Barbero, Mike Spinner, Maxime Charveron, Daniel Dhers, Mark Webb and more. Plenty of photos about the event in this issue. But Cream brings you more; Trip to Colombia, the introduction of REDBULL in France (it was about time), Portfolio by Sergio Layos, the Koxx days, Marseille bowl (still rules), Obey portfolio, a story on Cuba by Nathan Penonzek, Arthur Dietrich in Carcassonne, KOG, Dirty Vegas, Santiago flatland, MacNeil trip in France, and some Pin-Up shots of which we stole one and will show it to you on Friday. TL will be proud. It's only 5 Euros so go get it now. |
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Hors-série numéro 6 - summer 2008 (1) Bart de Jong, www.fatbmx.com, july 2008: Who doesn't pick up a free BMX magazine? Cream published Hors-Serie #6 and distributed the mag during the BMX Masters in Germany. So even if you did find a silent moment you could dig into the free issue which has Bob Haro on the cover. 30 years after starting BMX freestyle he still gets covers and he deserves it too. We owe him. Not only did Bob get the cover, he's got a six page feature too. We'll sum up the contents here so you know what the free issue is all about. In fact, it's a full on magazine in French and English with great pics and art that you should try to get your hands on. In the BMX agenda they forgot the 20th edition of the FAT-JAM (9 August) but other than that they've got a full list of events on page 12. Since Cream is based in Paris you can expect them to know what's up on the fashion side. The new products on page 14 are all about it. Patrick Guimez has a travel tip that I was unaware of. Fill up the rental car with the engine running and the meter will show it's full even if it's not. Gotta try that one. Thanks Patrick! Loads of Flatland as in every issue of Cream. Yossy interview, Carhartt Visit My Town report, King Of Paca report, Byke Project info, OldSchool session, BMX Masters review and info, Stephen Murray page, Voodoo Jam report, you get it, it's a full on mag. But hey, we're only half way! BB went to the RedBull Elevation and came back with a sombrero, a Corona and a full on report for Cream. Jon Dowker took care of the Twilight Jam report, BB and Dropsy covered the Austrian KOD and then we get to the Bob Haro feature which has cool photos, a comic and some words by the man himself. Travis Collier receives a FACE which basically is a small interview with two big pics, Maxime Charveron talks a bit more and receives 5 pages. The Bad Boy Fashion segment has loads of BlingBling. The Hors Serie issue explains Freecaster.tv. Cream's Portfolio fills a few pages with art. Ghetto bikes is an article about them bikes you find in the streets (ghetto). They roll, but that's about it. The Lightning Bolts Exhibiton had some legends, pros and BMX media travel to China. Cream was there. |
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Cream bmx #29 - août septembre 2008 (1) Pti' Ju au trail de Bondues dans le Nord en couverture. Photo par Florent Delahaye. Rendez-vous, Shopping, Culture. Patocherie: Le jeu en vaut-il la chandelle ? Photo contest remporté par Anthony Favennec. Dew Tour à Baltimore. Xavier de Vincennes. King of PACA. BMX MAsters. Dimitri Ivanov. Voodoo Jam. Friends in Portugal. Back to Bob Haro. La gazette: Orange Massilia Freestyle Cup 2008, Paseo cup 2008, Dirt en Afrique du Sud, FISE à Mandelieu, Dirt session chez Vincent Massardier. Maxime Charveron à Pekin. NASS. Fluo, flash, fresh. Roula 3. 100 contests à Cergy Pontoise. Austrian King of Dirt. Lightning Bolts Exhibition. Singapore. Okinawa. Florent Delahaye. Travis Collier. Trip in France by Alistair Whitton. |
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Cream bmx #30 - octobre novembre 2008 (1) Fin de session et fin d'été en couverture. Photo par Dimitri Coste. Edito: La crise par Alain Massabova. Rendez-vous. Shopping: Decathlon, ... Freestylin' 2008 book. Patocherie: la rentrée des classes. Photo contest. Vans Barak jam racontée par Bibi. X-Games. Welcome to L.A. Ben Snowden, Peter Gauthier, Bobby Carter, Bill Freeman. Flatstyle à Helsinki, Finland. RedBull Empire Of Dirt. Girls Tour: Karin Bleile de Suisse, Irina Sadovnik d'Autriche, Monica Hinz de Hongrie et Marie Meuret d'Angleterre. King of New York. Braun Cruzer Tour. Stop to Singapore. La Gazette: A bad holidays in Italia by Aurelio, Extreme sports channel tour by Mathias Dandois, Finist'air show by Patrick Guimez, No frills jam at Green Miles by Effraim Catlow, King Of Ground round 2. Camillo Gutierrez in Europe avec une photo de Manu Massabova. Who's next. Anne-Caroline Chausson. Field control in Portimao, Portugal. Rick Thorne by Dimitri Coste. Made in Italy: Alessandro Barbero. Lords of Dirt. BMX Transformers. Argentina by Nathan Penonzek. BMX core by Guillaume Landry. Format jam, New York. |
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Cream bmx #31 - décembre 2008 janvier 2009 (1) Mike Muir en couverture. Photo par Dimitri Coste. Patocherie: Le temps d'hiberner. Twenty jam à Albi. Portfolio: Matej Svadlena. Report: Russian riders. BMXploration. Dew tour Orlando. Miami street. Greek riders. World champion: Mathias Dandois. UK teenagers. Marvin Richter. Side cars avec Alex Jumelin. Portfolio: Melle Swaan. Spot: Chris home. La gazette: RedBull digger au Japon, FISE Experience à Marseille, Hollywood forever, Michael Meza de Costa Rica, Trex contest en Corée, KOG final. Face: Alfredo Mancuso. Report: Most excellent... hand rail trick. Face: Mark Webb. Report: Japan influence. Event: Vibrations Urbaines. Suicidal Tendencies. Report: Du snowscoot chez les suisses. Portfolio: Wakang. Event: Barcelona street jam. Effraim Catlow, flatmattersonline.blogspot.com, january 2009: Issue 31 of Cream is out now and has some great flatland content, as I previewed it recently on this blog, I will keep this short and sweet and just to flatland content.. - Portfolio with Love Bmx's Matej Svadlena, great shots of the Czech scene. -Double page spread on the 2008 World Circuit champion, Matthias Dandois, he talks about how he got to this point, and the need to get new ideas, new tricks for next year. -Fashion shoot with Alex Jumelin driving around Paris in Ferrari's, Porsche's courtesy of InsiderCars. - Double page spread on Chris Bohm's home flatland spot, I guess everyone has dreamed this, but Chris is doing it. -La Gazette- The journal of the Bmx rider is probably my favourite part of this issue, covers: The Hollywood jam, Great interview with Michael Meza from Costa Rica (Ticos jam..), Report on the Trex games in Korea, Green G's reports on the KOG finals (sadly not more coverage on the KOG finals). - Three part Special feature on the Top 6 who have paved the way in the Japanese flatland scene, this issue concerntrates on Takashi Ito, and York Uno, great photography as usual from Green G. Overall, a good issue from the guys at Cream, as always more flatland content than anyone else. Expected more coverage on the KOG finals, and the bad thing tour, if Cream doesnt cover the KOG extensively who in the mainstream will? Bart de Jong, www.fatbmx.com, december 2008: It feels like Cream has been around longer than 31 issues. It's had its "issues" but since it's in the hands of BMX-ers, the mag is where it needs to be. The December/January edition is FULL of BMX stuff. If you click on that bad boy Mike Muir (Suicical Tendencies) you will see a big list on the cover of what's inside. 132 pages in total all on glossy paper. Cream is not afraid to do things their own way. In this issue you can expect fast cars and Gucci clothing. Model Alexandre Jumelin must have loved that photo session. Alfredo Mancuso and Mark Webb both get interviews. They're in French and English like most of the articles in Cream. The product section has all kind of products listed. The crew is from Paris so they know what's hot, or coming up. Cream went to Orlando for the Dew Tour finals and then spent some time riding street in Miami with Mike Spinner and his crew. They've also got reports from Russia, Japan, Greece and Germany so they cover more than just France. |