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issue 116 - january february 2014 Marc Remmert on the cover of freedombmx 116 . -Deadline vs. Markit. Which one do the German street riders pick? -My Block: Flensburg. Butcher Jam and much more. -Oliver Michel Interview. -Texas Toast Jam. The third edition sets the standards for others. -Ze Germans in Austin. Markus Wilke, Timm Wiegmann and Bruno Hoffmann stayed in Austin for two more weeks after Texas Toast. -Cacaoboys go Benelux Shokomonk in Belgien featuring Felix Prangenberg, Max Bergmann and Michael Meisel -Dirham no beer there GegenÜber and DEV. in Marokko. -Christian Masur explains. -Freestyle Contest Ulm. can you do a backflip? -Relentless Radius Berlin jam. -HMNI Eddie Baum in Hello My Name Is. -HMNI Moritz Steinröder -How-to: Footjam to Fakie with Marcel Profittlich -Exit: Merlin Czarnulla |
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issue 117 - march april 2014 Sebastian Anton crankflip on the cover. Editorial: big changes at Freedom BMX This and that: two competitions and a rider with a new sponsor Wanderpokal: Kevin Nikulski tells what kind of food TV star Stefan Raab offers and if he was happy with the trics he performed on stage. Paul Thölen Interview: How the Red Bull helmet changes Paul's life, or not. Tom Behrendt: interview Californication: Merlin Czarnulla and Moritz Lennich lived the SoCal life. From Roofgap to Flatrail: Street riding has changed Travel tips with Brad Simms: how to be on the road without a goldcard Felix Prangenberg in the swimmingpool. An empty one. Parano Garage Rendezvous in Trier Hello my name is Shawn Hammer & Robin Kachfi. Bio's. |
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issue 118 - may june 2014 On the cover: Dieser Park war wirklich in bemitleidenswertem Zustand, aber Fernando Laczko störte sich kein bisschen an lockeren Copings und hubbeligen Transitions. www.fatbmx.com, may 2014: Deadlines can be stressful but the Freedom crew survived for the 118th time. The new mag is here and features a Spaniard on the cover who grew up in Germany and has a Czech name. Fernando Laczko also recently visited Berlin for the Monster Street Series and felt at home straight away. Here's the contents list so you know what you can expect when the new mag drops on the doormat or when you pick one up at the newsstands. -Hello, my name is Albrecht Kühn & Jan Hollinger -Selfies in Malaga with a big BMX crew -wethepeople Spring Session 2014 -Simple Session 2014 -Fernando Laczko Interview -Pads: the secrets from 5 riders -Parano in Arnhem -What a day Paul Thölen gets surprised -Perspektive Sven Busse -Affix Rotor further explained -How-To: Canadian Nosepick -Exit: Never Again |
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issue 119 - july august 2014 Michael Meisel on the cover. www.fatbmx.com, august 2014: The latest issue of FreedomBMX must have been laying on that doormat for a few weeks. Inside are contest announcements of events that have happened by now. At 100 pages it's one of the thickest BMX magazines in existence right now and it's full of BMX content. The mag is wrapped with 1 1/2 pages of BMX stickers that are included in the price of the mag (€ 3,60 in Germany). If you missed out on it, just like us, here's what you can find in issue 119. freedombmx 119 contents list: -Already been done -My Block: Stuttgart -Springbreak München -Tim Güntner Interview -Contests To Win or Chill? -Felix Prangenberg turns 16 -Monster x Dub The Street Series Berlin -Parano Rendezvous in Kassel -Little Perspective a BMXer in jail -Hello, my name is Benjamin Petsch and Ricardo Buchheim -How-to: X-Up Ride to 180 -Exit BMX vs. Autos |
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issue 120 - september october 2014 Stephan Götz on the cover. www.fatbmx.com, september 2014: the new issue of Freedom BMX mag comes with a giant foldout poster of Pete Sawyer boosting a Hill-tuck out in a field with some concrete. It's the extra thing you get with #120. No stickers on the cover this time but your helmet should be full of junk stickers by now so that doesn't matter. 100 pages show that Freedom isn't about to back down. We'll be seeing more of the mag after this September/October book which has the following content: -UCI Supercross Mellowpark -Stephan Götz Interview -Munich Mash BMX Street Rink -Waldemar Fatkin Interview -Shadow Conspiracy KIL Shop Battle -BMX Cologne -wethepeople Summer Session Chemnitz -wethepeople in Wien -Dirtjam bei Simon Moratz -Perspektive DIY Sprockets -Hello my name is Evan Brandes & Marc Reschke -Exit Billys Bloodbath |
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issue 121 - november december 2015 Christian Masur on the cover. www.fatbmx.com, october 30, 2015: Starting from tomorrow the new issue of Freedom BMX magazine can be bought for € 3,60 in the better book stores in Germany. That includes the airports and train stations to if you make a stop there, go check for the new issue. It comes with a Kunstform catalog this time and the following content: Freedom magazine number 121: -My Block: Ulm special -Making of: Sport Import Video -Sebastian Anton Interview -Philipp Baum Interview -BMX career: 6 steps to stardom -wethepeople Autumn Session -Vans Kill the Line 2014 -HMNI Jan Mihaly & Miguel Smajlji -How-to: Smith Hard 180 -Exit Bullshitbingo |
2015 Freedom BMX Product special www.fatbmx.com, november 2015: If you're shopping for a new ride or want to refresh your bike with some new parts, the new issue of Freedom BMX is what you need. They've listed 100 of the best 2015 products in this special product issue so instead of searching the net, you can flip the pages and find the best products by category. Frames, bars, brakes, pedals, tires, chains, grips, stems, forks, new handlebars, whatever you are looking for. Mark the products that you'd like for Christmas so Santa knows what you want. That way you don't receive any of them stupid gifts that you don't really need. Freedom BMX magazine is based in Germany and you'll find this issue at the better BMX shops over there. Now who's ready for Christmas? |
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issue 122 - january february 2015 Daniel Juchatz on the cover. www.fatbmx.com, december 2015: freedombmx 122 looks back on the year 2014. Some interviews were started early on and are now completed. The mag will be available in the next days and has a whole bunch of stuff in it. We'll help you on the way by showing the contents list. -My Block: Mainz -Daniel Juchatz Interview -Alex & Felix Stinshoff Interview -Transitions in the streets -Fabian Bader & Kilian Roth on Tour -Vans Rebeljam -Hannover, was geht? -Adventsjam Aurich -Hello, my name is Marcel Gans & Dustyn Alt -Fahrschule (how-to) Magic Hop |
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issue 123 - march april 2015 Tom Schorb-Mergenthaler on the cover. www.fatbmx.com, march 2015: Freedom BMX stops in print form. It's almost that time. The last issue of Freedom BMX magazine is near. #123 is available from today at the better BMX shops and book stores and #124 will still come out, but that will be the very last issue. Bummer, but focus will be on the internet from now on. FAT-'zine made that move in 1998 already, DIG and Freedom are following. We wonder who will be next. But we've got issues coming still. #123 has been dubbed the Frankfurt issue with loads coming from that corner of Germany. Bruno Hoffmann lives there and Freedom did a big interview with the German shredder. Marc Reschke takes you to Berlin to show some spots that you haven't seen yet. Marcus Reuss is back. In this interview he explains why he hasn't been on the scene much for the last two years but he's back now without showing he missed a thing. Benjamin Petsch, Kevin Nikulski, Lukas Häusler, Paul Thölen, the AB-Trails-Crew, Adrian Warnken and Paul Müller explain what terrain they ride the most and why. Carnaval in Cologne, on BMX bikes. Go crazy and hit the park. Alaaaf. Krefeld indoor self made spot check. No more long drives to ride your bike. The Ciao crew gets explained. Perspective: Bjorn Heyer. From FBM mosher to bike sales person. Hello my name is Markus Lange/Jonas Lindermair. Bio's with these two riders. Exit Sponsoring falsch verstanden. Get it? We wonder if everyone bought three issues of #123 if they would re-think stopping print. Let's find out. www.freedombmx.de: Verzögerungen im Betriebsablauf heißt es bei der Deutschen Bahn, wenn ein Zug verspätet ist, aber niemand so genau sagen kann, woran es eigentlich gelegen hat. Wir würden die satte Verspätung der freedombmx 123 gerne auch auf diffuse Verzögerungen schieben, aber der tatsächliche Grund ist leider viel einfacher. Einzelheiten entnehmt ihr bitte dem Editorial, ansonsten habt viel Spaß mit der Frankfurt-lastigsten freedombmx aller Zeiten. freedombmx 123 erscheint am 20.3.2015 und ist spätestens dann im BMX-Fachhandel, im gut sortierten Zeitschriftenladen sowie allen Bahnhofs- und Flughafenbuchhandlungen erhältlich. Der gesamten Auflage liegt ein Katalog des Peoples Stores bei. Nachtrag wegen den vielen Fragen und Gerüchten: Das ist leider tatsächlich die vorletzte Ausgabe der gedruckten freedombmx. Ausgabe 124, die am 5.6. erscheint, wird vorerst die letzte Ausgabe sein, die in gedruckter Form erscheint. Nach diesem Heft werden wir uns darauf konzentrieren, die Webseite zu machen. Alle Abonnent_innen bekommen Post vom Verlag, wo die Einzelheiten der Abwicklung geklärt werden. Mein Block Berlin: Berlins eifrigster Spotsucher Marc Reschke erklärt, wo man gut fahren kann und kennt sich auch mit vegetarischen Imbissen gut aus. Der Wuppertaler erklärt, wieso er für zwei Jahre praktisch komplett von der Bildfläche verschwunden war. Außerdem gibt er das Geheimnis preis, wie man nach langen Verletzungspausen wieder auf sein Rad steigen kann, ohne etwas verlernt zu haben. In freedombmx 123 gibt es ein großes Interview mit Bruno Hoffmann. Bruno Hoffmann hatte schon mal ein Interview in der freedombmx mit 15 Jahren. Seitdem hat sich einiges geändert. In freedombmx 123 gibt es eine Story darüber, dass viele Fahrer nur noch eine bestimmte Disziplin fahren. Das BMX-Reinheitsgebot Ausgehend von der Beobachtung, dass immer mehr Fahrer sich auf eine bestimmte Disziplin konzentrieren, haben wir mal in die Runde gefragt, wer gerne noch über den Tellerrand schaut. Benjamin Petsch, Kevin Nikulski, Lukas Häusler, Paul Thölen, die AB-Trails-Crew, Adrian Warnken und Paul Müller geben Auskunft. In freedombmx 123 gibt es einen Bericht über eine Karnevalssitzung auf BMX-Rädern. Karneval in Köln : Wenn et Trömmelche jeht Organisierter Straßenkarneval nervt, aber sich zu verkleiden und BMX zu fahren, kann Spaß machen. Hallencheck in Krefeld: Die 47-Crew hat sich über den Winter eine Halle aus Gerümpel gebaut und sich damit die Unabhängigkeit von stundenlangen Autofahrten erkauft. Ciao Crew: Bruno Hoffmann und Merlin Czarnullas Baby heißt Ciao und es nicht ganz klar, ob man ihnen damit gerecht wird, wenn man es als T-Shirt-Firma bezeichnet. Perspektive Björn Heyer: Björn Heyer erzählt, wie er vom streetmoshenden FBM-Teamfahrer zum Verkäufer bei einem mittelständischen Fahrradgroßhändler wurde und trotzdem noch seine BMX-Roots pflegt. Hello my name is Markus Lange/Jonas Lindermair: Ein bremsenloser Techniker aus Berlin und ein rotorbewehrter Tabletopper aus Bayern stellen sich vor. Exit Sponsoring falsch verstanden: Es ist ziemlich einfach, über sinnlose Sponsoringanfragen zu lachen dabei haben viele gesponserte Fahrer auch nicht so ganz gecheckt, worum es bei der Nummer geht. |
THE END. Kay Clauberg, www.facebook.com, april 2015: All good things come to an end. After 22 years freedombmx magazine is no more. At least not as a print mag. The future is in it's online version www.freedombmx.de which is taken care of by the master of the-sitting-rollback: Markus Wilke. 22 years - wow! That's half of my life, haha ... I feel honored and proud that I was part of this - as a founding member, editor in chief and publisher in the end. We've done 130 issues (123 regular ones and 7 specials), we filled more than 10.000 pages of paper with BMX and I personally shot roughly half a million photos. This is a piece of (german) BMX-culture. But we never managed to do a DVD - which we announced in one of the first issues, haha I would like to thank everybody that started it, supported it as a writer or photographer and advertiser. Just too many to mention - you know who you are! Thank you! I'd like to shout out a special THANK YOU to Klaus Dyba, Ralf Maier, Thomas Fritscher, Daniel Weber, Markus Wilke, Martin Ohliger, Martin Billiam Mahlert for being the heart and soul of freedombmx! Off to new adventures now ... |