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issue 67 - february march 2006 unter anderem mit Werbungen von Daimler Chrystler, Lockhead-Martin, myspace, woozybmx.com, Gazprom, Euro Döner und der Bank Of America. Ansonsten gibt's nur unwichtiges Zeug, wie zum Beispiel Fotos, geschriebenes Wort, harte Fakten und kontroverse Meinungen. Wem das nicht zu 2005 ist, der beachte: Architektur und BMX: Zerstörung öffentlichen Eigentums! The Cools Brothers: There's something about those hippies Lumberjack Contest: "Ich hab noch nie soviele männliche Genitalien gesehen!!" -Biggi Backyard Jam: "Something to declare?" "Yes. Don't go to England." Simple in Japan: What's the time? It's beer o'clock! Attila in Deutschland: Ricky Feather is bloody rubbish. Ist BMX wirklich so Emo? Bestimmt nicht. Bart de Jong, www.fatbmx.com, february 2006: The German BMX mag is going steady. The latest issue has Hannuh Cools on the cover and in case you're wondering, the Belgian sky is always yellow (because of the fries and the mayonnaise and the yellow lights on the highway). Three Euros and twenty cents is a steal for a 68 page full colour BMX mag. Before you go out and subscribe to have it delivered to your doorstep, it's good to know that it's written in German. This will probably help with your German class at school so don't hold back. But what do you get? After the intro you get all kind of info in the news section. The 2006 event calendar is missing this summer's FAT-JAM (19 August) so mark that calendar now. Tons of DVD reviews, Kopp's music top 5, Freedom goes Emo article and then straight into the Backyard Jam report. The Lumberjack jam in Aurich took place without Gary Ellis there. At least he did not get a picture in the report. What's a magazine without an interview. Sig and Hannuh Cools are contest regulars from Belgium and explain what they're about in the 6 pages they get. Next article is about architecture and BMX. Who designs those brick banks? As a young company Simple Bikes has already done some touring. Heck, they went to Japan and back. Bio: Andrej Mitic. Did you notice the FATBMX ad on page 46? Gero Deibert takes care of a Freiburg scene report. What happened to that BMX hippie from Freiburg anyway? Das Boot. Literally. A BMX jam on a boat in Belgium. Of course a Tour report these days can't fail. 12 men in one van, welcome to the Attila bikes tour. The Freedom Fahrschule teaches you how to do a feeble to hard 180. Newspaper suit not included. The flatland Fahrschule of Death shows you how to do a Karl Kruzer and page 62 and 64 have more product than you need. The embarrassing Suzuki ad has now landed on the back cover. Somebody's got to pay the bills. |
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issue 68 - april may 2006 Themenschwerpunkt: Trendfrisuren. Im Inhalt u.a. - Wolfgang Sauter Interview: Lange Haare bestimmen immer noch die Richtung der neuen Styles für Männer. Doch je länger die Haare sind, desto gepflegter sollten sie sein - schon ein Tag ohne Haarwäsche kann die Trendfrisur zum "haarigen" Desaster werden lassen - POP! Session Estonia: Natürlich aussehende Strähnchen, fransige Abschlüsse, rasierte Muster, langer Pony, individuelle Bartcreationen, oder eingefärbte "Iros" (Irokesenschnitte) - die neuesten Syles aus dem Osten - 30° Jam Münster: Wilde und gepflegte Mähnen a lá Bon Jovi oder Cornrows wie Fiddy Cent, das entscheidet einfach das persönliche Feeling - Private Rooms: In diesem Special erfährt der Leser alles über Zweitfrisuren, Haarersatz und die aktuellsten Methoden der Haarverlängerung (Ultraschall, Air Pressure System und Hairweaving) - Perspektive: Friseure beraten Kunden und Kundinnen im Sinne einer ganzheitlichen Aussehensberatung. In dieser neuen Serie beleuchten wir das Berufsbild des Haar-Stylisten und stellen Starfriseure vor. Diesmal: Christoph Huber aus Hamburg - Europaletten, Hang over Toothpicks und Icepicks: In unserer How-to-Serie erklären wir den richtigen Umgang mit Schaumfestiger, Haarspray, Gel und Wachs Ausserdem wie immer News, Reviews, Termine und mehr rund um die Frisur! www.myspace.com/freedombmxmagazine, february 2006: Today issue no.68 stepped into our office, saying "i'm back and i'm hot". A few days ago we sent a bunch of pdfs to our printer and what we've got back now is a magazine with 84 pages. The cover goes out to all the emo guys - we love your hair, it's like super cool... inside you can read some stories about contests and shit, for example the Pop! session in estonia and the 30 Jam in Muenster. than, after fireing up some joss sticks you can read an irie interview with this tantra-mantra-hippie-dude wofgang sauter, you know the one flatlander with hair like HR and no chain. next up is a big ass story about private rooms, followed by some fotos in the gallery section. than there is some more stuff for the sniveling flatlanders who complained once again, telling us that they feel really really sad and sad and sad because the freedom is just not what it used to be because there is so little flatland related content in it, it's a shame... yeah, it's a shame. check out freedombmx no.68, hitting the streets on 03.03.2006. |
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issue 69 - june july 2006 Gregor Pedalesny on the cover. "Früher gab es immer Bike Checks usw. und jetzt ist da nix mehr los." Genau. Es gab auch Stickerleisten und Poster. Diesmal nur nix dergleichen. Ein Interview mit Dave Mirra ist auch nicht drin. Kein Komplettradvergleichtest, keine Titten und viel zu wenig Flatland. Nur ein G&S Roadtrip nach Lissabon, ein Mark König Interview, ein Bericht zum Battle in da Club II, MegaTour 5, AprilApril Jam in Halle, Idiot Jam, Rookie Jam, Moritz Kauper, Barcelona, Thomas Göring, 2 Fahrschulen, Gallery, Kleinkram und jede Menge coole Ghetto Kids, so wie in Amerika. Aber wie gesagt, keine Bike Checks. Und warum? Vielleicht wegen dem ganzen Hip Hop ... Bart de Jong, www.fatbmx.com, june 2006: The 69th issue of FreedomBMX arrived and it's got a new format. The bigger pages and a stronger cover are a good change. Kay's ultra sharp pictures have a bigger canvas now. Gregor Podlesny went to Lisbon and scored the cover of issue 69. The issue isn't short of news (P.8 - P.12) and has got the summer dates on page 14 (FAT-JAM: 19 August!). The crew collected a whole bunch of DVD's and the reviews include Transcend, animal, SquareOne, Mutiny, Sentenced to Life, Props, Soul and ManMade. BoySetsFire were on the Deconstruction tour last year and the band gets some love in the Media section. The article about Contests is interesting. They ask riders why they compete and what it means to them. G&S traveled to Lisbon and Freedom was there. Mark Koenig had been around for ages and finally gets his interview in Freedom (page 30-35). Flatland is pretty strong in Germany and the Battle in da Club report shows that. Gallery 69 has cool pics from many photographers. Hadrien Picard takes care of the MegaTour 5 California report. Markus Wilke writes about the April April jam that kicked off his season. Weber writes about the Idiot Jam and there's an illustration of President Bush in the background. Kids gathered for the Rookie Jam, a good way to show BMX to the young ones. BMX and ART come together for the Monsters expo at the People's store. Moritz Kauper gets a Bio and Rawdogg writes about his Barcelona trip. The Perspective is with Thomas Goering of KHE fame. Page 69 of issue 69 is for the Freedom abo advertisement featuring GT's Felix Kirch. FAT ad on the next page. Thanks. Flipping through the mag I noticed a cool different look for each article. I like it that way. Next: Whiplashes with Wastl (how-to). Did everyone notice the FATBMX logo on the Braun Cruzer tour advertisement? Kovermann shows how to do a Crooked grind on a rail and finds an easy one to learn it on. The product pages are getting more colorful these days. 32 products in total. Get ready to shop. Next page shows the softgoods and plenty of them. I have not read the "Too many DJ's" article yet so please inform me what it's about next time you see me. This article was written on 6.6.'06. Issue #70 will be out at 7.7.2007 (uh, I mean 2006). |
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issue 70 - august september 2006 Die WM ist vorbei, das Panini Album voll, freedombmx#70 am Kiosk, u.a. mit: - Björn Heyer Interview - carhartt/eastpak Tour - Braun Trail People Jam - Etnies Bielefeld City Jam - Highway to Hill, Berlin - Braun Ninja Spin, F - Waldemar Fatkin - Freestyleossi - Kleine Materialkunde: Holz für Rampen - News, Videos, Termine etc.pp Bart de Jong, www.fatbmx.com, august 2006: Hannu Cools is cool enough to make the Freedom cover once again. The shot looks really Cali style but it's in fact the Kortrijk bowl in Belgium. The new paper and bigger pages is already giving Freedom BMX its own identity. Kay's pics are ultra sharp and they come out nice on the new paper. What's in issue 70 you ask? Hmm, after the regular stuff like news, post, video reviews and the calendar, it's time for the Bjoern Heyer interview with some special photos. The Escape the Rain tour can also be called the Eastpak/Carhartt Belgium-Holland tour. When you are planning to tour in Holland, it is no surprise that you have to escape the rain and ride indoors. Benni Kopp organized the etnies Bielefeld City Jam and Sergio showed up. La Finca's catalog is somewhere in the issue too so start shopping. The 4 page gallery gives you 4 pics to choose from to put on your wall.The Munich contest is also called the Country Bikes contest which means they either sponsored the event or we the title sponsor. Flatland riders get a report from the Braun Ninja Spin before the mag takes you on the Highway to Hill in Berlin. Damn, there's a lot in this issue. Red Bull Digger comes to town. If it does, you're stoked. Trail digging time. Timo goes schinkenstrasse is an article we haven't read yet. Tell me about it next time. Bio's in issue 70 are with flatland rider Waldemar Fatkin and park rider Freestyla Ossi. Freiburg still hosts BMX events. The Bike Jam report can be found on page 66. I like Toby Henderson's skid on the background. Had that poster on my wall for years. Kalle Arnoldi lives on Mars, he tells you what he does over there. Page 72: FATBMX ad! There's a how-to on page 74: pegwallride.there's a few pages full of product and a Too many Weirdos article before we come to the gayest ad of the moment. |
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issue 71 - october november 2006 Proper German rider Dennis Kicza made the cover smithing down a tall rail. Das Betreiben eines Hobbys hat oft entspannende oder sonstige nützliche therapeutische Nebenwirkungen. In einigen Fällen allerdings können die Grenzen zwischen Beruf, Hobby und Sucht zu verschwimmen beginnen. - Rebel Jam Berlin: FKK steht für Freikörperkultur und ist bei vielen Menschen mehr als nur der Wunsch, nahtlos braun zu werden - Sehnsucht nach Ursprünglichkeit und Freiheit, ein Bekenntnis zum eigenen Körper (mit all seinen Vorzügen und Schwächen) sowie ein Hauch von Erotik und Freizügigkeit - BMX Masters 2006: Sportangeln am Rhein ("Zur Zeit beißen die Zander auch wieder gut auf Spinnrute. Heute nachmittag hatte ich eigentlich Pech, denn nur einen 61er konnte ich auch landen. Zwei Fische sind mir noch ausgeschlitzt und mehrere Fehlbisse gab es auch noch. -Veit) - wethepeople in England: ein neues Jagdrevier ("Sauen haben mich schon immer besonders angezogen. Eines Tages war ich unterwegs zum Jägerstammtisch - gute Hosen, frisches Hemd, Schläppchen. Als ich dort eintraf, bat mich einer der Jäger, doch kurz mitzukommen. Er habe auf eine Sau geschossen. Sie sei bestimmt nicht mehr weit gegangen, aber er wollte nicht allein zwischen den herumgewirbelten Stämmen herumklettern. Sofort sagte ich zu." -Rob Harrison) - Amateure stellen ihr Hobby vor: Hannes Koch (Bodybuilding) und Stefan Dienst (Grillen) - ausserdem Kegelausflüge nach Augsburg zum PSP The Champ (Teil 1) und zu den Garage Punx nach Köln - und mehr ... |
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issue 72 - december 2006 january 2007 Benny Paulsen on the cover. Bart de Jong, www.fatbmx.com, november 2006: Freedom is on the way up. Bigger pages, bigger photos and with 84 pages it's thick too. With the La Finca Spring 2007 catalog inside it's even thicker but we don't count that. I hope Benny Paulsen is on a photo contingency program somewhere as he gets the cover and a full page in the Contents section. Let's run through issue # 72 with you here. First it's the news section with a very unhappy Peter Fastinetti who can't fit the new sized Freedom mags in his mag holders because of the new size. That's a problem indeed for all those who like to save and collect their magazines. Video reviews on page 14-15. Brake tips on page 20-21 to answer all those questions at once. Some features: 6-page Sergei Geier interview. Chilling in Greece with Team Eastpak. Rastasafari in Germany. Chalga Putki Tour. All good shit. Gallery 72 has amazing pics of Benny Kopp, Michael Steingraeber, Pete Brandt, Corey Martinez, Alejandro Caro and Kevin Kalkhoff. They must all be stoked. Of course: The Champ Series. Part two; Park, Hamburg. The Eastpak triple action report shows the scene behind an FMX guy jumping over Tobias Wicke's flipwhip over a skateboarder doing an ollie over a car. Find the photo in Freedom. Flatland on the beach, flatland in the rain. Bio's on Karsten Karcyeuski (that font is hard to read!) and Pierre Hinze. Perspektive with Achim Kujawski. If you organized a jam/contest/get-together, there's a section in Freedom that's called just that. Find reports on the Hochlamark, Rude Baroni Jam, Wiesbaden mini ramp jam and the Einheitsjam from page 68-70. How to full-cab in tie-dye pants on page 74 and Mr. Geier shows how to do a lawnmower fufanu type of trick on some brick bank wearing some jeans (thank you). More rastafari colours on the Product page and stuff to wear on P.80. King Klobes takes care of the EXIT and that sums up the latest out of the Freedom camp. That's a lot for € 3,20. |
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issue 73 - february march 2007 Robert Kroenig on the cover. Including: Allride Roadtrip (It's the fastest who get paid and it's the fastest who get laid), Sergej Geier Interview (Wow. I feel like I'm in Highlander!), Backyard Jam (I wanna go fast!), Revolt in Bratislava (Nobody plays jazz at the Pit Stop), Björn Elvering (I'm a volunteer fireman, a semi-professional racecar driver and an amateur tattoo artist), Basti Gross (Slingshot: engaged) und vieles mehr ... Bart de Jong, www.fatbmx.com, november 2006: It doesn't get much better than this. You buy your copy of FreedomBMX and you now get a Circle DVD for free! Okay the retail price has been bumped up to € 5,80 in Germany and Austria (or € 8,10 abroad) but still, it's a fair price and when it comes with a DVD, it's a steal. What does Freedom #73 bring? The format is huge and it's Robert Kroenig who gets the cover with a lazy one-handed toe-jam on some concrete quarterpipe obstacle. Fuzzy Hall gets the inside cover. He might be off Mongoose but he's still on VANS. You can make a video clip out of the contents page. Cut the pics out, put them on a stack in the right order, put some staples on the left side and flip through the booklet. Let me know how fast that 50-50 grind to crooked grind looks. If you have a happening BMX scene, you will probably have someone reporting about it in the news section. The Bcrossionale receives a report but you gotta have the video to really feel it. AllRide went on tour and I'm sure Thomas Stellwag got that one covered in the new Soul video. Paparrazi king Sergej Geier gets a full on 6-page pro interview. The dude rips. The Backyard jam ripped as well. Words by Thomas Fritscher and awesome photos from Kay Clauberg. The Champ was a contest series in Germany in 2006 and part three was the Mini Ramp comp in Weil am Rhein. The 4 page report even makes Rocky Balboa proud. Are you tough enough to go to Bratislava for a road trip? The Revolt and Circle crew made the effort and came back with lots of stories. Gary "Lumberjack" Ellis held his annual jam in Aurich. FreedomBMX was there too. Adidas City Games in Berlin. Great Flatland contest in a unique location makes for good photos and happy faces. Who's house? Verthaus! Achim Kujwaski invited his friends to ride vert together in his private training facility. It has turned into an annual event for all vert riders hoping they are being invited. Bio's in Freedom#73 with the following riders: Bjoern Elvering & Bastian Gross. Are we still in the same issue? Summer in Paris with Daniel Etter. Merci un peu. Moni & Thomas Stellwag for president! BMX pure. An interview with the BMX family from Munich. Benny Paulsen shows how to do the most important trick in BMX: The tabletop while Dockstar shows you how to do the second most important trick in BMX: The Bunny Hop. Two step by step how-to's. 2 pages of products follow and Paul Robinson closes the issue with a "When two worlds collide" piece. |
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issue 74 Captain Dotterbart makes the cover with a trick that has now made it to 3 covers of BMX magazines. Freecoaster: der hype. die revolution. der teufel? Tallinn simpel session: raider heisst jetzt twix Country survival guide: keine ausrede für heulsusen Münster beat city: ist x-footed der neue tailwhip? Gallery: raw oder emulsion? Moskau: far far east Poolsession: der spontanität des inneren kindes begegnen Nate Wessel: super stoked. Hello my name is: rene kade and michael moos Road star jam: talente wie pilze Klagenfurt jam: solidarität und randale BMX-Camps 2007: woodward zu weit weg und zu scheisse? Perspektive: michael schaak Fahrschule: rubenwallride ohne ruben and ninja drop. |
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issue 75 inkl. Circle 2 DVD - Benno Hankowetz Interview - RedBull Circle of Balance - Circle Fools, on Cheap-Ass Airlines Malaga - Yard Contest Hannover - Perspektive Klaus Dyba - Eastpak in Woodward & Greenville - Dirt Contest Grevenbrouch - My Name is Stephan Corneli & Maik Hermwille www.gsbmx.de: Das aktuelle freedombmx-Heft kommt im Doppelpack mit der zweiten Ausgabe des Circle Video Magazins (geile Scheibe!) und folgenden Themen: - Benno Hankowetz Interview: "Ich muss jetzt Street fahren." - Red Bull Circle of Balance in Tokio: International Fashion Week in Japan - Circle Fools on cheap ass airlines: Sonnige Tage in Malaga - Yard Contest Hannover: Hooligans entdecken den BMX-Sport - My Name is... Mit Stephan Corneli (Flatland) und Maik Hermwille (BunnyHops) - Jams und Shit in Mannheim, Wermelskirchen, Grevenbroich, Woodward und Neubrandenburg - Fahrschule Pedal HangFive und Smith180 |
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issue 76 - summer 2007 Manuel Recktenwald on the cover. - Interview: Stefan Lantschner - PlayStation: The Champ München - Highway to Hill 2007 Berlin - FISE Montpellier Numero 11. - Erfurt Street Jam - Battle in Da Club Frankfurt - Perspektive: Alex Reinke - Hello my Name is: Robin Buck & Manuel Recktenwald |
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issue 77 - 2007 freedombmx.de: Cover mit dem Geier in D'dorf: Would have looked awesome if it was a table air... KHE Roadtrip BRD: Bullshit... Go get Tom White and Edwin down there... Rebeljam Berlin: Why does Whitton get on a bike in the morning? I'm not even a hater but once you go Stunt Junkies you can't come back BMX Masters 2007: No ways Dude Loyd is a cool kid. Whoever said can suck a dick full homo PlayStation The Champ Moers: You don't ride! You suck. What's your myspace then? Tobias Tilgner Interview: It hardly explained anything and where's Stephen Lilly? Flatland Bridge Coeln: Helmets are gay... My Name is... Ben Makrane: Cory Martinez was snooping around his pants and stuff like that My Name is... Rene Bick: I wanna see the old Britney....... Seriously? She was hot! etc. pp: I fight acne all day! Bart de Jong, www.fatbmx.com, september 2007: We should only have to tell you that issue #77 comes with a free DVD to make you go and get a copy of Freedom. Circle Videomagazine number three together with a 100 page BMX magazine for € 5,80. I wonder how they do it. Anyway, that's not your problem. Here's what's in the new issue of Freedom: -PSP The Champ series (Moers) -Rebel Jam (Berlin) -BMX Masters (Cologne) -KHE tour (All over the place) -RedBull Elevation (near the A-line) -Flatland Bridge (Cologne) -T Mobile Local Support (Darmstadt) -World Flatland Circuit (New Orleans) Next to all these reports there's an article with Uwe Brandl and Charly Wagner which is quite funny. They normally interview riders who have started a job in the BMX industry but these two have just lost their regular jobs and just ride. Peter Fastinetto fills us in on the latest regarding the BMX Olympics, there's a how-to on opening a beer bottle while riding your bike (with the spokes!), Seatbeat and the regulars (News/Dates/Reviews/Product page). Circle VM # 3: -Intromix -Playstation The Champ Stopp 1+2: Ratschenpeter in action. -24: Michael Steingräber. -Extendend Randomness: Erfurt, Berlin, Trier, Werner and B-b-b-bonn. -Freshmeat: Daniel "Kuskus" Kuska. Backwards is the new forwards. -Rebeljam 07: Doublewhip is the new crankflip. -KHE Tour: Geier is the new ... Geier. |
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issue 78 - 2007 Robin Fenlon on the cover. freedombmx.de: Raus in die Natur, ihr Burschen. Gerade je Gerade jetzt bei schlechtem Wetter... Wer doch lieber zuhause bleibt, kann die neue freedombmx lesen. Im Inhalt der dieser Ausgabe findet sich u.a. eine ziemlich lange Story zur Props Megatour, die durch Europa führte. Kicza und Beckmann kuscheln sich durch ein Doppelinterview. Ergebnislisten zu folgenden Contests werden veröffentlicht: PlayStation The Champ Heidenheim/Wuppertal, Extreme Playgrounds Hamburg/München/Berlin, Jam im Pott (Recklinghausen), Fattima Gelage in Frankfurt, Goofyfetischisten in Bielefeld und Siegen. Persönliches erfährt man über Hans Elze, Philip Dockenfuss und Marc Remmert. Eine neue Rubrik Tricktime beschäftigt sich mit einem Klassiker: dem Smithgrind. In der Fahrschule lernt man den Footjam Nosepick und auf der letzten Seite etwas über Morphische Felder. Bart de Jong, www.fatbmx.com, november 2007: When Freedom 78 dropped on the floor we heard a big bang. Wow, this must be the biggest issue ever! We opened up the plastic bag and noticed that it had two catalogs inside, one from Sport Import and one from La Finca. This kind of catalog distribution has become popular because you know that if someone subscribes to a magazine, he's a potential customer. Anyway, even with both catalogs removed we have some weight in our hands with the 78th Freedom issue that features Robin Fenlon on the cover. "Flat is Dead" is a T-shirt that must be in the running for T-shirt of the year together with: "That is a dope T-shirt" from T1. Lowcash show the shirt on page 7 where colleage Matti explains why flat is dead. They're both flatland riders in case you did not know. The 100 pages are filled with: - Bielefeld City Jam report, - Gallery, - Local Support in Emmering, - Product page, - How-to footjam, - Bio's on Docksta and Marc Remmert, Pottjam in Recklinghausen, Megatour Europe report, Playstation The Champ stop 3 report, Becky & Kicza No Homo interview and more. Loads to read in this last issue of the year 2007. Next one will be out on 2 January 2008. Until then, buy a copy (€ 3,20 only!) and order some parts using those catalogs. |