PROPS 60 | |
Toronto Metro Jam Toronto Ontario Canada. Adam Banton interview. Eben Fischer Bio. Team Young Texas Road Trip. Australia spinal disorder contest Cranberra Australia Ratty Bike Fest Milwaukee, WI Empire So Sick Man Jam Austin, TX Texas to Toronto road Trip featuring Ryan Nyquist’s “the Unit” Bonus: redneck manifesto video Shipping June 7th 2006 THT,, juillet 2006: On commence par le road trip avec Ryan Corrigan, Gary Young, Morgan Wade, Aaron Ross, Mike Parenti et Brian Kachinsky. Un petit voyage bien sympa avec la visite de de 3 – 4 parks, dont le Factory skate park, un bon park en béton, le park privé de Mirra où Dave tape 720 No Hand, Bomb Drop, double whip et un énorme Fufanu au dessus d'un sub-box.. Puis The Unit, le park de Nyquist, hallucinant, avec des lignes partout et c'est là que roule tout le team Haro. On enchaine avec la Toronto Metro jam avec toujours plein de nouvelles têtes et ça charge: Alley Oops 3.6 to curve wall de Gary young, Whip to curve wall et gros 180 de Chris Doyle, Big front flip no hand de Napolitan. Mirra prend du style et Garret Reynolds, prodige de 16 ans, passe 900. Lors du Best trick, Aaron Ross, lui tape la montée de ledge sortie double whip. Le tout est commenté par Steve Crandall avec plein d'humour. Le reste du programme est bien consistant: - Interview de Adam Banton, le rider/guitariste Eastern à un niveau bien cool avec beaucoup de tech original - Ratty Bike Fest organisé par Kevin Porter avec plein d'inconnus qui déchirent et ça roule à fond. - Eben Fisher fait forte impression. Ce rider est bien polyvalent, street, park, gras, tech, tout y passe avec un gros style. - So Sick Man, Empire Jam avec tout les riders d'Austin, le team V-club, Eric Holley, Zack Warden et Kevin Porter. - Séquence de dingue avec le Team Young qui fait un petit trip à Austin. Ce team de barges sévit sur le net, ils roulent fort et surtout ne les invitez pas à une fête chez vous. - Cette vidéo se termine par un contest de Mini made in Australie avec le team Fly bikes dont Ruben Alcantara et tous les pros Australiens Une vidéo bien bien longue qui, si cela fait longtemps que vous n'avez pas vue de vidéo, vous en mettra plein les mirettes. |
![]() Adam Banton on the cover of Props 60. |
PROPS 61 | | Issue 61 includes a Brandon Hoerres bio, FBM team road trip, Baco Jam from Tomah, WI, Bone Deth Jam from Boston, MA, Hoffman CFB from OKC, OK, Los Angeles scene report, Transitions Jam from Baton Rouge,LA, and the Section 8 Last Jam from Youngstown, OH., september 2006: Props Video Magazine Issue #61 will be shipping soon...this issue of is packed full of great stuff...Brandon Hoerres Bio, FBM Team road trip, Oklahoma City CFB, BACO JAM, Transitions Jam, the last Section 8 contest, The Take contest submissions, Bone DETH, LA Street Scene report and more. It clocks in at well over an hour. On the cover is Brandon Hoerres and on the back Cameron Wood is 180ing over the entire FBM team including Capt. Fun! Fafa,, september 2006: allez on continue la saga et ça change pas trop. On attaque avec un énième road trip FBM avec uen partie du crew. On revoie avec bonheur Kelly Baker en grande forme pour faire le pitre. Pour le riding, Aaron Ross, Cameron Wood et Mike Corts envoient le bois. Le gros contest de ce numéro est un CFB, on filme ça à l'ancienne avec Crandall le roi de l'interview. Le dirt est vraiment top avec du gros enchainement, on apprécie Anthony Napolitan (front flip no hand, double whip et 36 double whip enchaîné!). Pour le park, c'est un grand bowl aménagé avec quelques modules, gros corner de Morgan Wade, 540 bus en saut droit de Gary Young et énorme Style de Chase Hawk. Ah le moment qui pète de la vidéo, le bio de Brandon Hoarres. Ce rider a vraiment un niveau de malade, du tech du gros et les 2 ensemble. Je peux pas vous fournir toutes sa panoplie de tricks mais voici un petit panel: flair original, nose pick whip en altitude, over ice pick to over 27... une bonne fessée. Le bone deth a été reconduit et c'est toujours aussi idiot. On prend un bon terrain vague, on y pose des modules (si on peut dire) et on fait des concours stupides. C'est bien rad et bien rigolo. Ah, il y a une Baco jam, j'aime bien ces jams et on est pas déçu. Le park n'est pas particulièrement immense mais il y a tout pour s'amuser. Karl Poynter paye sa maîtrise, John Heaton est bien chaud et Kevin Porter change de bike en plein run. Un bon passage... Sort ta new Era et tes dunk, voici la scène locale de Los Angeles 100% 4 pegs, no brakes et street. Perso, j'adore. Il y a encore 2 jams mais il est temps que je parte, ça dure 1h 20 quand même une props maintenant! THT,, septembre 2006: On commence par le road trip FBM et les farces Sado-maso de Kelly Baker. La troupe de Steve Crandall visite plusieurs Park en béton, street et on est impressionné par les énormes 3.6 de Cameron Wood et un Aaron Ross en plein forme. Après de bonnes pubs sur des vidéos bien intéressantes à venir (Hoffman, Empire), on enchaîne avec le CFB contest et la Big rampe avec Hoffman, Kagy (Superman seat grab bar spin) et Kevin Robinson (opposite flair), puis le dirt et bienvenu dans un nouvelle dimension à base de double whip, 3.6 double whip, 3.6 whip to bus, front flip X-up. Le Park en béton est sympa avec des modules en bois rajoutés et ça permet aux patrons qui sont présents d'envoyer du gros. Une petite pub Orchid avec Corey Martinez qui va bien vous dégoûter et on passe à Brandon Hoerres avec son style à la Harrington certainement dû au fait de sa grande taille. Bonne maîtrise du street et du park pour le gaillard avec des tricks bien techniques et fluides. Pire qu'une Gettho jam, la Bonedeth jam, avec des modules bien trash et des riders déjantés, à voir absolument pour les amateurs du genre. Nouvelle série de pubs avec Standard byke et Little Devil (Randy Brown et Randy Wise) pour glisser avec la Baco jam dans beau skatepark outdoor. Malgré le plateau, rien d'extraordinaire au niveau des tricks. C'est bien dommage, même pas un petit délire dans le style Baco. La ville de Los Angeles nous offre une scène bien street avec des riders connu comme Nate Moroshan ou Adam Banton, mais aussi des inconnus style Eric Cuiper qui maîtrise vraiment bien. On passe à de la musique bien speed pour la Last jam au section 8 skatepark avec en guest stars, Chris Doyle, Steve Cuesta et Anthony Napolitan, pour finir sur la Transition Jam. Le truc sympa de cette jam, c'est que ça se passe dans le jardin d'un gars qui à une énorme minirampe. C'est les voisins qui ont dû être contents vu le monde qui était là. Au programme, minirampe, flatland, barbecue et musique. Une nouvelle Props qui dure encore bien longtemps et riche en évènements. |
![]() Brando Hoerres on the cover of Props 61. |
PROPS 62 - WINTER 2006 | | Ramen Noodle Bowl Jam Rochester, NY. Animal Brooklyn Banks Tiseo Jam. Kink Demolition Derby Canandaigua, NY. Twenty Bikes El Bodega Tour. Rebel Jam Berliin Germany. Credence Bikes Road Trip. Wisconsin Scene Report. Bonus. MacNeil/ Baco roadtrip and Ten Pack Am Jam Muskoka Woods. Bart de Jong,, november 2006: Props 62 takes you from the USA to Europe and back and back and back. Does that make sense? Two European events/reports are on issue 62, the Rebel Jam in Berlin and the Twenty Bikes El Bodega Tour. It's good to see Euro stuff in Props. The Credence Bikes Road Trip was fun to watch too. These guys were on a mission with a coverted van and a bunch of McGyvers on board. they seemed to have fun though. Wisconsin breeds lots of talent. They have been getting a lot of coverage lately and deservingly so. If only the riders' last names weren't so fucked up I'd run through each and everyone's trick list. Maybe next time. The Kink Demolition Derby; Yes! Okay, it's not BMX but BMX related enough to make it in Props with teams from Team Young BMX, Hurley, Albe's, RIDEBMX, Square One, United, FBM, Woodward and a lot more sponsors who threw down a couple hundred bucks for one of their riders to have a good time. Want street? It doesn't get much more street than a session at the Brooklyn Banks (Animal Tiseo Jam). The FBM ramen Noodle jam features a new Jon Peacy (Tony Hamlin), a high skying Ryan Sher and a tailwhip to tailwhip back jump over a box. If you want to see that, make sure you get yourself a copy of Props 62. You know that after 62 issues the quality is good so don't worry about that. Bonus: MacNeil/Baco road Trip/Ten Pack Am Jam, Muskoka Woods. THT, Réalisée par Stew Johnson, Walter Pieringer, Bob Scerbo et Andrew McMullen. Durée 74 minutes. Au programme Ramen Noodle Bowl Jam Rochester, NY, Animal Brooklyn Banks Tiseo Jam, Kink Demolition Derby Canandaigua, NY, Twenty Bikes El Bodega Tour, Rebel Jam Berlin Germany, Credence Bikes Road Trip, Wisconsin Scene Report. Bonus MacNeil/ Baco roadtrip, Ten Pack Am Jam Muskoka Woods. Prix 30 euros. Distribution française X-trem video. Et c'est reparti pour le numéro 62, avec un retour sur des évènements de la fin de l'été et quelques roadtrips. - Wisconsin scene report : Bryan Katchinsky et Brandon Hoerres sont du coin et la scène nous montre encore des riders qui en veulent aussi bien en Street qu'en park, comme Jeff Klugiewicz, la dernière recrue de chez Mankind bike aux US. - Rebel jam : Encore beaucoup d'images de ce contest qui n'a pu avoir ces finales à cause de la pluie, mais on retiendra Gary Young avec ses 360 transfert en Trail, Danny Hickerson qui rentre Bus to nose pick foot jam en mini et enfin Ryan Guettler qui passe un superbe whip to indian air seat grab. Bonne rigolade avec le concours de saut en hauteur au dessus de la vache (en bois) et à ce petit jeu, c'est Aaron Ross qui montre qu'il maîtrise les 3.6 et les whips, mais c'est Tony Hamlin qui rafle la victoire pour le plus haut saut. - Credence Road trip part I : Séquence un peu en longue, malgré la présence de Josh Heino ou Brian Hunt. A part le gros trail, il n'y a rien de terrible. - Ramen Noddle bowl Jam : Cette jam se passe dans le bowl du X-dream skatepark, avec quelques pros, Tony Hamlin, Derrick Girard, Chester Blacksmith, Ryan Sher, Cameron wood. - Kink Demolition Derby : séquence stock car avec les pros organisé par Zach Philip. - Tiseo Jam : Bonne jam organisé par Animal au Brooklyn Bank avec toujours tout un tas de riders bien hardcore qui adorent se faire très mal. - Twenty Bodega tour : Le petit road trip organisé par les frenchys de chez Twenty, ça fait plaisir de voir un peu la scène française dans une props avec de bonnes sessions de street et de champs de bosses. Une vidéo un peu longue par moment, qui est en demi-teinte par rapport aux deux derniers numéros. |
![]() Jeff Klugiewicz on the cover of Props 62. |
PROPS 63 | | RIDE /PROPS Video Contest Winners Credence Road Trip Part 2 North East Scene Report Vancouver Metro Jam Liquor Bikes Road Trip Profile Northwest team Trip Beringer's Backyard Jam. THT,, mars 2007: Et on attaque fort avec la Metro Jam et les riders sont en grande forme avec de monstrueux vols sur le gros fun box la part de Morgan Wade, Allistair Whitton et Rob Darden. Le nouveau jeu aussi est de prendre un max de hauteur sur le hip dont un double whip de Wade Ladjar. Brian Hunt confirme toujours sa progression. Après on enchaine avec la Jam de Matt Berringer sur son spot perso, bien délire mélant courbe en bois et jump en terre, un petit moment bien agréable. Le New England scene report nous offre une bonne variété de spots, street, park et gros trails, avec quelques pointures comme Brian Hunt, encore lui, Shawn Burn ou Clint Renolds. Le Profile road trip est bourré de tête d'affiche, Adam Bostrom, Anthony Cico, Mark Mulville, Tony Cardona et bien sûr Matt Complon. Et ils nous font découvrir des spots US jamais vue. Adam Bostrom est assez monstrueux et original. 2e partie du Road trip Credence, commencé dans le n°62, qui ravira les trail riders dans un premier temps et c'est street, park et bowl dans un 2e temps. Cette 2e partie est plus consistante que la première et beaucoup accentué sur le riding. Les fans de Kevin Porter seront ravies avec le Fly bikes tour où on le retrouve aussi Brandan Pundai, ça faisait bien longtemps, et le texan Dylan Smith. Enfin on termine par le Liquor Bike road trip, interresant, à voir. Conclusion: Une Props de plus avec quelques bons reports et surtout une multitude de bons spots. |
![]() Anthony Cico on the cover of Props 63. |
PROPS 64 - SPRING 2007 | | Behind the Scenes FBM Backyard Jam UK San Diego Park Check: Mission Skatepark Dennis Enarson Bio 2 Hip Road Trip Proper Bikes Road Trip Solid Bikes West Coast road trip Profile Weird Florida Documentary Ships March 7th, 2007. Props 32 was the first issue I ever saw when I started riding. I remember thinking Ralph seemed like the funniest dude ever interviewing Jamie Bestwick driving around in a golf cart at Woodward. Well this is Props 64, which is double Props 32, so let's see how this one came out. Backyard Jam: As usual Props does a pretty good job of making something not typically all that interesting to watch, very enjoyable. I could in general give a fuck less about watching poorly put together contest footage, but Props does such a good job of geting a wide array of clips, from the craziest bangers that went down in the contest to random kids doing awesome tech lines in practice that their contest coverage is almost always enjoyable. Favorite moments: Brakeless tailwhip to tailtap to barspin, 15 foot air to case to head smash, Anthony Watkinson doing an incredible invert to tailwhip and Max Vincent's icepick stall to tailwhip out. Dennis Enarson: This kid had a sick video on Vital recently. He's only 15 and is pretty amazing. He claims he didn't have much time to complete this part but it's still pretty solid. A lot of park footage, but he pulls it off pretty good. Favorite moments: Switch footed backflip, pegless rail ( all the street footage stands out actually ), and the pegless toothpick stall on a sub box. 2 Hip Roadtrip: You can hate on 2Hip all you want, they have been getting better and better year after year lately in terms of their team, their products and their videos. This is probably my favorite section in the video. Steve-O has a lot of good clips, as well as all these white kids who I can't tell the difference between. A huge bummer though is that Lino only has 2 clips. They are both pretty fresh in their own right, but I was looking forward to more. Favorite moments: Steve-O doing a front flip on an overcrook attempt, Back peg grind to nosemanual to back peg grind, Marlon crooking up a rail and a back peg grind up a rail ( you gotta see it to know what I mean ). Solid Northwest Roadtrip: If you hate all the trends that have popped up over the past few years, you'll probably like this part. A bunch of white guys, many of whom have long hair and still ride brakes going really fast at skateparks, shredding pools and clocking really good street footage to a heavy metal soundtrack. The only noticeable downer is that that dude with the red sweatpants from MegaTour doesn't show up. Favorite moments: Smith grind at the SF china banks ( he goes both ways... no homo ), rail ride to drop in at some skatepark, Joey Garcia footage... and I won't discuss the last trick, but let's just say that Dave Young finally got one-upped. CA YMCA Skatepark Check: A skatepark check doesn't really sound like it would be that interesting. It turns out that that is a pretty accurate assumption. The riding is good, but very little stands out. I doubt many of you will bother to watch it more than once. Favorite moments: There was a really good nosemanual to 180 in there and the massive no hander gap was cool. Behind the scenes at FBM: This doesn't sound like it would be that interesting either but it ends up being pretty cool. If you are like me and had never really thought about what building a frame entails or are just an FBM fan, you'll probably like it too. Favorite moments: Everyone working in the machine shop with no sleeves and Jeff Harrington still having that damn haircut. Ad highlights: Checking out the ads is always a good part of watching any issue of Props so here's what stood out to me: The new Fly video's ad looks pretty good, John Ludwick's Madera/The Take commercial ( kinda scrap for him but still good ), John Peacy footage ( one footed feeble grind! ) in the Failure commercial. The Solid commercial is pretty much outstanding ( over-vert double peg grind! ) and I'm going to ask them to put it on Youtube if it isn't already. Overall Review: Overall a solid issue. Not their best by any means, but definitely worth your 18 bucks, I don't think any of you would regret buying it. THT,, mars 2007: Comme d'habitude, une Props ça débute par du gros et donc on y va pour la Backyard jam, avec ses américains, ces concours de hauteur, des tricks. Ensuite, c'est la bio du Californien Dennis Enarson, un rider polyvalent qui envoi grave., La séquence suivante est pour les amateurs de street avec le roadtrip 2 HIP, un peu dans le style New-York avce des riders comme Lino Gonzales ou Jarod Allen. Les Road trip se suivent, mais ne se ressemble pas. Pour le team Solid bikes, ce sera plutôt Park et Street. ,Petite visite au Mission skatepark de San Diego, Fief de Steve Woodward qui nous sort toutes sa palette de tricks et Hoang Tran, le rider Subrosa, puis pour finir, visite la société FBM où on fabrique les cadres, on crée, on design et on fait un peu les cons. A voir le Road Trip Proper qui passe par la France. |
![]() Nick Hammer on the cover of Props 64. |
PROPS 65 - SUMMER 2007 | |
Réalisation: Stew Johnson, Walter Pieringer, Thomas Fritscher, Brock Gomez, Alex twenty, Phil Sheldon Durée: 94 mn Au programme Tobias Wicke Profile QBP road trip X-air, New Zeland Gary Young Profile Rebull Circle of Balance Ratty Fest, Milwaukee Bonus Toronto BMX jam Flatground 06 Savage south road trip Simpel session THT,, juin 2007: Cela fait un petit moment qu'on avait pas eu une Props aussi complète. Du park, du street et du flat, il en a pour tous les goûts. On débute cette vidéo par un truc assez rare chez Props, l'interview d'un non américain avec Tobias Wicke, c'est bien pour ceux qui ont des bases en allemand et au niveau riding, c'est du Toby, tech et gros, mais vraiment du tech de bûcheron comme ce Tooth pick to tooh pick cross footed to nose pick cross footed to whip out. On enchaîne avec le QBP road trip, QBP étant une grosse boite de distribution cycle aux US, il y a 12 riders dont la moitié de pro, Adam Banton, Tony Hamlin, Mark Mulville, Karl Poynter, Tony Mortenson et Eric Holey et ça roule fort en street et park en béton. Séquence Contest avec le X-air en Nouvelle Zélande où Mirra passe son Flip 360 no Hand condor et Mike Spinner son premier 1080, nickel. Ensuite on passe à l'interview de Gary Young et les séquences de riding à San Diego sont bien bien Fat. Les amateurs de flat vont être servi avec la Rebull Circle of Balance qui a eu lieu à Tokyo avec un très niveau de la part des ténors de la discipline. Et on fini par la Ratty Fest au Skate park de Milwaukee où comme d'hab les locaux sont déchaînés et envoient sec. Après tout cela, si on n'en a pas eu assez, les bonus chargent bien aussi avec la Simpel Session et la Toronto Jam. En fait, en voyant le sommaire on se rend tout d’abord compte que Props poursuit son ouverture à l’international en proposant des clips venant de tous les coins du globe. C’est ainsi qu’on se balade au Canada, en Nouvelle Zélande, en Allemagne, aux Pays bas, en Estonie, au Japon et bien sûr aux States entre Texas, Milwaukee et San Diego. Deuxième remarque, en proposant le Flatground et le Circle of Balance, les flatlandeurs seront pour une fois servis à leur juste valeur. Pour faire court, tous les meilleurs combos des meilleurs rideurs (souvent les même, ceux qui font les contets) sont là. Enfin et ce sera la dernière analyse profonde de cette revue. Vous avez là condensé dans une seule vidéo quelques uns des faits marquants de cette première moitié d’année 2006 puisque sont en effet réunis les tricks dont vous avez déjà entendu parlé sans forcément les avoir vu sauf en étant très au fait des pixels youtubesque et autre vitalités du webs. Quoi qu’il en soit, si vous voulez voir le drop 720 de Garret Reynolds (avec une coupe de hippie revival 30 ans après et à 16 ans ça fait bien rire), le premier 1080 de Mike Spinner, le triple whip air de Dennis Enarson, le transfert de la mort en 30X11 de Gary Young, les actions d’éclats et d’éclaboussures de Josh Harrington à Tallinn…et bien ils sont tous là et avec vous l’imaginez bien des centaines d’autres envolées dont certaines valent bien quelques ralentis. Sans tout vous dire pour ne pas gâcher la surprise, voici tout de même le sommaire détaillé: Interview Tobias Wicke: En Allemand sous titré anglais, elle permet de découvrir la personnalité et le riding hors norme de ce garçon à l’humour pince sans rire si déroutant et pourtant si bon. En 10 minutes on a vu toutes les facettes de son riding et c’est énorme. Road trip QBP: QBP est un distributeur américain qui a réuni des rideurs des marques distribuées (l’original Adam Banton, le Tony parker du bmx aka Eric Holley, le persévérant Karl Poynter, le virevoltant Mark Mulville, le charismatique Tony Hamlin, le très souriant Tony Mortensen) et des employés plutôt doués. Mettez tout ce beau monde au Texas sur des spots excellents (on s’en serait douté tiens) et ça donne un bon petit road trip inédit à déguster. Interview Gary Young: Après avoir été reporté plusieurs fois à cause de blessures, elle est enfin prête et on peut dire que ça valait le coup d’attendre. Rien que pour le trick de fin, ça vaut déjà le coup de voir cette vidéo. Et puis ça fait aussi du bien d’apprendre à mieux le connaître. X-air comp: Ca se passe en Nouvelle Zelande sur les modules de la Metro Jam avec les habituels travelers Spinner, Wade, Layos (tiens il fait des flairs) … Ca envoit le bouzin comme on dit là bas ! Ratty bike fest: un petit contest local et efficace avec des têtes méconnues mais comme on dit dans la Rock N’ Roll, il y a du kid qui défonce dans le midwest. Et n’oubliez pas les bonus où on peut tout de même voir une jam à Toronto (une autre) avec Denis Enarson, un certain Craig Mast bien barré, un autre appelé Drew Benzanson et le meilleur jeune à la tête de cul: Garret Reynolds. A voir aussi le contest de Tallinn avec un Chase Hawk en pleine forme. Si après tout ça vous n’êtes pas rassasié de votre frénésie de vidéo alors on ne comprend plus rien. L0, honnêtement les Boys de Props ont mis le paquet. |
![]() Mark Mulville on the cover of Props. Trailer. |
PROPS 66 | |, september 2007: This issue of Props features 2 of the best sections I've seen in a while: The JJ Palmere bio and the United road trip. JJ does pretty much everything. Manual to 180 over a jersey barrier, 180 barspin up a curb to half cab a jersey barrier, huge backwards rails and his ender is one of the craziest up rail concoctions I've ever seen. The United trip has an extremely good cast of riders. Corey Martinez, Ryan Metro, Ricky Feather, Caleb Kilby, Kye Forte, Ian Morris and Nathan Williams. They ride spots all over the south and pretty much kill it everywhere. Nathan Williams is responsible for more than his fair share of the craziest footage ( including that over-grind from the cover of this month's Ride ), although everyone gets a lot of shit done. Metro does this insane icepick up a rail to jump over. Corey Martinez looks to totally break his ankle at one point, then gets more clips the next day. All the UK dudes kill it and were clearly baffled by how weird southern US culture is. Oh and Seth Kimbrough shows up for a few days of the trip which was rad, he puts down some of the best moves of the trip despite not riding for United. The FBM Brawling At The Belmar comp is pretty entertaining. Basically FBM just built one massive dirt jump behind a bar that was so big that most people couldn't even clear it, then got everyone drunk and had them ride it. Ryan Guettler pretty much shuts it down although Foster puts in some work on it too, while wearing his old racing leathers from '95 or whatever. There's a spot check based on The Flow skatepark. It's got a ton of box jump footage and overall didn't really do much for me. If you've ridden there or are really into indoor skatepark footage, you might like it more than I did. Then there's a section from the Redbull Empire Of Dirt contest which was rained out. Instead everyone rides an indoor park and some other dirt jumps near the course. I usually fast forward through trails footage, but if you don't you'll probably like it. Then there's a section from the BMX Masters comp which I didn't bother to watch. There were some good commercials in this one from Mankind and Profile ( both featuring Jeff K ), Season, Madera, Animal ( the Tyrone commercial which was on Youtube a while back ) and Solid. There's one commercial from some company called Sunfall which really stood out though. Corey Jarman does an AMAZING manual to fakie manual to tailwhip to fakie on a curb. Some other dude does a hilariously un-stretched ( I think his middle fingers never left the grips ) no hander off of a pipe while wearing a Bury Your Dead shirt too, so that was cool. Overall I liked this issue but probably won't ever watch any of it again besides the JJ part and the United trip. The FBM part was funny, but after those 3 parts it just sort of drags on with indoor park footage. It comes bundled with the new United DVD ( which is also included with the new issue of Ride UK ) which is really good and has a ton of Corey Martinez footage so that could make you more inclined to buy it too. Olivier Poinsignon,, septembre 2007: Tout rider voulant rester au jus dans le BMX se doit de regarder ce nouveau numéro... Nom: Props 66 + Dvd bonus United "Don't Matter" Durée: 80 mn + bonus Prix: 30 euros Distribution: Unleaded et Xtreme video Bonus: Out of the Rain road trip, Portland to San Francisco Au menu: FBM Brawlin at the Belmar, Binghamton Flow Skatepark Check, Columbus United Bike Co Southern Roadtrip Red Bull Empire of Rain, Devon BMX Masters, Cologne JJ Palmere Bio Avis de la redaction Plus besoin de présenter la saga Props et pas besoin de parler du montage, Props est toujours autant carré. Même si le style musical devient un peut répétitif et qu'il trouble certain riders, tout rider voulant rester au jus dans le BMX se doit de regarder ce nouveau numéro, tout comme les autres issues. Commençons par le commencement et prenons les évènements dans leur ordre d'apparition ! FBM Brawlin at the Belmar, Binghamton, New York: boue, glaise et chalumeau pour une seul bosse avec une piste d'élan où seul Brian Foster arrive à s'envoler. Pour la cascade Tony Cardona essaye de passer en 180°, il faut voir la bosse, et pour les tricks c'est Ryan Guettler qui s'y colle avec tout en double du whip au flip. JJ Palmere Bio: Slim, bandeau, t-shirt rayé et pédale en plastique, et pourtant il ne fait pas un seul lookback, au contraire. Style très street avec un gros buny up il remonte les rails et en enchaîne même: rail up to rail up to bus out. A ne pas manquer. United Bike Co Southern Roadtrip: La plus grosse part du Dvd. Caleb Kilby, Corey Martinez, Ricky Feather, Ryan Metro, Nathan Williams, Ian Morris, Leo Forte et Ieland Thurman font route ensemble pour enchaîner les rails ,les ledges et les gaps (même si ça fait 3 mètres à plat faut essayer vous verrez). Le team s'offre le luxe de faire un peut de technique avec des parties bowl, on attend pas ça du team United ça fait plaisir. Pour le reste ils excellent dans ce qu'ils font de mieux: du street bien fat. Rail avec anti-skate, wall to gap par dessus une bonne vingtaine de marches ou encore 180° crooked grind... il en reste plein à citer. Flow Skatepark Check, Columbus, OH: Un spot check d'un parc indor tout en bois qui avait déjà accueillit une jam de fou ! Souvenez vous c'était l'hiver dernier et ça se finissait en tail-tap to frontflip gap ! Red Bull Empire of Dirt, Devon, UK: "Red Bull Empire of dirt" de venu "Empir of Rain" suite au superbe temps qui couvre le contest. On se retrouve avec 2 minutes de dirt contre 3 de bowl... fallait s'y attendre ça se passait en Angleterre. Entre deux averses Chris Doyle trouve le temps de mettre une ligne avec beaucoup de flow d'amplitude tout ça au ralenti avec une fin en truckdriver to turndown BMX Masters, Cologne, Germany: L'air de rien sur une petite musique douce on revoit les images de l'événement Européen de cet été. Le whip tail tap to whip tail tap to whip drop in de Mark Wabe. Le truck to whip de Daniel Dhers, le tripl whip de Ben Wallace, le whip to whip back d'Alessandro Barbero, l'énorme transfert de Leon Perkins et pour finir le flair bus du vert rider Jan Valenta. |
![]() Cover: Leo Forte by Fudger. End cover: JJ Palmer by Rob Dolecki. |
PROPS 67 - winter 2007 | |
Bart de Jong,, november 2007: We received issue #67 of Props in the mail. Always stoked when that happens. We threw the disc in the computer (this time) and found out that number 67 started off with a splash. Philip (who was on the computer next to me) looked over and started laughing when Mark Potoczny fell into the water. A little later he let go a WOW! when Mark hit that tree and then he returned to his own program (watching movies on youtube). The Potoczny bio had a decent trail section too. After a commercial break the video continues with the Rebel Jam report with an intro from our German friend Harold "Ich Spiele Geige" McGruther. On the video it was good to spot the big crowd at this year's Rebel Jam and the mini/dirt/street riding was awesome. Commercial break. The Incline Club spot check is Scotty Cranmer's home park. Scotty was in town too and delivered some acrobatics on his Felt bike that will make you hit the rewind button to figure out what he just did. Commercial break. The Tree Bikes team made it to Canada and found alternative ways to shower. Budget didn't allow fancy hotels but the crew didn't seem to mind as long as there was rootbeer and street spots to hit. Commercial break. After watching a bunch of wrecks from Justin Simpson it's hard to believe he got up and delivered more for the Bio in issue 67. Respect. Commercial break. Chris Doyle has received more than one interview in the last month so now we know exactly who he is and what he does. It never gets old watching him do inverts but he's a good street rider too. New products and a Dave Wagner Bio (bonus) wrap up another issue of Props. A lot goes into making a video and at Props they know how to do it well. Issue #67! Think about it or a second, that's a lot of video productions. Props Issue #67 includes: Chris Doyle Interview, Mark Potoczny Bio, Justin Simpson Bio, Incline Club spot Check, Rebel Jam Berlin, Germany, Tree Bicycle Company Canada Road Trip, Dave Wagner Bio., 2008: Figured I'd throw a little review of the new Props up on here for you guys. Section by section, here we go: Chris Doyle bio: A total must see. Manages to have a really crazy level of riding while simultaneously being hilarious and being a cool retrospective on his old old Props bio from 10 or so years ago. Chris comes off as one of the coolest dudes in BMX. Mark Potoczny bio: This dude fell in a river on his first trick in this ( and it wasn't some bullshit where he wanted to fall in, he really couldn't stop and just flew in there, cell phone and everything ). He's got some real wild stuff going on in here... more trails than I can get into but that's just me. Justin Simpson Bio: Pretty good part. Not as well done as his Stoked On Being Pumped section, but the riding is better. Does a smith to 180 on a really thin rail. Incline Club Spot Check: Sounds boring, and mostly is boring aside from some of the wild stuff Scotty does and Augie's crazy superman bunnyhops. Rebel Jam: Crandall does the interviews in this which makes it pretty funny. There's a trillion tailwhips as you'd expect but the interviews lighten it up, and Ryan Nyquist's attempt at doing a "style air" must be seen. Tree Bike Co Roadtrip: My friend told me that this was "the worst road trip ever" before I watched it but I didn't think it was bad. Some of the riding is kind of sketchy and watching Ty Stuyvesant take a bath in a public park was pretty gross but the interviews breathe some life into it and make it funny, so I enjoyed it. Then there's a decent Dave Wagner bio in the bonus too that my friend Larry did plus a montage of clips from all the different sections and Chris Doyle's old Props bio from Props 27. Walter Pieringer, I did pretty much everything. Stew shot and edited the Rebel Jam segment, and he was kind enough to take care of the new products section. Other than that, I shot and edited the whole thing from intro to credits, picked the music, shot the cover photo, did the trailer, etc. I also did a highlights montage for the bonus section that has all the best tricks in the video in one convenient place -- sort of a "watch before you go ride" kind of idea. |
![]() Chris Doyle on the cover. |
PROPS 68 | |, april 2008: Thew new Props is really good. First off is a Def Paul video part. It's relatively short but the riding's really good even though I hate that pumping around shit he has to do since he doesn't have a chain. He's a really good rider, and he talks about being deaf, which is interesting and will probably force you to respect him. Then there's the Kink roadtrip which is very long, but also good. Chris Doyle, Sean Sexton and Darryl all kill it. I am fairly sure Dirty Dan only got 2 clips. KC Badger looks so fucking sketchy at one point in the section, he looks like he's wearing a velvet robe or something. Then there's a Scotty Cranmer bio which was a let-down. He's obviously totally retarded and does shit like a curved wallride to manual the top of the wall to barspin but some of the stuff he's done in random Felt web edits is more impressive than anything he did in this part. It's entertaining at least. Next there's a Nathan Williams bio which was rad... I had actually kind of forgotten how dope this kid is since most of the footage I've seen of him lately has been b-roll clips in Levis web edits and shit but he's pretty unreal and does some really amazing stuff in this part, including the biggest Luc-E grind ever. Then the video ends with a V Club roadtrip which includes Randy Taylor's massive 18 stair tailwhip. For whatever reason, Randy looks like he's 5 years younger in this section than he looks in every other video he's ever been in. There's a lot of shit in the bonus like an Orchid Van Homan part, a Simpel Section video and like 10 other things I haven't watched as of yet. A lot of videos lately have gotten stuck on being artsy and sucked as a result. Maybe I'm crazy but I'd rather watch an issue of Props with really crazy riding and mediocre music than something with high production quality that skimps on the shredding., april 2008: Props 68 landed here today and it's packed... The Scotty Cranmer bio is an onslaught of tricks, featuring footage of some of his adverts over the last six months among some other brand new moves. Nathan Williams also has a bio, plenty of stylish street riding from him. Def Paul also has a bio providing us with another interesting riding style courtesy of a freecoaster. Kink's West Coast Adventure is inside which is your usual mix of Doyle, Sean Sexton plus others and finally the V-Club Roadtrip which has footage of Randy Taylor and that huge stair whip from the cover of Ride UK a couple of issues back... For the bonus you get: Walter's Russian Adventure, Undercover Lover comp, Red Bull Halloween Jam, Van Homan Orchid edit and the Simpel Session 2008 contest. You even get the Fly Bikes 'Italy Trip' DVD included for free.. It's priced at £13.99... |
![]() Nathan Williams on the cover. Scotty Cranmer bio. |
PROPS 69 | |
Available june 2008, this issue of Props Video Magazine Includes: Randy Taylor interview. Terry Adams interview. Mike Saavedra Riverside, CA trails spot check. Hoffman Bikes road trip Denver/Albuquerque/OKC. Matt Beringer's Backyard. Plus tons of Bonus sections... Stew Johnson,, june 2008: Issue 69 of Props Video Magazine is shipping today. This issue includes a Riverside trails spotcheck featuring the likes of Mike Saavedra, T.J Ellis, Lucas Parslow, and many other local Riverside trail rippers. Also included is a Matt Beringer day in the life, a Hoffman Bikes road trip featuring Jeremie Infelise, Mark Potoczny, Seth Kimbrough, Will Love, and Brad Simms. Just to let you know, B-Simms drops a few heavy bombs in this one, so be warned. As you may have noticed, flatlander Terry Adams has the cover, not to mention a seriously awesome interview where he takes a few of his signature flat moves to the streets. And last but not least we have a bio from Mutiny’s own Randy Taylor(pictured below). Randy’s pretty hot right now, and for good reason….he kills it! You’ll just have to see for yourself. Anyway, another issue in the can. Props 69….it’s party time! Kurt Hohberger,, July 9, 2008: So, after hearing very good things about the new issue of Props, which happend to be 69 which is a pretty sweet number, I figured I better check it out. My buddy Kevin happend to have the DVD for me to borrow so that was even more of a plus. This issue had a Randy Taylor bio, Hoffman Trip, Riverside Trails Spot Check, Terry Adams Bio, and a Day in the life of Matt Beringer, along with a few other short edits at the end like Kevin Porters edit he had on the net (and seen at the bottom of this). I know sometimes I don't make sense or am very clear but I try and explain what I thought going through the video. I am sorry if you get lost at times. Randy Taylor Bio- Randy is good, like, real good. It starts out with him doing a real long nose manual. His part has a whole lot of really good street lines and some big wall rides. He also has some clips riding the Empire mini, which he does a very mansized flair. I figured that would be all the flairs I would see but then shortly after he does another one in a ditch on this bank, yeah wild. Theres a big ruben wall ride in the ditch and then some clips of a gap to dumpster ride to some spins and whips, he ends it all up with a fakie Luc-e followed by a very long Luc-e. Super good very impressed. Hoffman Trip- I don't know why this never occured to me before but the Hoffman team is STACKED. Potaz, Brad Simms, Anthony Napolitan, Kevin Robinson (both weren't in on this trip), Seth Kimbrough, and Will Love are all just amazing riders. I am sure I am forgetting some of there team but these were the dudes in on the trip. They rip a backyard dirt bowl at some guy's place, I can't remember the name. Aj Anaya shows up and rips that place up! They hit up Downtown Denver where Brad 180s over a 4 foot tall hand rail which I cannot comprehend because that isn't suppossed to happen. Will Love plows through a fence accidently and it is halarious, Adrian Vigil pops in and does a rollercoaster grind? Basically a grind in the middle of two rails next to each other ya know? Brad finishes that part of the trip off with a manual down a 23 stair rail. Will love finds love at Zunnie park when a 10 year old girl becomes obsessed with him haha. Brad Simms can ride street amazing, air a quarter huge, but struggles a bit on trails apparently when his first two times through a set rocks him pretty good. Then they hit up Boulder's park and Will Fuf's a big fence which is awesome, Brad does a HUGE wall ride, and honestly that was the two clips I liked most there. Finally end up in Albuquerque and ride some ditches, rip those apart but I guess they got 10 flats there. That clip of Brad Simms hoping over a fence from stand still on his feet is in this too so badass. Brad is a freak of nature! This part of the video is like 20 minutes, it's long and it was bad to watch this laying in my bed on my laptop because I was way to comfortable. Riverside Trails- What can I say about this that isn't obvious. Mike Saavedra rips them apart. To obvious? Luke Parslow kills it. Still to obvious. The locals there like Launchin Lance are all really good. Okay, this is an obvious part I guess. However, I seriously have this thing where I hate seeing double backflips ever since the Stephen Murray ordeal. It just scares me and I can't imagine doing that with him in the back of your mind as what could happen if something goes wrong. Terry Adams Bio- The main reason I wanted to check out this video. I was thinking about this, Maybe 2% of all of BMX can name half of the things Terry does on his bike or any flatlander in general. I have a lot of respect for that because it is amazing how impossible the things they do should be. I wanted to interview Terry but the questions Fat Tony and the other dudes ask him basically got it all covered with the best questions. There is a halarious clip of him mowing his lawn and he is just HAULING ASS. I died at that and I don't know why. This might be a shock but Terry did something I never would have expected. He threw in a few tricks like Brian Tunney does. You know the street/flatland stuff. Terry does a back peg hop whip and then some 180s down stair sets, ledges, and other cool stuff. I think a lot of people are so blind to flatland that he knew he had to do something to catch the street guys eyes. Respect! A day in the life of Matt Beringer- This is awesome, basically Matt gives a tour of his house where he has a lot of really cool shit. He lives a pretty awesome life and it is real obvious. Eventually him and his roommate Jeff Brown go all over riding the local parks and seriously, Matt does things I never would think of it's so good. He has a lot of fun riding and I think some people forget that's what it is all about. Jeff has a lot of really good barspin tricks that I was stoked on. They also hit up the 50/50 shop and then bring a party back to Matt's place. Fuzzy Hall and Adam Banton have a session, then you can see Mike Aitken ripping up Matt's garage ramps. Out-takes- Normally I skip out-takes for some reason, but when I heard Brad Simms yell "POOOOOOOOP!" I had to watch. There is a lot of funny things that happen when filming is going down apparently so this was fun to watch. After the products (which there is some good stuff coming out soon or is already out) are shown it goes back to the menu where there is three other web video types to watch. Twilight Jam- flatland/ramp jam/demo terry adams kills it like usuual, still mad I can't name any of the flat tricks, Eastpak edit- nose bonk/180 over big fence=redic, its all stefan lancaster riding austin texas spots majority, still good! dude rips, 180 over double=good, he crashed a lot doing this edit Trans Am Jam- bands, bmx, beer, babes, big daddy!, The session has Van Homan, Brian Foster, Brian Hunt, Big Daddy obviously ripping up the place. It is the usual fast lines and good riding. The after riding clips are halarious, Big Daddy gives away his heavy hitter beater to a dude then claims he will get it back by out heavy hitting the guy. Orchid Porter Line- porters self filmed web vid that was on the net, from a day in Austin type thing. It is below this writing stuff. Overall- The video was real good, a lot of cool stuff was done and the music/filming was great too. Props has been doing this for a long time and apparently they know what they are doing. Shocker, I know. I would suggest you at least check this one out from a friend if you are not sure if you want to buy it. It is worth buying though but I know how BMXers can be broke and stuff so I understand. |
![]() Terry Adams on the cover. |
PROPS 70 | |
Stew Johnson,, october 2008: With over an hour and a half of content, this issue is sure to keep you glued to your TV. The issue starts out with a bio from Mankind’s Miles Rogoish. Miles is from Tulsa, Oklahoma, rides to gangsta rap, and exclusively punishes street in his bio. Miles comes up with some original moves and delivers a sweet banger, WHAT! Next comes the Red Bull Empire of Dirt. Red Bull brings you the most epic Dirt contest to date, located in the countryside of Devon, England. The course is a mixture of flowing, downhill trails mixed with a skatepark on steroids….this course is no joke and neither are the runs that went down on it. 30+ of today’s hottest pro dirt riders battle it out for a bottle of champaign and a hefty 1st place check. Take a peek to see who brings it home. Thanks again to Red Bull for bringing Props out to cover the event. Next in line, we have the Metal bikes road trip. Jimmy Levan might have the worst luck out of anyone we know, but he managed to keep himself and the Metal bikes team in one piece during this West coast road trip that happened earlier this summer. This section includes one of the craziest clips that i have EVER seen, and i guarantee that you will hit the rewind button no less than 10 times to re-watch it. You’ll know what it is when you see it. All hail Metal bikes. Ohhh man, this one has been in the works for quite a while and we are happy to finally bring it to you. You know him, you love him, and you feel his pain. Ladies and gentlemen, i give you the long awaited Brian Kachinsky interview. Brian is not only known for taking some of the hardest slams in BMX, but for delivering some of the most intense street moves in the game. Brian is one of the most passionate and dedicated pros out there and we are honored to have him pour his heart & soul (and blood) into a full length Props interview. Thanks for all of your hard work, Brian.   …and no thanks for the grey hairs. On a different note, but definitely not a safer one, we give you the 2nd annual FBM Brawlin’ at the Belmar. Located at an actual bar in the middle of (not so) lovely Binghamaton, NY. Here’s a good idea, give a bunch of rednecks tons of beer and then send them pedaling full speed down a runway to jump the sketchiest jump you’ve seen since a 1998 DK dirt circuit. I’m not gonna lie to you, the amateurs get slaughtered in this one! Seriously, they need to change the name to “Bloodbath at the Belmar”. You have never seen so many kids flop around and land on their heads just for a backpack full of prizes. BMX is awesome! Fathers, lock up your daughters……Big Daddy is in the kitchen! Less than 14 hours after being knocked unconscious after landing on his head due to a backflip gone wrong, Pat Laughlin (AKA the heavy hitter) wakes up through the post concussion fog and trudges through another day on the BMX battlefield. The Big Daddy himself barely even remembers filming this. Watch Big Daddy talk smack and burn bridges on everyone from Ryan Nyqusit to Garrett Reynolds and even his own Team Manager. Just remember, he isn’t serious…….or is he? Rounding out issue 70, you’ll find the Metro Jam. The Canadian Beast and the Ten Pack crew bring you to Kingston, Ontario, Canada for the latest installment in the Metro Jam contest series. Watch some of today’s top pros battle it out in the arena for top honors. You can guarantee that you’ll see enough tailwhips, barspins, and flippety-do’s to make your head spin. The bonus sections in issue 70 include a bails sections, a Sean Burns bedtime story, some guys partying while wearing a chicken suit, and 10 minutes worth of out-takes that answer those questions that you’ve been dying to have answered… does Brian Kachinsky go commando? Why does Jimmy LeVan like San Francisco so much? And did Scotty Cranmer really hire Big Daddy to landscape his yard??? Do yourself a favor, pick up Props Issue 70 to find out. enjoy!, november 2008: The new Props is so good. Here's a quick run-down of the parts I enjoyed most before you go buy it: Miles Rogoish bio: This kid kills it. He's had a million web videos online but he does a ton of rad shit in this one. Big rails and lots of ET's. Metal Bikes road trip: Sean Burns and the gang just kill it everywhere all over the west coast. Everyone does good shit but the highlight for me was when Burns goes to bunnyhop over a bum off a wedge and SMASHES the guy in the head with his back wheel. For someone who loves the homeless so much, this definitely poses a dilemma. FBM Brawlin' At The Belmar: Awesome "feel-good" section with a lot of laughs at all the kids killing themselves trying to clear the jump. Van does a no footed half barspin. Big Daddy Day In The Life: His web videos are funnier. Still has some good moments. Brian Kachinsky profile: Wow, this guy is such a savage. This has all of the riding from his Ride bio, plus more. I was stoked to see his nollie to kinked rail, but he takes that basic idea one step further for the last trick and it's pretty mind blowing. There's more as well that I don't have anything to say about. Definitely a good watch and probably worth your money. Brian Kachinski,, november 2008: I finally got to check out Props issue 70. It should be on shelves this week or next. I’m stoked on how it came out. The Empire of Dirt section, Miles Rogoish bio, Metal bikes trip and tons of other stuff make it worth checking out. I have a little interview in there and was happy with how it came out. Thanks to Stew for working with me on that one. Filming for it took me out a few times (including a chinese ER…see below) but all in all i’m happy with it. Thanks Stew and Props!!!! |
![]() Darin Read on the cover. |
PROPS 71 | |
Blackout Distribution Texas Road trip Steve De Busk bio Rochester, Ny, spot check Red Bull Halloween Jam FBM Ghetto Big Air contest Plus tons of Bonus sections. Bonus: Props Issue #41 Ben Bello,, février 2009: Ca commence par la bio de Steve De Busk (United) qui nous refait une JJ Palmere c'est à dire qu'il nous sort une part taille Nora Cup ou presque avec un riding puissant et supra propre. Ses icepicks et ses 2-3 tricks de fin font super mal aux yeux. Sa part va vite faire parler d'elle. On a droit à un road trip de la boite de distro Blackout au texas avec des garçons de renoms comme Aaron Ross, Gary Young, Darryl Tocco, Van Homan... qui fument des spots hallucinants. Il n'y a pas à dire, ces gars sont à un niveau au dessus. Niveau contest Props nous livre le RedBull Trick or treat qui n'est autre qu'une copie conforme de l'année dernière avec à peu près les mêmes tricks si ce n'est un bunny gap 720 de Garret Reynolds. Disons que ça vaut le coup d'oeil pour les déguisements surtout car oui voilà ce que fêtent les ricains la semaine d'avant pessac. On comprend que Tony Hamlin eut été fatigué quand on voit ses runs en cheveux longs. On le voit d'ailleurs aussi dans le park de Rochester, enfin je dis skatepark, ça ressemble plutôt au paradis du bmxer ce truc immense avec des hips surelévés...trop bien conçu on est se surprend à être aussi content que les rideurs:) FBM continue de nous étonner avec cette fois une jam de "vert" façon ghetto sur laquelle on retrouve Chad kagy, Simon Tabron et Geoff Slattery (oui il fume tout) ainsi que Dan Foley le nouveau Chase (ça y est il a une copie presque à son niveau, c'est la rançon de la gloire. En bonus, la props 41. Et le tout est disponible en France ou bien en s'abonnant. Car c'est quand même toujours un bon moyen de rendre les réveils plus festifs, rien de tel que de mater une vidéo ou mater un soul ( bon là je prêche ma paroisse) en pyjama dans la canapé. |
![]() Steve Debusk has the cover while Gary Young holds down the back. Props Issue 71 Trailer HD from PropsBMX on Vimeo. |
PROPS 72 | |
Brian Kachinsky double pegger in Thailand on the back cover of the new issue of Props. | ![]() |
PROPS 73 - SUMMER 2009 | |
Props Issue #73 content list: - Mesh Skatepark spot check Longwood, FL - Van's "Let it Ride" Bowl Jam Kortrijk, Belgium - FISE Contest Montpelier, France. - Extravajamza Davenport, IA. - Van's "Let it Ride" Euro Tour. - Dane Beardsley Bio. - Isaac Barnes Bio. - Bonus: Vans Let It Ride Team Edits: Germany, France, UK, Twenty Bikes' Gerome Gauthier Edit |
![]() Baz in Dijon, France on the cover. |
PROPS 74 | |
Bart de Jong,, december 2009: As it usually goes the DVD reviews are tough to finish up. On my way to Prague last weekend I brought the new issue of Props. They're at #74 which is hella impressive. I always try to play it safe catching a flight and also this time I was at Schiphol 2 hours in advance. Instead of letting myself rip-off on some ultra expensive internet connection I pushed play and watched the new issue of Props. If you're getting used to short web edits, a video like this is a nice change. Full screen high quality sure beats the little screen clips and what I realized is that the video is long! It takes some riders months to come up with their "video part" of just a few minutes but Props manages to get good action together for every issue. Here's the contents list of issue # 74 from the Props crew: FBM road trip. The FBM team are no strangers to d.i.y. style BMX road trips. Steve Crandall and company pack up the Slam Van and hit the open road on a low budget road trip throughout the Northeast. Tom Blythe, Joel Barnett, Kenny Horton, and the Ginch Bros live the BMX dream by sleeping on floors and eating dinners consisting of uncooked Ramen noodles and PB-n-J. They also ride everything that gets in their way, including abandoned pools in Albany, concrete parks in Mass, dialed trails in Rhode Island, and back alleys in Boston. This road trip is a blueprint for fun times on the BMX. The Worlds. Cologne Germany plays host to the return of the World Championships. Nobody knows how to throw a party (or a contest) like the Germans. Hordes of riders from all over the world travel to Europe to battle it out on the dirt, flat, mini, and vert ramps. Step outside your boarders to see what’s happening in the Global BMX community. Jake Seeley bio. Jake Seeley gets a lot of press on the internet….and for good reason, he rips!!! Jake takes a keen eye for unusual setups and mixes it with technical precision to give you some truly original riding. Warm up the message boards, this edit is sure to have the kids talking. Dan Foley bio. Dan Foley is the newest addition to the Premium team and once you see his bio, you’ll know just why. Dan goes to school in Greenville, North Carolina, but it seems that he’s teaching the bmx world a thing or two about style. Dan takes to the ramps and streets of the East Coast with what appears to be minimal effort. You can’t learn this stuff kids, you either have it or you don’t. Darryl Nau day in the life. Where in the world do I start with this guy? If you’re not lucky enough to know who Darryl Nau is, then you are truly missing out on one of the most unique individuals BMX has ever seen. Weather it be making classic videos like Seek and Destroy, doing his clothing company Blacken, or just being one of the most positive and inspirational people I have ever met, it’s practically impossible to not love Darryl Nau and all that he’s given to BMX over the years. Spend a day in the life with Darryl in Brooklyn, NY. and learn that BMX isn’t just about how many tailwhips you can do. Seriously, I enjoyed watching all of it. I like Jake Seeley's style for some reason so was stoked to watch his part. It's always good to see footage of events you've been to and the World's was just like that. Dan Foley didn't diappoint. Darryl Nau looked freaky on the cover but I appreciate people being themselves and it turns out that Darryl is a hell of a guy that knows how to bunny hop too! FBM on the road, always good. If you're not convinced yet maybe you should watch the trialer and then imagine seeing everything on the big screen in high quality. So much better. For real. |
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PROPS 75 | |
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PROPS 76 | |
Props Issue 76 Includes: Team Shralp Pink Motel Pool Party, Sun Valley, CA Dennis Enarson Backyard Spot Check Kareem Williams Day in the Life Hitman Bikes In So. Cal Matthias Dandois Bio Dave Thompson Bio Bonus: Garrett Reynolds Redux Odyssey Terry Adams & Aaron Ross Mix Sunday Eric Lichtenberger Hold On Edit Empire Aaron Ross Web Edit Martin, I never paid a lot of attention to the DVD series until I heard about Matthias video part in the latest issue. The guys at Props were so kind to send a copy my way (thanks!). I skipped the first chapters to go straight to the „Matthias Dandois Bio“ which turned out to be really nice. They filmed Matthias at a bunch of different spots in Austin, Texas during his trip there earlier this year. You all know Matthias tricks so I dont think I have to drop any trick names - but still this video parts is refreshing and cool to watch. I was thinking that some kind of interview would be part of this Bio but that’s not the case. So 4 out of 5 points for this part! Furthermore you have the Odyssey Terry and Aaron Mix on that DVD and a whole lot of amazing street and park riding! |
![]() Cover featuring Dave Thompson. |
PROPS 77 | |
Denver to Albuquerque Roadtrip 2010 Masters: Cologne, Germany Nike 6.0 Standby Barcelona: USA Edit Brian Blyther Day In the Life Deven Ferrer Bio Bonus: Nike 6.0 Euro Standby Sections: French, German & UK Edits |
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PROPS 78 | |
Issue 78 features a Ben Hittle bio, European roadtrip, G-Sport team in Los Angeles, Vans Rebel Jam and more. Bonus includes an Issue 78 bail section, Joseph Frans bio, Deluxe "Welcome To Deluxe" video and Props "Groundwork" flatland video. | ![]() |
PROPS 79 | |
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