1977 | DOB: april 4, 1977. Place of Birth: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA | |
early years | Matt, Ride BMX US april 2005: I got a BMX when I was about seven years old but I didn't really get into riding until my cousins started racing. That lasted for a few years and then I mostly skateboarded until I was 15, when I started racing again. I was pretty slow, I would just mess around jumping at the track and riding around town a lot. I was into street and ramps because of skateboarding, so I just started to ride my bike on all of the same stuff that I skated. Racing was expensive, too. I could either pay eight dollars to ride around a track few times or I could build my own jumps, or ride around town with my friends all day for free. My parents have always been really supportive my riding. My mom collects all of the magazine; get photos in and she keeps them in a big Tupperware container with little Post-it notes or the pages I'm on. When I first got really into riding I was blowing off school a little bit and they weren't too happy with that; they wanted me to at least finish my education. But once I started traveling for free, getting checks for riding, and they could tell that I could actually make a living at it, they were a lot more supportive. To sum it up, they yelled for me at the races when I was a little kid and if they go to a contest now I can still hear them yelling. Matt, www.facebook.com, december 2015: When I was 7 I saw freestyle BMX for the first time. Dizz Hicks did a show at a USBA National I was at in Sacramento. It made a little racer kid see BMX a lot different. I'll never forget it. |
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1995 | LAST DAY OF SCHOOL. Matt celebrates his last day of high school with a bar ride on an S&M Holmes he bought from Ike Taylor for $60. |
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1997 | BMX PLUS! COVER. Matt Beringer does a sick grizzly at Fuzzy's house in Salt Lake City, Utah on the top right of BMX Plus! february 1997 cover. FRONTFLIPS. Matt, Ride BMX US april 2005: I had only tried them into water, and the only time I could psyche myself up enough to try them on dirt was at contests, so people who only saw me ride at contests thought I was the frontflip guy. The first time I tried one was at a contest in California, and afterwards I got separated from my friends and I was with the California guys. That was the first time I met Josh Stricker, and he said to me. "Yeah, you did a front-flip, but you didn't do anything else." I knew he was right and I was kind of bummed. Nowadays you see people do all of the wildest and hardest tricks, but not too many people are doing front-flips. I don't know if they think it's corny or they don't want to bust their asses. I've got it pretty dialed now and I can usually pull it in a few tries, and I'm really happy about that because I paid my dues on that trick. I crashed on it for years before I pulled one. Now when I pull one I think about how long it took me to learn it and it feels that much better to be riding away. 1997 X-GAMES. Matt, Ride BMX US april 2005: Taking things less seriously is good because when something bad does happen you won't get as pissed off. Stuff that I used to worry about doesn't even matter to me anymore, so why did I even stress in the first place? Like when I went to the X Games in '97 and I didn't make the cut for '98; I still went in '98 and I was so pissed and depressed because I wanted to hit the jumps and be in there. It was such a big deal to me that I wasn't in there riding with my friends. I even used to watch the video from '97 and think, "Man, if I just pulled that front-flip maybe I would've made it in there and wouldn't have to deal with qualifying again." Stuff like that that used to mean a lot to me and I stressed out over it, and now it's not even a big deal. Looking back now. I don't see why I didn't just move on. THUNDER. Ride BMX US Thunder video. Watch Matt Beringer do the craziest kinked handrail in the world ! |
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1998 | REDLINE. Matt is riding for Redline. INTERVIEW. Interview in Ride BMX UK february 1998. INTERVIEW. BMX Plus! may 1998. ROLE MODELS. Ride BMX US Role models video. 2HIP BURNING BIKE FESTIVAL. |
1999 | UGP ROOTS JAM. April 1999. 2nd place pro. Matt Beringer tried a flip using a picnic table as launch. FISE 1999. Palavas, France. DOUBLE RAIL. Matt Beringer, bmx.transworld.net, december 2008: 1999—the glory days. I was 22 and my bike weighed 40lbs. [Mark] Losey came out to shoot a Redline poster with me and I took him to a really long rail. After a bunch of tries I had only made it about half way down and had a bunch of tumbles. Pissed off and grass stained I decided my rail balance was shit and that we should go try and find something at Weber State. The first thing we came to was the double rail. I had just happened to put four pegs on a couple days before. I was psyched, a rail that didn’t require balance that was still sweet. After starting in the rail a couple times at the top, I put a sticker between the rails at the top, hopped in and jumped off the back sending my bike and landing on my butt on top of the two rails at the top. The second try I got the whole thing. I think that ended up being the picture and sequence. Elf shot the sequence that this picture is out of. I have Ralph Sinisi to thank for bringing the four-peg inbetween two rails grind to BMX, I saw him do it in an FBM video [Albert Street]. Now the rollercoaster rail has knobs down it, they’re about .480” tall and 2.25” wide. There are 12 of them and they are right next to each other every 5 feet or so. I was kind of relieved that it was knobbed at first because crooked pedal grinding the thing was on my list of things to do before I die. Now that that’s out of the question there is that high risk mission of epoxying little steel wedges in front of the knobs to make the 4 x 4 grind possible again. I already bought the stuff to do it and now it’s just a matter of getting enough balls to do what it takes to bring back the most rare and sweet double rail setup that exists. And fight back the rail knobbing man, too! 1999 X-GAMES. San Francisco, California, june 25 - july 3, 1999. 7th place dirt. MTV. Sports Music Festival 3 in TJ Lavin's backyard. Matt Beringer front-flipped the big set, and then tried an out-of-control backflip over the hip. Beringer also tried a 360-front-flip over the big set, and even though he didn't pull it, it got him plenty of air time on TV. When the contest ended, none of the jumpers wanted to pick a winner, so they put all of their names in a hat and pulled out the winner—Matt Beringer. Beringer almost missed the contest because his shoulder was wrecked, so he was stoked. |
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2000 | S&M. January 2000, Matt switched from Redline to S&M. CFB FLORIDA. February 24-27, 2000. 10th place stuntmen dirt. Deserving a mention in pro dirt is S&M's Matt Berringer. Matt actually double barspinned the first two sets to perfect front flip in qualifying, and then pulled a smooth 180 over the last set when the contest was done.If anyone were the crowd fave, that would be Matt. Proof that originality does pay off. UGP ROOTS JAM. April 2000. 7th place pro. 2000 FISE. Palavas les Flots, France. 22 au 24 avril 2000. BIKE SHOW UK. CFB WOODWARD PA. FIRST FLIP TO SPROCKET. Matt Beringer, Ride BMX US april 2001: I tried a flip fakie in England last year. I didn't know how to do 'em so I accidentally bashed my sprocket and then fell on my head. The idea's been in my head ever since. Then I was trying to steal John Heaton's flip to manual but I couldn't do it because it's too hard; so I got mad and tried flip to sprocket. I landed sprocket first time and I pulled it third try. INDUSTRY. Ride BMX US Industry video. POSTER. Snap december 2000. |
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2001 | CFB FLORIDA. PROPS ROAD FOOLS 8. Riders: Matt Beringer, Steve Crandall, Chris Doyle, George Dossantos, John Heaton, Josh Heino, John Englebert, Rick Moliterno, Dave Osato, Brian Terada, Joe Tiseo, Brian Vowell, and Brian Wizmerski. INTERVIEW. Ride BMX US april 2001 UGP ROOTS JAM. April 2001. Matt Beringer flair to wallride. CFB CALIFORNIA. 3rd place amateur vert. CFB WOODWARD. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF. Little Devil Criminal Mischief video. Matt: Little Devil shared a portion of the profit from their video with the riders, that was really cool. I wish videos would do that a lot more. When we were filming that was a good motivation, we're going to get paid for this! It helped out too. Dan MC, www.streetphire.co.uk, 2005: For me the best section has to be Matt Beringer's section. Some of the stuff he does is just off the hook and for that his section is my favourite. His backflip combinations are awesome and his street riding is probably the best I have ever seen. Feeble UP 22 steps, Nollie to double peg down a rail, 180 Tailwhip onto a flat bank 45 out of a quarter, Backflip to disaster, Backflip onto a flat bank 45 out of a quarter and a flair on a street course. TJ LAVIN ULTIMATE BMX. Matt Beringer is a character of the TJ Lavin Ultimate BMX video game. |
2002 | PROPS ROAD FOOLS 9. Road Fools starting january 4th, 2002 from Los Angeles, California to Las Vegas, Nevada. Riders: Jim Cielencki, Rick Moliterno, Kevin Porter, Nate Hanson, Bruce Crisman, Alistair Whitton Matt Beringer, Dave Mirra, Brian Wizmerski, Pat Juliff, Brian Foster, Ryan 'Biz' Jordan, Greg Walsh. Daniel Mini ,Cream #18 , october 2002: Beringer est un vrai cinglé qui m'aura fait déclencher un bon gros nombre de fous-rires et de frayeurs, ce gars là est trop fort, ne se prend pas la tête, et fait vraiment du vélo pour le plaisir. GARAGE. Matt Beringer's garage in Transworld BMX #65 march 2002. INTERVIEW. Cream #17 summer 2002. WORLDS. Worlds 2002, Cologne, Germany. Matt: That was amazing. That was like one of the best contests ever that I've been to. Just the crowd was just like screaming and like, it was just nuts. LITTLE DEVIL IN FRANCE. Matt Beringer's Little Devil in France Jounal in Faction #20. Little Devil roadtrip: Matt Beringer, Van Homan, Jason Enns, Pat Juliff, Marvin Loetterle in Soul #21 août 2002. INTERVIEW. Interview for www.fatbmx.com november 2002 Matt: I'm 25 years old, I live in Blatent City, Utah-USA my sponsors are S&M, Little Devil, Snafu, Airwalk, Boneless pads. |
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2003 | 2003 TORONTO METRO JAM. February 28th - March 2nd, 2003. Matt Beringer backflip's the driveway with 2 or 3 feet of air, his head almost it the ground (wicked!). TWBMX COVER. Transworld BMX april 2003. Photo by Keith Mulligan. FISE 2003. Espace rock de Montpellier Grammont du 17 au 21 avril 2003. BMX PLUS! COVER. Matt Beringer candy bar on the cover of BMX Plus! june 2003. DEAR PRO. Dear pro in Transworld BMX november 2003. |
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2004 | BACKYARD JAM BOURNEMOUTH. Round 1. THE ODYSSEY VIDEO. DISPOSABLE. Disposable with Matt Beringer in Dig #38 june 2004. PROPS ROAD FOOLS 13. Props Road Fools 13 hit the road in august 2004 and unfortunately lived up to the predictions of "Unlucky 13" with just a few too many trips to the hospital.....but that did not stop the crew from shredding, Colorado, Kansas, and Missouri. Road Fools 13 marked the first trip where we let the riders on the trip pick the crew. Van Homan picks Chris Adamski, Josh Stricker and Ty Styvesant. Matt Beringer picks Fuzzy Hall, Shawn elf Walters and Cameron Wood. Steve Crandall picks Mike Tagliavento, Derek Nelson and Phil Wasson. Props Special Guests: Dennis McCoy & Sweet Lou Capperelli. PLEASE KILL ME. S&M Please kill me video. POSTER. Pull-out poster in Transworld BMX september 2004. |
2005 | RIDE BMX US COVER. Matt is on the april 2005 cover of Ride BMX US. Matt: This grind-down-the-triangle-thing off the roof completely scared me. I've been driving past that thing on the freeway for as long as I can remember, and we've been riding there for a long time. Then about three years ago when Mike Aitken and I were there, he said something about how it would be cool for someone to grind down it. At the time I thought it was totally nuts, but the more I thought about it I really wanted to do it. I had been up there a few times without my bike, but the one time I went up there with my bike it looked so much crazier, and all I could think about were all of the ways I could get worked and what could go wrong. It was pretty stressful, too, because there were two video guys and a photographer pointing their cameras at me, and once they were ready it was all up to me. I stood up there freaking out for like 15 minutes yelling about how stupid I was, and then this girl sitting on the curb yelled up to me, You're not stupid-just do it ! She didn't make me do it, but she definitely helped. Now whenever I drive past that spot I can give it the finger because I know that I never have to climb up that roof again. SETUPS. Matt Beringer's S&M Black bike in Ride BMX US june 2005. NORTHWEST. Northwest roadtrip with Mirra, Harrington, Aitken, and Cranmer. Report in Ride BMX US august 2005. |
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2006 | S&M 16" PIT BIKE. www.sandmbikes.com, october 2006: Beringer has designed the first ever signature complete S&M, and it's a 16" pit bike. If you know Matt you can imagine this isn't a regular 16". It's a Mini Cobra and it features all top of the line parts including: a full chromoly frame, fork, and bar, cassett hub, one-piece 11t driver, Sun rims, a 1-pc steerertube, Odyssey Monolever, SNAFU Mobeous detangler, 4 dual material pegs, a Fit S3 style stem, Fit I-beam seat post, S&M seat, and S&M seatclamp. Straight from half-crazed mind of Matt comes the fully dialed Mini-Cobra ready to shred. |
2007 | PROPS 63. Beringer's Backyard Jam in Props 63. |
2007 | DOMAINS. Matt Beringer's house in Dig #56 january 2007. PROPS 69. A day in the life of Matt Beringer in Props 69. Kurt Hohberger, bmxunion.blogspot.com, July 9, 2008: This is awesome, basically Matt gives a tour of his house where he has a lot of really cool shit. He lives a pretty awesome life and it is real obvious. Eventually him and his roommate Jeff Brown go all over riding the local parks and seriously, Matt does things I never would think of it's so good. He has a lot of fun riding and I think some people forget that's what it is all about. Jeff has a lot of really good barspin tricks that I was stoked on. They also hit up the 50/50 shop and then bring a party back to Matt's place. Fuzzy Hall and Adam Banton have a session, then you can see Mike Aitken ripping up Matt's garage ramps. BACKCHAT. The legend that is Matt Beringer talks about a get-rich-quick scheme, paying a mortgage and not taking life too seriously in Dig #58 may 2007. 50/50 BMX’S "THAT'S IT!" DVD. |
2012 | THE ALBION. Pick Your Battles - Matt Beringer in The Albion #8 may 2012. |