Jeff Zielinski,, july 2003: Ever since Props Visual broke new ground with the first Road Fools, it's become indisputable that the Road Fools series are the benchmark of BMX roadtrip videos. Marco Massei,, july 2003: Issue #23 of Props Video Magazine was being released in January and we didn't have much to put in the issue, so we came up with a Road Trip idea that was supposed to be just a few riders but grew quickly. Everyone seemed to like it, so we planned a second trip and purchased a rig that could handle all the people. I don't think we ever planned on doing as many trips as we have done, but they're fun to do so we'll keep doing them. Van Homan,, 2010: I was 18 laid up with knee surgery and Derek Adams hit me up to say he was tagging along with the Props crew on a road trip. I didn’t understand at the time how epic Road Fools 1 would be, or Road Fools in general for that matter, but I knew I wanted to be on that trip in the worst way. In retrospect it was probably a really good thing I couldn’t come along, being 18 and eager as hell it was more likely then not I would have annoyed or pissed off most of my heroes ha ha. Road Fools 1 came out and it captured everything amazing about BMX. A crew of good friends, good vibes and some of the most progressive riding ever. Road Fools 1 helped change the way I looked at the streets. By the time Road Fools 4 rolled around I had weaseled my way onto the invite list. It was everything I had dreamed of. Traveling the country and riding BMX with good friends and my childhood heroes. It’s a great feeling to contribute to BMX by showing people how much fun it should be. From Belgian waffles to the Back Street Boys, Road Fools never seems to lack entertainment for the people on the trip or the people watching at home. Road Fools has been going strong for over 12 years now and although a lot has changed, the fun vibes and entertaining riding always seems to ring true. I’m proud to be as Marco puts it ‘Mr. Road Fools’. Hope to be on another one soon! |
Road Fools 1 - Props 23 - 1998 | |
This first edition of Props Road Fools was originally released january february 1998. We took as many riders as we could carry and stumbled across the southwest on one hell of a road trip. Done in a documentary-style edit, making this a first in the way bike videos have been made thus far. Endless antics and humor, unreal riding that is gonna change the way you look at our sport, sillyness, and all good fun. Private First Class Dave Freimuth even threw on a bonus slide show after the credits. Don't miss what the critics have called the best video of all time. CAST: Joe Rich,Taj Mihelich, Jimmy Levan, Dave Freimuth, Robbie Morales, Sandy Carson, Derek Adams. DESTINATIONS: Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, And More... |
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Marco Massei,, march 2008: The first trip just went so well that we decided almost immediately to shoot #2. The motor home blew up on #1 so we bought the old Hank Jr. Bus and went on #2. Road Fools 2 did not go quite as smooth and there were plenty of problems, but it all worked out in the end. | |
The second edition of Props' Road Fools. We took more riders than we could carry and stumbled across the northwest on an extra salted road trip from hell. Antics, a Tim 'Fuzzy' Hall interview, dope riding, and much, much more. CAST: Joe Rich, Jimmy Levan, Sandy Carson, Robbie Morales, Mike rooftop Escamilla, Brian Castillo, Steve Crandall Mike Tag, Ed Docherty, Leigh Ramsdell, Mike Ardelean, Greg Walsh, Leland Thurman, Buck Choklit, Luscious Lee Wade, and Lance DESTINATIONS: Utah, Northern California, Oregon, Washington Mark Losey, Ride BMX US december 1998: Rumors were circulating that there were some bad vibes on the second Road Fools trip, and that the video wasn't going to be as good as the first Road Fools. Forget that. The level of riding in Road Fools 2 is unreal, and a lot of it comes from non-Props regulars like Mike Tag, MikeArdelean, Mike Escamilla, and Leigh Ramsdell. This video is a little long with all of the non-riding scenes, but it's definitely worth watching. BMXup #18: Suite de la première vidéo mettant en scène des riders lors d'un voyage de plusieurs jours au travers des meilleurs spots US, cette nouvelle mouture avait un dur challenge à relever. La première avait été un carton tant au niveau du riding que de la qualité des images. de l'ambiance et du déroulement de celle ci. Ce thème de voyage a d'ailleurs été rapidement copié par d'autres vidéos et magazines. Cette fois ci, les éditeurs de Props, Chris Rye et Marco Massei avaient fait les choses en grand. D'abord un bus digne de ce nom qui est, ni plus ni moins que l'ancien bus de tournée d'un chanteur de country US. Ensuite viennent les riders, une quinzaine, de niveau au dessus de la moyenne. La plupart de ceux ci étaient dans la première, les Joe Rich, Robbie Morales, Jimmy Levan avaient incontestablement gagné leur ticket pour ce second voyage (surtout Jimmy). Ils sont rejoints dans ce second épisode par des riders non moins talentueux, Brian Castillo, Leigh Ramsdell, Mike Tag, Mike Ardelean, Rooftop entre autres. Vous situerez à la lecture de ces noms un peu mieux le niveau de l'ensemble. Et du niveau il y en avait. Sans rentrer dans les détails, vous aurez dans cette vidéo SCRAP Skatepark à Chicago, le champ de bosse de Fuzzy à Roy avant son déménagement, street à San Francisco, les skateparks de Petaluma et Santa Rosa au Nord de SF, Portland Burnside, Street à Portland et à Seattle. Mike Tagliavento, qui est pour le grand public un illustre inconnu, a démontré qu'il était revenu au top après son opération au genou et ce jour là s'est montré en grand patron. Joe Rich ne nous a pas montré son habituel niveau en street, mais s'est rattrapé comme il se doit en skatepark, Robbo a démontré qu'il savait aussi rentrer de bons gaps et de purs bunnys hop manual. Mike Ardelean et Leigh Ramsdell du team DK n'ont pas été en reste grâce à de beaux rails, notamment en ice pick. Rooftop et Castillo ont confirmé une technique de folie en street à base de grinds des deux côtés, feeble 180 à des hauteurs de dingues, 360 de marches. Jimmy a été moins inconscient que dans la première Road Fools mais a quand même risqué sa vie dans un rail qui vous laissera j'en suis sûr des frissons d'horreur Au final, une vidéo terrible une fois de plus. On reste un peu sur notre faim lorsque l'on compare avec la première qui nous avait bluffés d'une force grâce au rails180 et gaps to grinds de Joe Rich, mais c'est surtout les gaps inhumains de Jimmy Levan qui ont le plus manqués. Mais la première mouture était tellement puissante qu'il fallait un miracle pour la dépasser. Cela ne retire rien à ce nouveau Props Road Fools qui devient désormais un rendez vous incontournable. PS: Si vous ne supportez pas le blabla, oubliez cette vidéo, il y a au moins autant d'ambiance filmée que de riding. Mais c'est également ce qui fait son charme et son originalité. |
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Road Fools 3 - 1999 | |
The third edition of Props' popular Road Fools series. We decided to keep the driving to a minumum for this trip and kept it tight by hitting the Midwest and East Coast. Witness insane riding and hillarious antics as the Road Fools crew stumbled eastward through the US. Purchase a video and receive tons of cool stickers, catalogs, and postcards from the sponsors. This video is a must see for anyone that rides a 20" BMX bike. CREW: Kris Bennett, Nathan Wessel, Chad DeGroot, Mike Ardelean, Shoe-G, Jason Enns, Leigh Ramsdell, Colin Winkelman, Officer Dale, Captain Idiot, Mr. Bonsai, Chris Moeller, Chris Stevenson DESTINATIONS: Kankakee, IL Skatepark Sun Rims factory, Warsaw IN Chenga World Bethlehem, PA Phillyside, Philadelphia, PA Baltimore, MD Washington D.C. Chapel Hill, NC (for Halloween) Wilmington, NC (Dave Mirra's skatepark) Columbus, OH |
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Oliver Schoolberg, (...) Shoe G riding Chenga on a couch cracked me up. But the reason you watch the video is for the riding. To semi quote Mad Dog Moeller, "This is Road Fools, you got step it up". Though it has only been around for three installments, Road Fools has become an institution in BMX. Street is taken to a new level each issue. Of the 3 episodes of Road Fools this one had the most flow. It seems that the Props crew has gotten the road trip video down to a science. Own it, watch it, feel it. | |
Road Fools 4 - 1999 | |
The fourth edition of Props' popular Road Fools series. This one moves a little faster than the others, the fidge footage was kept to a minimum by Rye during editing. A great crew this time, so they should speak for themselves. This video offers some great riding and a lot of it. It's put together really well also and ends with Van Homen singing "The Gambler" all fired up on Red Bull. Purchase a video and receive tons of cool stickers, catalogs, and postcards from the sponsors. This video is a must see for anyone that rides a 20" BMX bike. CREW: Kris Bennett, Nathan Wessel, Jason Enns, Mike Escamillia, Brian Castillo, Mike Tag, Van Homan, Cory Nastazio, Chad Kagy, Leland, Thurman, Chris Moeller, McGoo STOPS: Youngstown Skatepark, Erie, PA, Buffalo, NY, Niagra Falls, Rochester, NY, Syracuse, NY, Ithica, NY, Albany, NY, Springfield, CT, Providence, RI, Boston, MA, Woodward Camp |
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Best of Road Fools | |
Released in 1999. Edited by Dave Friemuth. | ![]() |
Jared Souney, The Road Fools videos are an excellent documentary of the BMX lifestyle, but if you want to go back and watch them just for the riding, it's pretty difficult to filter out the non-riding parts. This video is perfect for "riding-only" fans, because it only features the best riding from the first four Road Fools trips, including footage that never made it into the series, and it keeps your attention the whole way through. My worry going into this video was that having seen all four Road Fools, it might be kind of repetitive to watch, but that's not the case at all. The "Best of Road Fools" is a collection of some of the best riding ever caught on film from all over the United States. | |
Road Fools 5 - 2000 | |
We rustled up 12 tough hombres for this "Deep South" mission, and drove hard across the southern range. From Oklahoma City to New Orleans, our fearless band of modern day cowboys rode like men, played like children, and even whined like little girlie-men on occasion. So saddle up your favorite easy chair and join us as we dip below the Mason Dixon. This video is destined to become a classic, already the hype is circulating. Robbo's Finger Bike Games will have you in tears. CREW: Taj Mihelich, Jay Miron, Mike Escamilla, Ralph Sinisi, Mat Hoffman, Garrett Byrnes, Troy McMurray, Van Homan, Nathan Wessel, Robbie Morales, Dave Freimuth, and Chris Hallman. Filmed late 1999. |
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Road Fools Europe (#6) - 2001 - 65min | |
This video was in the planning stages for over a year's time and the fact we pulled it off is just about as amazing as the video itself. We had been wanting to do a European Road Fools for a long time and here it finally is. Basically, this was the plan in a nutshell: Fly 7 Americans and 1 Canadian over to England, add 3 livid Englishmen, 1 Spaniard, and 2 Germans (basically 14 of the world's most influential riders), cram them all in a bus and stumble around the Old World on the adventure of a lifetime. The schedule was loose and so were the riders, hitting France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, and England during a eight day whirlwind tour. Everything was documented: the riding, the sights, the sounds, and whatever else we encountered along the way. The crew consisted of ; Ruben Alcantara, Adam Banton, Alex Bender, Kris Bennett, Sean Emery, Fids, Dave Freimuth, Dean Hearne, Van Homan, Ian Morris, Dave Osato, Leland Thurman, Nathan Wessel, Markus Wilke. |
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Marco Massei,, july 2003: Road Fools Europe was my least favorite. It was just a logistical nightmare, getting the bus, dealing with the driver, finding hotels, and going from country to country. With so many people it just wasn't fun (logistically speaking). The trip was great otherwise. | |
Mark Losey, Ride BMX US february 2001: Intertainment: ** /5 Technical quality: * /5 I have yet to be let down with a Road Fools video. Every time they corne out you just sit in a chair watching in disbelief. This time Props headed to Europe and found stuff to ride that you won't even believe. A few of the street spots were so good that they looked like skateparks - and the riders killed it repeatedly. There is a lot of burly stuff that happens in the beginning of this video, and it kind of slows down towards the end, but the riding is still amazing. Everyone on the trip cornes through with the goods, so instead of telling you who does what, l'Il just tell you who is in the video: Ruben Alcantara, Adam Banton, Alex Bender, Kris Bennett, Sean Emery, Fids, Dave Freimuth, Dean Hearne, Van Homan, Ian Morris, Dave Osato, Nathan Wessel, and Markus Wilke. Leland Thurman goes along for the ride, too, but luckily there is no G-string action this time around. Road Fools 6 is all street and skatepark, and there are no antics to bog the video down. Our copy had a few audio glitches in it, but those were the only problems I saw. The video costs $26.95 and l'd say it's worth every penny. | |
Road Fools 7 - Florida | |
Media: Ride BMX US may 2001 The Southeast Editing has recently wrapped up and the video will be shipping next week. Back in America again, the 10 day journey took the troops down into Georgia and Florida to escape the rough of Winter. The crew consisted of: Colin Winkelman (DK/DC Shoes), Dave Freimuth (MacNeil/Snafu), Jason Enns (Volume/Little Devil), Jim Cielencki (Kink/Duffs), Ron Kimler (Airwalk), Dave Osato (Schwinn/Osiris), Joe Tiseo (Kink/Duffs), Van Homan (Schwinn/Little Devil), John Heaton (MacNeil), Lou Caparelli (Schwinn TM), Nate Wessel (T1/Etnies) as a rider and filmer, and Chris Hallman taking photos. A recent premiere of Days 1-4 went down on March 4th at the Primo Toronto comp and the hype has since begun to build. Day 4 was reportedly described as, " of the best days in BMX..." A worthy addition to the Road Fools heritage. Running time of RF7 is 1 hour ! and 3 minutes. Sponsors were Da n's, Primo, Schwinn, SSX, Staff Mailorder, and TIP Distribution. | ![]() |
CoalitionBMX,, november 2003: Road Fools 7 - The Southeast. They are back in America and headed south to Florida to see what it has to offer. Road Fools 7 Crew: Colin Winkelman, Dave Freimuth, Jason Enns, Jim Cielencki, Ron Kimler, Dave Osato, (joined the trip half way through) Joe Tiseo, Van Homan, John Heaton, Lou Caparelli, and Chris Hallman - Rider/photographer, and Nate Wessel - Rider/filmer. Destinations: Atlanta, Talahassee, Jacksonville, Gainesville, Ocala, Clearwater, Tampa, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Daytona Beach, and Orlando. This is a crazy video, let me tell you... to be quick and simple Dave Osato feeble to whip off of a foot and a half high rail, crazy. Some crazy Florida locals get to show off and some majorly crazy riding from some great pros, some of my favorites. No sections really except the different places.. but that doesn't matter. Some good music as well from bands such as Superchunk with "1000 Pounds" and "Pink Clouds" and Coach with "Cream Soda Girl" or Theivery Corp. with "Right Angles" (remix). One guy does a crazy manual down some deteriorated sketchy ledge for as long as I've ever seen... could of been like a 1/4 mile. All in all, I give this video an 8/10 because of it being good and long as well as having plenty of crazy riders and just plain crazy riding. Its about 50 minutes long and is definetely worth sitting your ass in one place the whole time to watch it. |
Road Fools 8 | |
Released on September 15th 2001. Available on DVD. Stops include Madison, WI, Minneapolis, MN, The Oval, Mankato, MN, Racine, WI, Mundelein, IL, Chicago, IL, Joliet, IL, Milwaukee, WI, and Appleton, WI. Riders Matt Beringer, Steve Crandall, Chris Doyle, George Dossantos, John Heaton, Josh Heino, John Englebert, Rick Moliterno, Dave Osato, Brian Terada, Joe Tiseo, Brian Vowell, and Brian Wizmerski. Cover artwork and words by Steve Crandall. |
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Leigh Ramsdell, The fine fine people at Props have been doing the Road Fool series for quite sometime now. After eight issues you'd wonder if they might slow down in action. Well this one does not at all. It's edited awesome and the riding is as incredible as ever. When you have riders like Joe Tiseo, Chris Doyle, John Heaton, Brian Vowell, Rick Moliterno, Matt Beringer, Josh Heino, Dave Osato, Brian Wizmerski, Brian Terada, George Dossantos and Luc-E you can't go wrong. And when the showstarts to not slow down at all Steve Crandall comes in and kicks it up a notch, Candal style. They travel mostly northern mid-west and even met up with the Macneil team to shred some parks together. You want to have the best time of your life? Get really good and get picked for a Road Fools. For now you're just going to have to live vicariously through your television. Davison, When i first sat down to watch this video i wasn't too sure about it because ride usa had already done a big feature on it. It was possible that it would simply be like seeing the magazine photos in real time and would be too familiar, rather than a great video with some of the most progressive and imaginative street riders today lumped together on a bus. Nevertheless, there was more than enough riding that hadn't been covered by ride to make this video a must see. For me Joe Tiseo and Josh Heino had some of the best tricks of the video (Tiseo's technical links over a street spine show just how much bike control he had) whilst Heino's huge triple kinker ledge feeble and massive fufanu will keep your jaw firmly on the ground for a good few minutes. The Road Fools 8 cast turning up at a Macneil team demo makes for an insane riding from everyone - Ruben demonstrating his amazing flow and style over everything. Steve Crandall's drunken antics, from vomiting to belching at strangers and nudity rounds off a well made and well filmed video. | |
Best of Road Fools 2 | |
The Best Of Road Fools 2 showcases the best riding only footage from Road Fools 5-8 in one video. Includes bonus footage that was never in the original releases. Edited by Stew Johnson. Running time is 37 minutes. | ![]() |
Road Fools 9 | |
Road Fools starting january 4th, 2002 from Los Angeles, California to Las Vegas, Nevada. Réalisation Chris Rye et Stew Johnson. Running time: 63 minutes. Riders: Jim Cielencki, Rick Moliterno, Kevin Porter, Nate Hanson, Bruce Crisman, Alistair Whitton Matt Beringer, Dave Mirra, Brian Wizmerski, Pat Juliff, Brian Foster, Ryan 'Biz' Jordan, Greg Walsh. Available on VHS or DVD. DVD Bonus Features: Interactive menus, Chapter select by days and events, unedited Intros and Final Words, bonus section with all new footage, discovering the Day 4 pool, Biz gets stuck in the baldy fence, Bix runs up a mountain for $300, new bail section, interview outtakes, original Road Fools 9 trailer, Mirra rigs up a dumpster, bonus slide show and photos, Beringer Day 6 antics, intro behind the scenes, hidden menu selection. |
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Daniel Mini ,Cream #18 , october 2002: Je ne vais pas vous faire l'affront de vous expliquer en quoi consiste un Road Fools Props. Que vous ayez deux semaines de bmx ou vingt ans de retour de pédales dans les tibias, vous en avez sans doute déjà entendu parler, et certainement déjà vu une ou plusieurs. Celui ci ne déroge pas à la règle, et se situe dans le même style que les autres beaucoup de bla bla au début et à la fin, beaucoup de très bon riding, quelques soirées bien arrosées et bien vomies... Bien que la côte Est soit à la mode en ce moment, monsieur Props a décidé de parcourir l'autre côte des USA, en Californie, là où est né le bmx et où semble t-il il y ait encore de bien beaux endroits pour faire les imbéciles en vélos. Un des principaux attrait à mon avis de ce neuvième opus est la présence de Dave Mirra, Rick Moliterno, Jim Cielencki, et Matt Beringer. Beringer est un vrai cinglé qui m'aura fait déclencher un bon gros nombre de fous-rires et de frayeurs, ce gars là est trop fort, ne se prend pas la tête, et fait vraiment du vélo pour le plaisir. Les endroits visités valent le coup d'oeil et les traces de pneus et de pegs. Tiens, parlons en des pegs. Le tapé de pegs c'est entre autres une des spécialités de Brian Wismerski coup de pegs sous le coping en montant to 36 tail tap to coup de pegs en descendant. Ouais, à mon avis ce gars là il se fatigue pour pas grand-chose, et à la longue ça commence à devenir saoûlant, alors par pitié (je parle aux plus influençables d'entre nous) essayons mes frères de ne pas trop imiter ce gars là: c'est son style à lui, qu'il le garde. Qu'il garde aussi par la même occasion ses turndowns to machin to truc. Putain le turndown c'est une des plus belles figures de la terre et à mon avis la mettre à toutes les sauces à vingt centimètres de haut comme il le fait c'est vraiment du gâchis, et je trouve que ça fait un peu esbrouffe. Sinon Wiz est quand même hyper fort et mérite d'être dans ce road fools, sa maîtrise du vélo est impressionnante, sans doute un des meilleurs techniciens à l'heure actuelle. Tout au long de la vidéo Mirra et Moliterno qui se connaissent depuis des milliards d'années se fightent serieux à coup de tricks mais aussi en vrai. C'est vrai que l'alcool aidant, ça devient vite de la boucherie, et Mirra n'a pas risqué sa vie uniquement sur son vélo, sa sortie bourré sans casque du bus Props un peu aidé par Moliterno est un grand moment.. En vélo ça va pour lui merci: au park Primo, Dave ne trouve rien de mieux pour s'échauffer qu'un fufanu sur la rambarde du sub box, un peu violent comme étirement... Vous aurez droit à un festival de rails, pris dans tous les sens, à l'endroit, pas à l'endroit, sur le côté, et par tout le monde. Même Brian Foster se permet de faire des crooked. Mais le plus impressionnant reste bien sûr Jim Cielencki qui defonce tout, dans toutes les positions possibles, à voir absolument. D'autres moments forts vous attendent, et Moliterno en est en partie responsable, sa créativité n'a semble t-il aucune limite, et à 37 ans, le voir faire des 180 to backward manuals to 180 sur des curbs de parks en descente (et ce n'est qu'une toute petite partie) est un réel plaisir. Alistair Whitton aura bien profité de son trip avec un hand plant parfait en street, et de la grosse cascade dans tous les parks visités. Sur la liste des plus gros tricks de park se trouve un 180 roll back to half cab tail whip interprété par Biz Jordan. Mais le meilleur moment selon moi est le passage à San Diego où résident les Dirt Brothers. Visite guidée par Vic Murphy l'un des plus anciens ditches ridé en vélo, de leur atelier de soudure de cadres et du trail DBI, un régal. La pub ATI avec les Dirt Bros est aussi un très grand moment. Bon, je vais m'arrêter là car vous décrire entièrement cette vidéo serait vraiment débile de ma part, sachez juste que le montage est de qualité, la bande son est bonne mais sans grande surprise et que vous allez passer un bon moment en compagnie de tous ces professionnels de la profession. Alors donc moi je me demande bien pourquoi on se priverait de passer 63 minutes aussi agréables ? Hein ? | |
Road Fools 10 | |
A BMX road trip through Oregon, across Washington, and into Vancouver, Canada. The crew was made up of Vic Murphy, Billy Dexter, Ryan Jordan, Scott Malyon, Dom Mach, Vic Ayala, Edwin Delarosa, Rob Darden, Corey Martinez, Van Homan, Brian Terada, Seth Kimbrough, Butcher, and Wiz joined us for the 2nd half of the trip. DVD version contains bonus footage: bails, outtakes, bonus photos and more. |
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Lance,, october 2002: With all that you have come to expect from previous editions in the Road Fools series, you know they only seem to get better and better, and RF10 is no exception. By now, everyone should have seen at least one Road Fools (if not, you are probably trapped on a island) so you know the drill- go to dope spots, cruise around in a dope rig, pick several amazing riders, tape awesome riding, and *Bam!* you have an amazing road trip on tape (or dvd). Road Fools 10 hits the Pacific Northwest on this adventure and the crew is nothing short of unbelievable. Riders include: Corey Martinez, Seth Kimbrough, Van Homan, Vic Ayala, Billy Dexter, Edwin Delarosa, Dom Mach, Scot Malyon, Rob Darden, Vic Murphy, Ryan Jordan, Joe Kowalski, and Brian Wizmerski joins halfway through with many other locals that rip. I never go too deep into trick by trick on videos, but for this one I will make a small exception because there is so much shit going down that I could never give it all away. Tricks like over toothpick tap to 360's over and barspin to 360 tire tap barspin out (both on a spine) are worth seeing the whole video itself. If you have never had the pleasure of seeing Corey Martinez ride before, then you are a poor sucker, because after you see this video you'll see why he is -quote- "the best bike rider in the world." Honestly, the cast of riders on RF10 is close to being the best ever and no rider lacks creativity on this trip. Hell, the only way to describe half the trickery on this video is by swearing, the stuff that goes down at every spot will indeed make you say "holy fucking shit, did you see that" and "the was un-fucking-believable." The one thing that was really un-fucking-believable was that Edwin Delarosa and Vic Ayala both neglected to ride park at all on this trip (at some of the dopest parks you'll never ride). It's a shame. Those two have all that skill and don't use any of it on ramps. This video made me realize again why Seth Kimbrough and Corey Martinez are two of my favorite riders of all time. I just can't praise Corey and Seth enough on this trip, they really are two kids leading the way and taking bmx into untapped areas with their unbelievable bike control. The DVD version has a hell of a lot of extra footage, and after you see how a drunk man got dragged behind the rig, good old shit eating/bails, and more you'll understand why the DVD version is worth having. The video is awesome (and seemingly short), and trust me, you need this one. RF10 gets an easy 10/10. | |
Road Fools 11 - april 2003 | |
An 8 day BMX roadtrip starting in Arizona, going through Nevada, and ending in Los Angeles, CA. The crew was made up of Jamie Bestwick, Cory Nastazio Marcus Hampl, Chris Doyle, Corey Martinez, Sebastian "Bas" Keep, Gary Young, Tobias Wicke, Phil Wasson, Alistair Whitton, Steven Hamilton, Oliver Leonard, and Seth Kimbrough. DVD version contains bonus footage, including: Bonus day, Bails, Respect the pool, Dance revolution, Stuck in mud, Out-takes, English intros, Bonus riding. Directed by Chris Rye & Stew Johnson. |
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Bart de Jong,, june 2003: An insane riding crew once again hit the road and since it was wintertime, the trip headed for the sun: Nevada, Phoenix and California. Wicke got to work straight away in the Arizona Vans skatepark. A 5 feet mini and a front brake was all it took to impress the rest of the crew. Example: cross-footed tailwhip nosepick to cross-footed landing on the pedals. Next up was an outdoor park where Alistair Whitton pulled a ridiculous disaster on a too tall sub box. The fading in-and-out in this section was annoying. Sharp-blurry-sharp-blurry, it made me check if I still had my glasses on. Stick to the sharp mode please. Another comment is when the riders got to AZ State University at night. Sure it was dark, and no we can't expect the Props crew to light up the place with a generator and some lamps, but the footage turned out a bit on the dark side which made it hard to recognize the rider because it had no names in the bottom left corner. Watching it a few times is the solution I guess. The Germans mastered the spine by manualing across it. Since Tobias did it first he got the credit in the RF video. For Marcus' pulled version you have to watch the bonus section. These guys can juggle too. Nasty did a huge hip jump in Casa Grande which made me say: "Hell yeah!" All sort of terrain got hit up and among that plenty of backyard ramps. Leonard is the manual to 180 king. Martinez carved the pool steps to manual 180 out of it. On accident but he pulled it sweet. Cory's invert out of the Vegas skatepark was the best, another "Yeah!" came out of my mouth. Hamilton's nosewheely up a ledge is well-tech as was Kimbrough's x-up grind down the rail to hard 180-out. As Wasson would say; "Not bad, not bad" LA security guards have a nice way to ask people to leave from their premises. "Welcome to Roadfools 11, now get the fuck out of here!" Alistair has the biggest bag of tricks and adapts to any terrain quick. The little road trip fights with Bestwick were well funny. Who do you think would win an arm wrestle game between Nasty and Wicke? I would have bet on Wicke but I would have lost. Nasty won twice. The trip ended at Nastazio's house with a little party with band, bitches, Budweiser and more riding on the ramp. The slide show at the end of the video is beautiful and it even shows more of the Roadfools experience. The DVD has loads of extra stuff, even an extra day at the RIDE and Split ramps, getting a pick-up truck out of the mud, crashes, Chris Doyle dancing against a computer and more funny shit. Just when you start to think the RoadFools concept is played out, the Props crew shows you different. I could still watch RoadFools 25 if it comes in quality like this. |
Olivier Tourrel,, juillet 2003: Une Roadfools "classique", un voyage "bmxtique" à voir, au moins, une fois tout de même. En tous cas, le riding est bel est bien là, surtout en mini-ramp, où la profusion de lip-tricks est impressionnante. Support: DVD Durée: 51 mn (sans les bonus). Prix: 40 euros Distribution: x-treme video. Réalisé par: Chris Rye, Stew Johnson toute l'équipe de PROPS. Spots: En Arizona (Van's Skatepark, Ft. McDowell Indian Reservation, Tempe, Murs blancs près de Phoenix, Casa Grande et Tuscon), dans le Nevada (Laughlin, YMCA skatepark et Las Vegas), et en Californie (Los Angeles, Nasty's house, Split warehouse, Riverside et Ride Publishing). Avant tout, on peut remarquer, que sur les 13 "routards", 5 sont européens (Anglais et Allemands), donc, à quand un Bibi, ou un Pascal Guérard ?? Egalement à noter que les délires de nuits, à lesquels on étaient habitués dans les Roadfools, se font rares. Une évolution pour laisser plus de place au riding ? peut être. En tout cas, le riding est bel est bien là, surtout en mini-ramp, où la profusion de lip-tricks est impressionnante. J'aime bien, aussi, le tchou-tchou 360 whip sur 3 doubles de Chris Doyle, et Adam Baker (local du trail), genre: trop facile ! Ah ! Si vous achetez ce DVD pour Jamie Bestwick, vous allez être déçus, excepté si vous aimez l'humour anglais, car entre ce dernier, et Alistair Whitton, c'est un festival de vannes (voir dans les bonus "english intro") !! Pour conclure, c'est une Roadfools "classique" je dirais. Un voyage "bmxtique" à voir, au moins, une fois tout de même. Note: 7,5/10. Best tricks: Tail whip to ice pick de Tobias Wicke, no hand condor to manual et 360 downside whip d'Alistair Whitton, disaster sur un sub de 2m50 de Sebastian Keep, Handrail X up sortie 180 de Seth Kimbrough, icepick to 270 de Gary Young, walltap to manual d'Oliver Leonard, barspin to overicepick sur spine de Corey Martinez, etc.... |
| Dans ce nouvel opus, le props crew nous bichonnne de plus en plus. En effet, ce trip qui nous conduit d’Arizona jusqu’en Californie, nous fait voyager bien sûr, mais nous fait aussi découvrir des riders exceptionnels comme Seth Kimbrough, Gary Young , Cory Martinez , Cory Nastazio , Steven Hamilton , Oliver Leonard, Phill Wasson, Chris Doyle, mais aussi des européens comme Alistair Whitton, Jamie Bestwick, Bas Keep pour la Grande-Bretagne, Marcus Hampl et Tobias Wicke pour l’Allemagne. L’action se déroule dans des skateparks outdoor au milieu du désert, mais aussi chez des locaux, sur leurs rampes perso ou trail perso. Quelques parks indoor et du street de nuit (en image de nuit, il faut un peu deviner le trick) Des tricks de fou, avec je crois ,un passage qui en fera halluciner plus d’un: Chris Doyle et Gary Young en tchou tchou sur un set de 3 doubles, faisant sur la 1ere 360 tailwhip, 2eme x-up et enfin 3eme 360 tailwhip comme si de rien n'était. Steven Hamilton nous fait des nose wheellies sans freins sur des curbs ou encore Tobias Wicke qui nous refait son fackie tailwhip comme aux Worlds et un backward x-up hand rail to 180 de Kimbrough. Enfin une très bonne video, assez marrante avec les idioties de Whitton et Bestwick. Seul mauvais point, les images de nuit qui manquent cruellement d’éclairage. Je la recommande en dvd (bonus). |
salvation,, 07-27-2003: When I first heard this video was coming out, I knew I had to have it. The crew consisted of Jamie Bestwick, Nasty (Cory Nastazio), Marcus Hampl, Chris Doyle, Cory Martinez, Baz Keep, Gary Young, Tobias Wicke, Phil Wasson, Allister Whitton, Steven Hamilton, Oliver Leonard, and Seth Kimbrough. Day 1 started out at Phoenix, Arizona's Vans skatepark. Chris Doyle was doing footplants and tail taps on the high railing out of the bowl. Baz Keep tried to tail tap a side railing out of the mini and he broke the railing off and wrecked. Tobias Wicke has major tech skills. He dropped into the mini switch footed came back and did a switch footed nose pick tailwhip and went back in switch footed. Day 2 the crew went to Ft. McDowell Indian Reservation. Adam Baker and KC Badger showed up and hung around them for awhile. Adam Baker and Chris Doyle were putting on a show by jumping after one another and both pulling a 360 whip the first set then x-up the second and 360 whip the third. Allister Whitton manualed the really high top deck out of the quarterpipe. That same day they went to go ride street in Tempe, Arizona. Stevie Hamilton was abubacaing this really tall rail. Soon the cops came and kicked them out. Day 3 they went to the white walls outside of Phoenix. Everyone was just trying to carve high as they could. Baz had a different idea. He went straight up the walls and got some air. KC Badger was doing 360 x-ups out of the walls. That same day the crew went to a local's backyard trails and ramps in Cave Creek. Nasty was doing backflip turndowns on the dirt jumps. Tobias Wicke was doing tailwhips to fakies on the spine. On day 4 they went to Casa Grande cement park. Tobias manualed this skinny spine, one side to the other. He also was doing backflips to manuals. Chris Doyle did a downside whip over the hip. Everyone was killing it. Then they went to a local's backyard ramps. Chris Doyle was doing high footplants on the wall ride. Then they went to go ride street in Tucson, Arizona. Gary Young did a long gap to manual on this ledge. Cory Martinez did a double peg grind up a rail to a barspin. The next day (day 5) they went to go ride trails. Everyone was tearing the trails up like normal. It started to rain so they headed to Celestial skatepark in Tucson. Steven Hamilton did this long gap off the quarter to wallride. Phil Wasson did this Ruben wallride out of the vert wall. The next day they went to the brick transition walls. Phil Wasson did this ridiculous gap across the entrance. Cory Martinez was wallriding real high out the walls. Gary Young's knee was getting real loose so he left the next day. Then they headed to an abandoned pool. Allister Whitton was tearing up the coping. For that in the bonus section Cory Martinez and Seth put duck tap all over Allister's seat, pegs, frame, wheels, everything! Then they put on all these stickers like mongoose. You have to see it to understand it. Cory Martinez did some carve over the steps that barely had any room to a manual 180 that he did on accident. Baz Keep was getting airing the pool like 2 feet out of it. Then they headed to Laughlin and rode a late night street session. Steven was trying to jump off a building's edge to a steep roll in. He crashed a bunch of times but finally got it. Allister did his first double peg grind rail to gap to double peg grind down a rail again. Seth was also killing it too showing his tech side. He has so much bike control. Day 7, they crew went to the YMCA park. Cory Martinez did this huge tabletop gap. Oliver was doing manual lines everywhere. Then they went to the Pro Park which was really slippery. Steven and Allister did this huge gap over the bowls. Seth did an x-up grind down the rail at the pro park to a 180. They rode street the next day in Los Angeles. Jamie Bestwick did a grinded around this tree. Marcus Hampl did a tail tap on this blue wall at a car wash. Then they headed to day 9 at Nasty's house where they had a party and a band playing. It just rained the day before real bad so they didnt ride trails. Biz showed up there. Tobias was just destroying it like he always does. In the bonus section they have an added day with them at the Split wherehouse, Riverside street, and Ride publishing's ramps. This video was really good. I thought it was the best one so far. They rode mostly everything except full pipes. But there is just so much bonus footage like Allister and Jamie talking shit to one another and tons more, this video would be hard to beat. I give this a 10 out of 10. I think this is a must have. |
Road Fools 12 - august 2003 | |
Props Road Fools 12 crew headed out in late august 2003. | ![]() |
Bart de Jong,, february 2004: Even though the idea of Roadfools is a bit played out, the RoadFools DVD's are a must see. You don't want to miss Nyquist get slapped in the face by a girl (at a party all for fun) and see Seth Kimbrough's band for instance. To keep in the loop of the development of BMX, watching the RF productions helps. The crew of Stuart King (UK), Sergio Layos (Spain), Scott Malyon (UK) teams up with Northern Americans Scerbo, Hamilton, Young, Arata, Kachinsky, Barrett, Porter, Martinez and Enns (Can). The States that the rig stopped at were Ohio, Tennessee, Indiana and Pennsylvania. Parks, street and Pennsylvania dirt make for another good issue of RF. The crew seems to be getting along on the trip doing some partying as well as riding. Being invited for one of those tours is an honour and that's the way every single one of them sees it. The production crew might not put pressure on the riders but once the camera's come out it's time to deliver. Watch Steven Hamilton, his riding is insane. Kachinsky impressed as well with sick rails. |
Mark Losey,, september 2003: This was the fourth time I've been invited on the travelling shred-mission know as Road Fools. For this round, everyone flew into Columbus, Ohio, and then we spent a week running from the rain, riding, filming, and laughing our heads off. Here are some highlights to give you a taste. 1. Since there was bad weather in Columbus we headed for Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and we stayed there for three days straight. I know that sounds a little strange, but when there is that much street to ride, you don't leave until you're done. We probably could have stayed another day or two to get even more stuff done had the rain not made us move on. 2. Seth Kimbrough and Corey Martinez both returned for another Road Fools trip, and they did not disappoint. Wallride-to-barspin-180 out, barspin-to-foot-jam nosepick. Them Alabama kids do not stop. 3. Sergio Layos was a last minute addition to the crew, and he killed everything. Every time I've seen Sergio over the past year I've spoken to him some stupid English/Spanish mix assuming he didn't understand English very well—not true. He speaks English just fine. I think he just liked watching me make a fool out of myself. 4. Brian Kachinsky was the sleeper of the trip. For some reason I thought he was only looking for skatepark action, but the guy wrecked shop on street every night. Nose-wheelies down ledges, rail runs, etc. 5. Shawn Arata showed us two ridiculous rails in Pittsburgh, and I completely thought he was joking around. About 20 minutes later he had pulled them both. 6. This trip marked the first time Ryan Nyquist made it on a full Road Fools trip. He owned the skateparks we hit, and he developed some kind of new sleeping habits on street. While a group would be setting up to get a shot, Ryan would shade off to a bench somewhere to catch a little shut eye. We tried to sneak away from him a couple times, but he always woke up just in time to catch us. 7. Riders split into groups while riding street, and I try to pick a different group every day so I can get photos of everyone. One day after shooting a ton of good stuff in Columbus we happened to run into Stew Johnson and his group at a perfect 180-degree curved wallride. This wall was perfect for inverts and tables out, but Kevin Porter dropped the hammer—curved wall-to-tailwhip. 8. On the Animal trip in Ride a few months ago there was a photo of Butcher jumping a gap over some newspaper machines that was incredible. Well, when we pulled up to the same spot on this trip, Steve Hamilton looked at the gap and simply said, "I want to 180 that." He did. 9. Two English riders were invited for this trip: Scott Malyon and Stuart King. Scott redefines what can be done on mini ramps and blew everyone away. Stuart actually used to be a regular in Ride six or seven years ago when he made regular trips to the States, but his racecar driving career has been keeping him busy. He's still riding hard, though, and he has not forgotten how to kill plywood and cement surfaces. 10. Gary Young seems to show up on every trip I'm on these days, and it's never a disappointment. Gary actually scares some of the older Pros by the amount of time he spends riding his bike, and it's so obvious that he doesn't even care if people are filming. Gary simply rules. A lot more fun stuff happened on the trip; girls slapping Nyquist repeatedly, girls kissing other girls, party footage, ... Thanks, Marco and Chris for another incredible trip. |
iluvbmx88,, 05-22-2004: First off this video is amazing, it has everything you could want even three girls kissing each other and Nyquist getting slapped. But enough of that, now on to the review. The crew for the 12th Road Fools was Scott Malyon, Stuart King, Sergio Layos, Bob Scerbo, Steven Hamilton, Gary Young, Jason Enns, Ryan Nyquist, Shawn Arata, Brian Kachinsky, Ryan Barrett, Seth Kimbrough, Kevin Porter, and Cory Martinez. The trip starts off in Columbus, Ohio with the whole crew riding the Flow skatepark. A lot of craziness goes down here but just some highlights were Sergio doing a tailwhip over this huge gap. Kevin does a 360 hand plant over a spine. The next day they went to this cement park in Dublin. Skaters say it's the worst park in America but it looked good to me. Shawn Arata does a 180 barspin off this wall and Gary goes nuts with unique lines but he breaks a chain. The next day they went to Studio 334. A lot of craziness goes on here too. Some highlights were Seth doing a 270 tailtap to icepick over to fakie back over and he does a perfect breakless g-turn over the box jump. Also Kachinsky pulls a 360 tire tap on top of this wall from mini to mini. I just have to say that Hamilton has got some balls. He spent an hour trying to do this one huge ally oop gap to wallslap but he finally got it. The next day they went and rode some trails just outside of Pittsburgh. They were Doyle's local ones so that part was good. After that they had night street session in Pittsburgh. Scerbo smacks his head open but is okay. Porter does a crazy manual. Hamilton again rips, he does a huge gap to 180 over some newspaper dispensers. And a huge 360 gap. The next day it rained so they went to this park called B Cubed. Well that was cool, Seth does a barspin to footjam on the mini. After that they went downstairs and played some hockey. Kachinsky whooped Enn's ass. They also got to drive the Zamboni. Scerbo put on the gas and almost blew off one of Hamilton's fingers. The next day it was back to Pittsburgh for more street. Right out of the bus Hamilton finds this unique line. Hop up a tall set of stairs to huge gap to manual on this tall ledge. It was crazy, he busted his ass but he finally got it. Also a bunch of other stuff that they found like this curved wall ride in front of a jail. Hamilton one time was curving the wall and threw his bike at Stew Johnson for no reason but Stew was okay. The next day it was Columbus Street, Kevin Porter does come crazy manual lines. Kachinsky busts his nuts on this rail but he checked them out and they were fine. Also Seth does a grind up a rail to hop over to backwards grind down another rail. Hamilton does a curved wallride to alley oop 360. KP does a curved wall to tailwhip and after that they had a party at Hamilton's house at night. Nyquist got slapped by a girl; after that they go downtown to a bar. Enns got put in the back of a police car for pissing in an alley! Day 8 they went to Indianapolis and rode this indoor park called BSS. I don't really remember a lot of stuff from this session but I do remember Gary goes off on these box jump rhythm section and Martinez icepick this 16 ft vert wall. Day 9 they rode Louisville Park then headed to Nashville to Ride 6th Avenue Skatepark in Nashville. But before that they saw Seth's band, Mortal Treason, play. I liked that part. Seth has got some talent besides riding his bike. After that they rode the park. Gary goes crazy on this one gap; he does a tailwhip, a tuck no hander, and a no footed can-can on it. Also Shawn and Gary both do some crazy wallrides. Shawn does a smith on top of this building thingy that was in the park. Martinez does this kind of corner pocket turndown that every one said was hard to ride but he made it look easy. Barrett does a manual across a sub rail to fakie. Day 10 the final day *sniff sniff* they rode Nashville street. About 5 minutes off the bus Hamilton jumped over a truck. I give this video 9.5 out of 10. The music could of been a little bit more cooler but oh well. The riding was super good. You guys should go and get this video. |
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Available on Sept 27th, 2004. Props Road Fools 13 hit the road in august 2004 and unfortunately lived up to the predictions of "Unlucky 13" with just a few too many trips to the hospital.....but that did not stop the crew from shredding, Colorado, Kansas, and Missouri. Road Fools 13 marked the first trip where we let the riders on the trip pick the crew. Van Homan picks Chris Adamski, Josh Stricker and Ty Styvesant. Matt Beringer picks Fuzzy Hall, Shawn elf Walters and Cameron Wood. Steve Crandall picks Mike Tagliavento, Derek Nelson and Phil Wasson. Props Special Guests: Dennis McCoy & Sweet Lou Capperelli. DAY 0 - Boulder (bonus DVD) Picked everyone up from hotel and rode a barrier next to hotel. DAY 1 - Boulder Rise and shine at 7am for Boulder park session 7-10am. Street in afternoon & night. Fought no less than 6 different rainstorms throughout the day. Some dudes got busted for riding a tree. Derek twisted his ankle pretty bad on stone tranny. DAY 2 - Denver Denver street downtown. DAY 3 - Denver Rode the V then a concrete ditch. Clay was showing us around so thanks to him. Later we rode Aurora street at various spots Clay knew about. Sprinklers came on at a brick tranny and Elf clipped a fence and crashed real hard. DAY 4 - Denver again Real mellow, totally enjoyable day. Fuzzy did rediculous gap over a rode, over a fence and into a grass bank. Sprained his ankle pretty good but stoked nonetheless. Ty did some good stuff throughout the day. Drove down to Pueblo, CO and crashed at a really sketchy hotel with thugs roaming the parking lot. DAY 5 - Pueblo & Trinidad, CO Zeb showed up and took us to some spots, both eventually being busts. Really good brick banks at a brick factory. Finished the drive to Trinidad, the park was completely barren and amazing. Hot and sunny as hell, miserable just sitting around. Joel was carving the snake run and broke his collar bone. People went and bought cookout food and we had a cookout up at the park. Cool scene. Filmed there until the sun went down. Got a hotel near there and Joel and Fuzzy went to the hospital in the ambulance. DAY 6 - La Junta, CO & Salina, KS Left Colorado for long drive to Kansas. Hit a descent cement park in La Junta, CO. After that drove to Kansas to a park in Salina, KS. Tons of locals hanging around, cool scene. The heat has went from dry heat to a humid sauna. DAY 7 - Kansas City, MO Finished drive to Kansas City, MO. Rode Dennis' friend's backyard ramps. Had a cookout thanks to the prize winning neighbors. Really really hot out today and humid. Phil hung up and dislocated his shoulder. Later in the night Cameron tried a crazy 360 drop but landed flat bottom and broke his foot. After that we headed to McCoy's new mansion and hung there in luxury by the pool. Most of the crew went bowling and then rode street later in the night, some up to 7am. DAY 8 - Kansas City, MO & St. Louis, MO Rode street at night, some out until 7am. DAY 9 - St. Louis Ramp Riders park, humid as all hell inside. Filmed there until 11pm or so. Bart de Jong,, february 2005: Issue 13 had some people land in the hospital and that was bad luck. Still most of the crew stayed on two wheels most of the time. This Roadfools was different in a way that a couple of riders chose 3 fellow riders to go on Roadfools. It sure ended up being a trip of BMX characters. If you think Beringer's riding is weird, wait till you see Kevin Nelson and his 23 kilo home made steel bike with wheelcovers. Dennis McCoy made it on the bus thanks to Lou Capparelli's one man team ("I only have one friend, and that's DMC"). If someone can keep you entertained on the road, it's Dennis. I cracked up in the outtakes section where Dennis is bro-ing down with a drunk black man. He sure can be a bastard too. I would say Roadfools 13 is more about catching different BMX characters on film than it was of super revolutionary tricks. The personalities on board were great and everyone had a good time. This doesn't mean that the riding sucked, don't get me wrong here. Van Homan delivered with some crazy shit, Fuzzy's roof 360 looked bigger on film than it did in the magazine and his fence gap was sketchy but hey, the old man survived. Josh Stricker equals speed. Have you ever seen real bunny hops? Have you seen a bunny doing a front flip on a box jump? If not, it's time to watch Roadfools 13. |
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PROPS ROAD FOOLS 14 | | Aka Rain Fools. Even though it rained the majority of the trip, the crew was still able to ride every single day. Stops include the Little Devil Wharehouse, FDR, Lakewood, NYC, Rye Airfield, New Haven, some private ramps in MA, plus much more. Riders include Chase Dehart, Chris Doyle, Robin Fenlon, Brian Foster, Lino Gonzalez, Dustin Guenther, Chase Hawk, Danny Hickerson, Van Homan, Corey Martinez, Aaron Ross, Ian Schwartz, Brian Tunney, Morgan Wade, Tobias Wicke.Brian Foster joined the crew last minute after Gary Young was injured, Van Homan got his mid trip invite when the homesick Danny Hickerson left the trip early, and Chase DeHart hopped on the bus mid trip as well to go along for the ride. Bart de Jong,, september 2005: Road Fools 14 crew includes * Robin Fenlon * Ian Schwartz * Chase Hawk * Brian Foster * Lino Gonzalez * * Cory Martinez * Brian Tunney * Tobias Wicke * Morgan Wade * Chase DeHart * * Danny Hickerson * Aron Ross * Dustin Guenther * Chris Doyle * Van Homan * The crew of Roadfools 14 started off riding Brian Foster's local park in New Jersey. BF lives 12 miles from the park and shows he's got the lines down including big 180-s over the concrete spine. Tobias Wicke does all kind of new liptricks (to the Americans that is) on the quarterpipe. New on the crew are two announcers who talk one video segment into the other. Leigh Ramsdell and Steve Crandall set up for a street session in NYC next. After letting the Sept.-11 drama sink in, it's off to the 3 feet high cobble stone bank for a shesh. As long as you have talent on board, it is possible to fill a whole section at a little spot like this. Edwin Delarosa makes a guest appearance in the Big Apple and Chris Doyle did a huge 180 over a street. T-Nez is soaking up a lot of the street coverage at this point and so is Chase Hawk. Ian Schwartz gets a round of applause from the crew for a 6 stair bunnyhop to manual to 360 bunnyhop off. Day three: It's raining so the riding takes place at the indoor Incline Club, home of Scotty Cranmer. With Ryan Guettler around and the complete RF crew it makes for an insane park session with over and under curved wallrides (T-nes-Wade), crossfooted 3-whips and curved wallrides, more German tech from Wicke and more flair crashes from Wade than you like to see (yes he pulled it in the end). Day 4 starts off with sunshine and a little sesh on a jersey barrier. Ghetto ramps get built which shows you don't always need full on skateparks to make things work. Back to the streets and wih a little imagination on how to make jumps out of picknick tables, another session was born. More rain. Welcome the LD warehouse. Hickerson is getting off at this point with a busted wrist. Van Homan is on but crashes big a few minutes later. Hawk rides buzzed but it doesn't show. He's got style for miles and feels good at the LD bowls. Day 5. The team hooks up with Wiz and rides some street stuff at schools and loading docks in Philly. Ross does 540-s both ways on flatbanks. Tobi does a tailwhip over a dustbin but throws his bike at Leigh Ramsdell who almost lost his pinky finger. After it got sewn back on at the hospital he made sure Tobi was going to pull the trick and he did. FDR skatepark gets visited on the morning of Day 6. Chase Hawk is ripping again. Wade flairs a 4ft mini and Tobi loves the mini. Doyle is back on the bike and jumps half the park. One more rider (Chase DeHart) gets added to the crew thanks to an invitation of the youngest kid on the crew Chase Hawk. A street session followed in Connecticut until it got broken up by security. Day 7. More rain, more indoor riding at the Ramp Farm (Warehouse). Crandall shows his graffity talent spraying a Roadfools logo. Wade: 720 to 3-whip. Schwarts rolls back on a funbox and tailwhips on top. Wicke goes tech once again and Van did an over Ice-Pick to back on a scary wall. More rain, off to Rye skatepark in New Hampshire, another one of those crazy parks where you wonder how they keep it alive. Local Brian Hunt owns the place (riding wise) and Wade did another amazing flair. Foster went off in the bowls and van did a huge icepick to barspin on a wall. Wicke pulled a double tailwhip to wedge. Doyle went huge on a turndown transfer and T-Nez did an icepick on a 20 feet wall. Overcast. Street riding in between the raindrops. Fenlon does a big 360 drop to the sound of some air guitars. The rain must have felt like home as he also 50/50-s up a big rail and 180 grinds a rail to 180. If that wasn't enough the UK rider did a 50/50 to barspin-out. Man, that Wade dude did a huge whip drop-in on a grass bank, truely insane. NYC next. Street riding all day. For a change the sun was out. The extra pictures/images of the NYC people mixed in the filming give you a good idea where the riders actually were. The city that never sleeps didn't get to see much night riding. That was saved for next day for a dirt session at the Hooligan trails in Long Island. |
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PROPS ROAD FOOLS 15 | | Road Fools 15 travels across the Midwest with 18 of the best riders hitting street, park, trails and emergency rooms. Stops include Chicago, Kalamazoo, Ann Arbor, Detroit, Cincinnati,Kokomo and Ft. Wayne. Bonus section with bails, Day 0, tattoos, knuckles and more riding. Catfish, Will Love, Eric Holley, Stephen Lilly, Josh Harrington, Chase Hawk, Morgan Wade, Seth Kimbrough, Cameron Wood, Eddie Cleveland, Chester Blacksmith, Aaron Ross, Gary Young, Ryan Sher, Karl Poynter, Mike Aitken, Brandon Hoerres, Tony Cardona. |
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Bart de Jong,, june 2007: I've been guilty of telling Props to do something new. After the umpteenth Props VM, Megatour and Roadfools why not do something different. And here it is, the Props Rock 'n Roll DVD. After talking to several riders who joined the tour they were all over it. It was a big posse on the road but good times were had. The final product is of great quality and shows a lot of riding and a lot of the bands. And that's where my problem comes in with the Rock 'n Roll DVD. Unless you're a big fan of the Greyscale, The Snake Trap or This Bike is a Pipe Bomb, you're being robbed from quality riding footage of riders like Scotty Cranmer, Tobias Wicke, Morgan Wade, Chris Doyle, Ryan Nyquist and plenty of others that joined the tour. It's not that I dislike any of the bands but if you're expecting the Rock 'n Roll tour to be a BMX DVD, be prepared to use that FFwd button quite a bit. The tour basically goes to skateparks to ride and have a gig. A good combination if you're into both. Places visited are: Milwaukee (4 seasons), Scrap in Chicago, St. Louis, Nashville (where's the pussy?), the great park in Joplin, Eisenberg's in Dallas and it ends at the T1 compound in Austin. Please find herewith some more Rock 'n Roll info straight from the Props crew, you can even win a spot on the next tour. Watch the little trailer at the end. View it, get an impression and make your own decision. BdJ | ![]() |
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PROPS ROAD FOOLS 17 | | Kink and Etnies are in the rig and on the road in an all-out battle for team supremecy in Olympic level competitions of footdown, BIKE, highest bunnyhop and who can ride the longest with Catfish talking in their ear. Big Daddy is crashing the party and Catfish is the head referee, so anything can, and probably will, happen. Team Kink: Tony Hamlin, Aaron Smith, Darryl Tocco, Chris Doyle, Sean Sexton, KC Badger, Jay Roe Team Etnies: Brian Kachinsky, Morgan Wade, Aaron Ross, Nathan Williams, Randy Taylor, Javier Ortega, John Povah |
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NOTE: Blu-ray only. There is not a DVD version, as it would take 25 discs to hold all the content. Starting with a carefree road trip in 1998, Props Road Fools tapped into something special when it merged cutting edge riding and legendary personalities together for the first time in a documentary-style BMX film. With each new release, the series has continued to inspire both new and old generations of riders alike, as people were shown what was possible on a bike and the antics of pro BMX’ers confined to the road. Now 15 years later (and after countless requests), we’ve assembled the entire Road Fools series for the first time ever into this Special 3-Disc Collector’s Edition Blu-ray Box Set. Featuring - Road Fools 1-16 (SD) - Road Fools 17 & 18 (HD) - Road Fools Rock-n-Roll Tours 1 & 2 (SD) - Best Of Road Fools videos 1-4 (SD) - Stunning 1080p motion menus featuring hundreds of high res photos - Interactive 1080p day select maps - Over 35 hours of high quality H.264-encoded content - Dolby Digital Professional audio - 15 years of BMX history & progression Special Features - A digitally re-mastered Road Fools 1 presented in its native DV format for the first time ever, re-edited with a re-mixed 48kHz soundtrack - Fresh high-def interviews with the original Road Fools 1 crew members, reflecting on their memories from the trip and how it helped shape BMX in the years that followed - Road Fools 1 commentary w/ Taj Mihelich, Dave Freimuth and Chris Rye - Over 150 bonus sections, including new edits and unseen footage - Easter egg sections Collector’s Edition Packaging - 3 professionally replicated Blu-ray discs - 4 page printed booklet - Limited-edition Props sticker - Viva Elite 3 disc Blu-ray case w/ printed insert - Printed and embossed outer case sleeve |
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