360 | Stu Thomsen blew the crowd away at Fountain Valley's grand opening in october 1975 by doing a 360 off a small jump near the track. | Stu Thomsen 1975. |
360 tailwhip | Chad Herrington, GO september 1991: I've landed partially on my bike but I haven't perfectly pulled one yet. Tom Haugen is also almost pulling them in the Baco 4 video, back in 1992. David Frame was pulling Tailwhip 360's at livingston Skatepark in Scotland in 1993. Brian Vowell also pulled 360 tailwhips in 1993. Tom Haugen was pulling 360 tailwhip to x-up at the 2001 X-Games. Dave Osato has pulled an opposite 360 opposite tailwhip over a spine at the Vancouver Metro Jam September 5, 2003. In 2002 Cory Nastazio pulled a 360 superman whip. Joey "Whitesnake" Marks has done what he calls a 360 downside double tailwhip. It is basically a decade tailwhip jump. He done it at the 2004 Gravity Games on dirt. Danny Hickerson has done 360 tailwhips over a spine to manual to 180 out. 2005, Scotty Cranmer has pulled a cross-footed 360 tailwhip. Jason Perz pulled a 360 double whip over a spine at the Baco Halloween jam in october 2005. Jason Perz july 2006: i actually pulled my first 3 double on a spine in feb. 2005. Daniel Dhers has done 360 no footed can to tailwhip. Also 360 x-up to tailwhip in 2006. Mike Spinner pulled a 360 triple whip on october 2006 at Dave Mirra’s warehouse. James Foster pulled a a 360 tailwhip to whip back at the april 2008 JoMoPro contest. Jeremiah Smith did a 360 downside whip to tuck no hander on march 2009. Morgan Wade did a 360 superman double whip on the 2009 Chicago Dew Tour. Alessandro Barbero 360 Downside Whip To Whip Back - april 2010. Kyle Baldock 360 whip to table june 2012. |
Mike Dominguez 1984. Tom Haugen over a spine 2003. Mike Spinner 360 triple whip october 2006 video. |
360... other variations | Joel Alamo was doing no-handed 360's in 1987. Joel Alamo, january 2012: I was the first (I'm almost positive) to do no handed 360's. I started doing them in 1986 or 1987 on dirt while trying to learn no handed 540's. Kurt Schmidt has done No-handed 360 jump and Rocket 360. Jay Miron 360 superman seatgrab. 360 toboggan by Ryan Nyquist in 1998. |
720 | Oscar Gonzalez,, may 2006: 720's go back a long way in nor-cal.......Hugo Gonzales was doing them back in the early 80's. He was doing them off dirt jumps......I know that Mike Krinach, Danny Schow and myself were doing them in 87-88. Dave Voelker and Craig Campbell were the 1st to pull them in a comp. Freestylin november 1987: Chris Moeller completing a 720 over a double jump ? Tis true... Jay Miron complique la chose en rentrant 720-truckdriver (Schwinn American Muscle video) en juillet 1996 et il a rentré 720-lookdown en octobre 1996. Dave Mirra done a no handed 720 in 2001. Ryan Guettler has done opposite 720s both on dirt and park in 2004. He tried a 720 tailwhip and looked like he has landed them before. 720 whip got pulled at the Portland Dew Tour, august 2006, by Mike Spinner during the Free Flow contest. Mike Spinner,, august 2006: I landed my first 720 whip maybe a month ago. It’s pretty scary, and I’ve never done it on a box this big. That was the fourth one I’ve rolled away from. Steven McCann pulled a no-handed 720 to turndown at the 2006 Dew tour round 4, september 2006. Mike Spinner pulls 720 Double Whip on resi: April 4, 2008. Ryan Nyquist nails first ever double barspin 720 landed in competition during 2008 Dew Tour round 1, june 2008. Daniel Dhers lets loose a corked out 720 tailwhip at the 2009 Salt Lake City Dew Tour, september 2009. Daniel Dhers tire grab 720 over the box september 2009. Daniel Dhers did a bus to bus 720 (truck to truck ?) at the 2011 BMX Masters. 17 years old Daniel Sandival did a 720 tailwhip to late barspin at the Rebeljam december 2011. Mark Webb 720 bus to condor january 2012. |
1080 | christhejob, The legend has it Carlo Griggs went to Southsea one night, jumped out of the jump bowl a few times, 1080ed, then went home. no reason not to believe it. Carlo Griggs, june 2003: I just built a big jump box I guess one of the next Clicked videos in the near future will have me doing one. Its funny how many people ask me if I did one in the early 90s. But yes I did. I have pulled 3 of them this year but its not fun hucking yourself over my big box spining them. Mike Spinner gets his rotation on and pulls “the world’s first contest 1080” over a box at a comp in Wellington, New Zealand, February 11, 2007. Todd Meyn pulled a 1080 tuck no hander at the FISE, Montpellier, may 2012. |
Mike Spinner february 2007 video. Todd Meyn' 1080 tuck no hander, 2012. |
backflip | Jose Yanez 1984 Steve Swope, 1992: The number of people learning backflips is multiplying faster than hosing down a room full of Gremlins. Bob Kohl did double backflip attempts in 1992. Jay Miron pulled double backflip in october 1997. Chris Clanton had pulled a double backflip no hand in Woodward in 2006. 24-year-old Jed Mildon, a BMXer from New Zealand, landed the world's first triple backflip on a BMX in his hometown of Taupo, New Zealand on may 28th, 2011. |
Backflip web page. 1984 ABA Grands film RAD (1986) Jeff Cotter BMX Plus! may 1991. No-handed double backflip video. Jed Mildon's triple flip 2011. |
backflip 360 | Zach Shaw 1993 Zach, march 2005: I came up with the idea after doing the Mansfield Demo with Mat Hoffman in 1990 where he pulled the first flair, it got me thinking that a 540 flair was possible but I had to learn flips first ! ... when I finally got the opportunity to learn flips I started messing with flipping and spinning (on a jump), I could do 180 flips no problem but getting the extra rotation was really hard and I never could get more than flip 270's until I went too the jump at Crowhurst in Hastings. When I first jumped at Crowhurst I realised that this was THE jump i could do it on, I didn't say anything to anyone there and just rode in to try it, the first one i rotated full 360 and landed then my back wheel slid out, the second attempt the same thing happened on the third attempt I landed sideways and blew the spokes out of my back wheel and had the wind taken out of me as I landed on my ribs, this footage is on a rare video called WASTED II, possibly available from Custom Riders in the UK? I vowed to pull the trick the very next weekend ! When I went back to Crowhurst it took me 2 attempts to pull the 360flip (zakflip) which was documented by DIG magazine. Stephen Murray did a turndown-360-flip in 2002 and a turndown to xup 360 flip in 2003. Dave Mirra did a no handed 360 flip in march 2006. Colton Satterfield 360-backflip-tailwhip pulled on the FISE Costa Rica contest, february 5th, 2012. He has pulled the 360-backflip-tailwhip already in june 2011 on resi. |
Zak Shaw 1993 Ride BMX US july02 Angus video |
backflip tailwhip | Mat Hoffman almost pulled one in 1993 and Adam Strieby did it in 2001. Scotty Cranmer has pulled double tailwhip backflips in 2004. Cameron White pulled a barspin-to-tailwhip backflip at the 2007 Dew tour round 4, september 2007. FatTony,, August 18th, 2008: Anthony Napolitan tried to do a triple whip flip over the 50-foot jump during Big Air at X Games a few weeks ago and just this week he actually landed one on the resi ramp at Woodward. |
Page. Kyle Baldock 2012. |
backflip... other variations | Mat Hoffman has done no handed backflip jump. Jay Miron rentre no-footed backflip en mai 1992 puis no hand to no foot backflip en juillet 1996. Dennis McCoy unveiled an amazing no-footed cancan backflip for his last trick during the 1997 X-Games. One footed xup backflip by Todd Lyons in 1996 Lookbackflip by Chris Hallman in Props 14 1996 An unknown rider did a superman backflip in 1997 at the bmx worlds in Holland. Ryan Nyquist pulled the first backflip barspin. He has also done suicide no hander to barspin backflip, and double barspin backflips. Backflip nothing by Adam Strieby in 2002 No-handed to turndown backflip Stephen Murray 2002. Hector Restrepo Backflip barspin to candybar september 2009. Bazsi Ivanfi, flip 180 over a spine, Jommopro, april 2010. |
Backflip x-up one foot by Todd Lyons in 1996. Backflip no hand by Cyril Dangeul in 1997. Backflip superman by Alan Cooke in 2003. Dimitri Ivanov backflip lookdown en couverture de Soul mars 2003. |
barrel roll | Barrel roll tailwhip by Chris Hughes, december 2007. | Barrel roll tailwhip by Chris Hughes. |
barspin | In today fast-paced BMX world, the busdriver has transformed intothe barspin.
Instead of following the bars around with a hand like the original busdriver, riders now throw
the bars to get the spin. No-footed barspin by Dennis McCoy in 1992. Paul Roberts is doing a barspin to no-hander lander out of a bowl in the Ride from december 1993. Duncan has pulled a quad-barspin at the Panasonic King of Dirt, LA County Fair, september 2000. |
bike flip | Brad Blanchard was attempting bikeflips in 1989. The Brad Blanchard bikeflip had been a complete huck-and-hope until 2004. Senad Grosic laid claim to the trick over a box and Morgan Wade let one fly over the spine during the X-Games X in Los Angeles. Morgan Wade, Ride BMX US, december 2004: Nathan Wessel was trying it on the vert ramp and I thought it was pretty cool. He said, "Why don't you try it?" so I tried it twice in the foam. Once I threw the bike away and I thought it wasn't going to work, but then Nate said something about how to throw the bike. I tried again and pretty much landed on the pedals in the foam. I just wanted to see how it felt, because I had never tried it before. Fifteen minutes later I pulled it on the resi and 15 minutes after that I pulled it on the box to pedals. It's way easier over the spine. It's just a little bit of a low awkward landing, that's all. You don't jump forward: you just go straight up, do it, and go straight down. Going over the box you have to drift over the whole deck, so it makes it a little difficult to get the rotation right. When I first learned it I had both gloves on and it was working since my grips were worn in real well. But then when I put new grips on I couldn't do the trick anymore because my hands were sticking to my grips. I went to get a drink of water and a light bulb went off in my head. I put my hands under the fountain, got my gloves soaking wet, and then pulled it first try. So that's the key-get your gloves wet, with new grips, anyway. Eventually I took the gloves off and just got my hand wet. Sweat works better. anyway, because it doesn't dry out as fast as water. I tried a 360 bikeflip into the foam, but it didn't work out. It seems like you could try a regular three and come around like a three-whip. I don't know how you'd hang onto the bike. Morgan Wade superman bikeflip 2005. Zack Warden was close pulling 360 bike flip at the 2007 Dew in Baltimore and pulled one at the 2008 JomoPro. Zack Warden has pulled backflip bikeflip in june 2010 on resi and pulled this trick on 2012 xgames big ramp. Michael Beran did a 360 bikeflip to tailwhip at the march 2013 Simpel Session. Scooter rider Ryan Williams threw down his first BMX world first - a front flip, forward bike flip during Nitro Circus European Tour, january 2014. |
Morgan Wade 2004. |
busdriver | Chris Moeller did busdriver in 1989 at an ABA National race in Reno Nevada. He was already doing x-ups and one handed x-ups, so he figured, why not going all the way around ? Although he had already done them off picnic tables, his first busdriver on dirt was at this race and he pulled the first one. Chris Moeller,, december 2008: People had been done bar spins out of fly-outs but I was the first to do them over doubles as far as I know. We called it a busdriver because at the time the S&M team van was a VW bus and the bar-spin looked like someone doing a U-turn with that big flat steering wheel. |
cancan | Chris Hughes, can-can back peg grab, Jommopro, april 2010. | Dave Cullinan 1988. |
cancan nothing | Chad Herrington 1992 | Ryan Nyquist no foot cancan nothing 2004. |
canonball | Double Seatgrab Toboggan by Thomas Stellwag in 1998. Ryan Nyquist unveiled the powerball during 2008 Dew Tour round 1, june 2008. It's a cannonball (no-footed double seat grab) with a double barspin. |
Adam Strieby 2000. Quentin Martelaar canonball en couverture du Soul de décembre 2001. |
cashroll | First rider who comes nearly closed to pull was Daniel Dhers at Nike 6.0 Huntington Beach BMX Pro challenge on day 4, July (sunday 26?) 2009 First rider in comp who did the trick, was Brett "Mad Dog" Banasiewicz, also called "Big Daddy". He tried the jump at the BMX Masters on Sunday July 18, 2010 He also pulled as first in competition the No-handed Cash-roll at the Simpel Session 2011 contest on Sunday Februar 06, 2011 Brandon Loupos pulled as first the Tailwhip to Cash-roll in June 2013 on Woodward Ward resi jump. Cristian Torres Bonafe pulled this trick as first in competition at the "Happy ride" dirt contest, La Poma Bikepark in October 2013 |
crankflip | John luc-e Englebert 1992 | Ride BMX US july 2001. |
decade | Superman decade by Reuel Erickson in 1998. Mark Webb decade to late 360 october 2008. Austin Coleman is doing one handed decades in 2011. Pat Casey did a double decade at the FISE Costa Rica, february 2012. Mark Webb truckdriver to late decade january 2012. Michael Beran has pulled barspin to decade and decade to barspin on the 2012 Redbull Skyline 2012 contest. |
Reuel Erickson 2002. |
drano | Body varial. In 1993, Chad Herrington is doing nothing seat grab body varial. |
Jeff Harris 1991 |
frontflip | Joe Sandilands pulled the first frontflip. Scotty Cranmer has pulled a frontflip turndown in 2005. Ryan Guettler tried a frontflip tailwhip on Mellow Park Contest in Berlin in 2005. Morgan Wade tried a no handed front flip at X Games 11 (2005). He didn't land it but may have previously. Scotty Cranmer pulled no footed frontflip in his homepark in 2005. Daniel Dhers pulled a front flip over a spine at the Baco Halloween jam in october 2005. He carved a large distance sideways to make it happen. Seriously twisted looking. Scotty Cranmer pulled a frontflip tailwhip in september 2007. January 2008, Chris Jones gets close of a double frontflip on dirt. October 2008, Dan Sieg pulled a double barspin frontflip over the giant jump in front of The Unit. July 2009, Anthony Napolitan pulled world’s first double frontflip on a BMX bike at X Games 15. Todd Meyn, Superman frontflip, september 2009. Andy Buckworth completed the world's first double front flip variation (no hands) at Nitro Circus Live in Hamilton, New Zealand on Feb 12th, 2010. Ryan Taylor did a fastplant frontflip at the march 2013 Simpel Session. |
Freedom #2 Joe Sandilands 1993 |
hardflip |, march 2011: 24-year-old Ingvar Neumann of Tartu, Estonia is the first person to land BMX's first lateral bike flip. Dubbed the "Neu Flip" by the organizers of Simpel Session, Neumann refers to the trick as "HD, for Heavy Drug, High Definition and Happy Day." The trick, a flyout style jump in which the bike is laterally flipped 360 degrees in the air underneath the rider, was pulled on home turf by Neumann and uploaded to YouTube on Wednesday, March 23. "I hope that I am the first one who has ever landed this trick on the planet," said Neumann on his personal blog. "Somebody has probably done it and I am the only who doesn't know that," he added, "but who cares." The trick has been attempted by riders for years using trampoline bikes, and was featured in the 2001 video game "Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2" as the original version of the trick now known as the bike flip. Riders such as T.J. Lavin and Jody Donnelly have reportedly also attempted the "neu flip" in the past. Neumann is the first to land the trick clean to the pedals, and provide documented evidence of the pull. Ingvar Neumann,, march 2011: The first time when i tried to make that was about an year ago when i saw my friend doing that on trampoline. I was so obsessed to try that thing on my own bike. It seemed to be impossible but so cool that time. Few days ago i went for it. It took about 3 hours... whole practicing and testing. It's very hard to get the bike spinning. And this trick took life from my handlebar on the 2nd attempt ( i was thinking about quitting) |
Jamie McParland HardFlip to disaster attempt 2001. Jamie McParland,, march 2011: This was 2001 when i was working on these. I landed one but was leaning so far back i tipped over. It was the closest i ever got. I crashed a lot and bent so many pairs of bars i gave up on the trick shortly after this. I never really got back to working on it. Ingvar Neumann march 2011. |
indian air | Indian air seat grab on the cover of Spokesmen #2 summer 2000 Andre Ellison 2000. |
inward | Kind of a scooter flip. Liam Quinlivan 2013. Liam Quinlivan, january 2013: Hey I'm Liam quinlivan and I'm still the only one who can land an inward on a bmx I've seen others try and get really close but still the only rider who can do it |
Liam Quinlivan 2013. |
lookback | BMX Action, septembre 1983, How to do a Judge: Timmy Judge hasn't become accustomed to having a style of jumping named after him. "I used to just call it a kickout, but now everyone calls it a Judge." | |
nac nac | Will Smith1987. Le nom comme la figure est le verlan de can can. |
Fuzzy nacnac seatgrab 1992. Leo Forte 2012. Dean Anderson 2012. |
no foot cancan | Ryan Nyquist landed a nothing no footed can can to barspin at X-games 99 on dirt. Ryan Nyquist has pulled a barspin no foot cancan in june 2006. |
Brian Foster 1995 Steve McCann no foot cancan one hand 1999. |
no footer one hander | Bob Morgan is doing one-hander-no-footer while testing the ACS Z-rims in BMX Action september 1980. Possibly one of the looniest dirt jumpers EVER was "Trash Can" Morgan. He was the ultimate thrasher, responsible for trash canning many a bike and also the first person to ever pull off a no-footer one hander. |
Morgan 1981. Chris Moeller 1987. |
no hander | Bob Morgan is doing no-handers while testing the ACS Z-rims in BMX Action september 1980. There's a picture of Anthony Sewell doing a no hander way ahead of its time in BMX Plus! magazine july 1981. tuck, tuck no hander, condor, ... Suicide no-hander. |
Mark Taylor’s no-hander at Saddleback on the cover of BX Bi-Weekly february 1976. Bicross magazine october 1983 cover. Mike Parenti suicide no-hander 2003. |
nothing | Bob Morgan 1981. Chris Moeller was pulling them back in 1987. Chad Herrington is doing many nothing variations in Ride On video. |
Bob Morgan 1981. Chris Moeller BMX Action april 1988. Mike Forney 1994. Paul Roberts 1995. Nothing seat grab Chad Herrington 1995. Dave Voelker 1997. |
one footer | BMX Action, may 1979 issue featured a small pictorial on Timmy Judge. "The Judge," who had some pretty hefty NBL titles from back east and was full-factory Thruster, did the unthinkable. Well, maybe thinkable, but never done before-a one-footer. Fiola and you guys... you know who to thank. | Tim Judge, Thruster factory rider, doing his famous one-footer on the cover of BMX Action october 1979. |
one footed x-up |
Cover of BMX Plus! july 1983. Ron Wilkerson 1988. |
one hander |
Mike Poulson on the cover of BMX Plus! june 1982. |
pendulum | No foot cancan to no foot cancan the other side. Drew Bezanson did a double pendulum (ie 4 cancans) in january 2011. Drew Bezanson - Pendulum to tailwhip - december 2011. |
superman | Bob Kohl was doing them on ramps back in 1987. Ron Wilkerson superman on dirt sequence in BMX Action may 1988. No handed Superman by John Parker in 1993. Superman seatgrab busdriver by Joe “Butcher” Kowalski in 1996. |
Ron Wilkerson in BMX Action may 1988. Troy McMurray superman seatgrab 1994. Stuart King superman seatgrab 1994. Joe Rich superman seatgrab 1996. Cyril Dangeul 1997 Alan Cooke 2000. Superman nothing 2000. Stéphane Renaud superman seatgrab en couverture du Soul de mars 2001. TJ Lavin superman nothing 2002. |
tabletop | Despite rumors that Johnny Tabletop first did it in 1968, the first tabletop ever recorded on film was of David Clinton on his Kawasaki at Saddleback. The date? July, 1975. One footed TableTop by Timmy Judge in 1980. Brad McDonald,, september 2006: My foggy memory is that a Judge was originally a lookback, but Harry Leary claimed the trick (The Leary), so Tim Judge found something new to claim (a one-footed table). At least that's how I remember BMX Action presenting it. Seems hard to believe that someone could claim to invent the one-footed tabletop, but I guess someone had to be first. I'm sure being sponsored by Hutch or Diambondback back then helped with "naming rights" for tricks. |
David Clinton 1975. Matt Hadan, one-footed, 1990. |
tailwhip | Darren Whitfield,, may 2007: I'm from Barnsley in South Yorkshire. Many may dispute this but I THINK (and if I'm wrong don't jump on me) I invented the Tailwhip Jump. Southsea Skatepark around 83 I was trying to do a Can Can jump out of the bowl just in front of the main key hole bowl that everyone jumps out of. As I was practicing them my foot slipped off the other pedal as I stepped over the frame and the frame unintentionally spun round which gave me the idea. Next time I tried to do it and I meant to kick the frame round but didn't get my feet back on the pedals. Anyway, after many attempts I managed to get my feet back on the pedals and ride out which I think was probably one of the first Tailwhip Jumps. Albeit not as high or as stylish as they do it these days. Jess Dyrenforth did witness it if he remembers but no photographer was there at the time so you only have mine, Dave Slade's and Jess D's word for it. I did learn it in one day and I did again many times after. However, because I wasn't a high profile rider no big deal was made of it. Action Bike rarely ventured up north as many will testify so after doing it at Southsea no one else would see me when I got back home. Mat Hoffman was pulling them on dirt in 1990. Taj Mihelich had the one handed version down first. Dave Osato did superman tailwhip at the 1997 worlds in Netherland. Allan Cooke has done opposite tailwhips in 2001. Was he the first ? 2005, Scotty Cranmer has pulled a turndown to tailwhip. Morgan Wade superman double whip 2005. James Foster pulled a triple tailwhip at the RedBull Elevation contest in august 2005. Matt Sparks has landed a tailwhip to tailwhip back in october 2006. Mike Spinner pulls quadruple tailwhip on the resi at Dave Mirra's warehouse in Greenville, North Carolina, July 5, 2008. Kyle Baldock superman seatgrab to tailwhip june 2012. |
Go august 1990. Rob Nolli 1994. Taj Mihelich tailwhip one hand 1999. Blackjack x-up tailwhip 2002. Mike Spinner quad july 2008. |
tailwhip to barspin | Colin MacKay, Ride BMX UK #56 december 2001: I'd like to think I did tailwhip to barspin first. | |
toboggan | Toboggan by Jeff Tabbachi in 1986. Andy Seehousen, tobbogan to turndown, Jomopro april 2010. |
Jeff Tabbachi on the cover of BMX Action september 1987. |
truckdriver | Double truckdriver Dennis McCoy and Jay Miron 1993. Ryan Nyquist has done Truckdriver to x-up one foot, Triple Truckdriver, Triple Backtrailer (bus to bus back to bus) and double barspin to barspin back 360 in 1997. Duncan has pulled a quad-truckdriver at the Panasonic King of Dirt, LA County Fair, september 2000. Danny Hickerson has done truck drivers over a spine landing in a manual to 180 out in 2004. Ben Hennnon pulled a truckdriver to whip at the 2005 Backyard jam. James Foster pulled a truck-to-downside-whip during Dirt qualifiers at the Dew Tour round 3, august 2006. Jeremiah Smith pulled a a Truck to tuck no-hander at the april 2008 JoMoPro. Josh Hult Truckdriver to downside whip on dirt september 2009. Pat Casey did a Truck to double tailwhip at Nasty's Jam, january 2011. Karl Southern first ever 360 with 5 barspins december 2014. |
turndown | Harry Leary invented them in the 70's. His first pic of a Turndown is in BMX Weekly October 1976. Cette figure est d'ailleurs parfois appelée un leary. |
BMX Action july 1979 Harry Leary. Chuck 1996. BMXup #11 mars 1998. |
x-up | Less commonly known as a Cross Up, the x-up is one of the oldest tricks in Bike Stunt. During the early days ('70s), it was the radical jump. It's called an X-Up because when you do it, your arms form an X. There is also a variation called an X-Down, which is turning an X-Up the opposite way you normally would. BMX Action january 1982: You don't need a degree in grammar to figure out where the X-up (pronounced ex-up) tag come from. To 180 the bars you have to bring your arms across your chest in a big X. |
RL Osborn (?) 1977. Soul septembre 1999. Blackjack 360 x-up 1999. |